Introducing the Knock Aftercare Program! (Patreon)
For those who might be interested, we are launching a new feature called the Aftercare Program! If, at any point, a patron decides that they would like to spend some additional time with one of our staff members after a successful breeding, they can use their app to get in touch with our Aftercare Department. The menu item for this feature will be launching soon, so please keep your app updated to the most current version.
Not yet a patron but wish to help tend to our gravid staff? We would love to have you! Simply send in an application using the same Aftercare Program button and we will get you added to the roster. For the curious, our Aftercare Program includes many daily life activities such as showering, cooking, lactation assistance, and even intimate care for those who desire it. Big thanks to Collette and Dox for piloting this new program~