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We are proud to announce that Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 has arrived to our humble service, and that's not all.  You can also now use Realistic Vision XL, DreamShaper XL, Counterfeit XL, and SDXL-based LoRAs like Loh's Cute Social Comic XL.  By the end of the month we aim to have hundreds of SDXL models in the system. Can't stop, won't stop.

(Gallery: XL prompts by Cauze Koopa, Mark White, Squibduck, Eggs Benadryl, & community)

FAQ: Getting Started with SDXL

/render your prompt <sdxl> (or another XL model from this family)

SDXL is not compatible SD 1.5 or 2.1 LoRAs & TiS

You must use XL Loras with SDXL, that's the big difference. All of our old favorite LoRAs, TIs, Recipes -- none of that is compatible. They are coded different. We're starting over.

The good news is, the community is hard at work at converting them.

XL inpaint and XL controlnet are rolling out later

Our other tools are not compatible yet, so today you can only use text to image, XL Loras, and Facelift. This is just temporary as we must now rewrite our software to handle XL code changes. All of our commands and tools like remix, inpaint, etc will be available later this quarter.  That said, you can use /facelift to boost your SDXL creations to ~4K quality

How to use SDXL

It's already preinstalled, you can start using it right away, no setup!

- In Web UI, there is a new pulldown menu in the concepts picker (pictured, top right).

- Choose the Stable Diffusion XL family and you'll find the checkpoints and loras for XL there

- In Telegram, you can browse a list of SDXL models by typing /concepts /sdxl

- In case you missed it, you can also search by doing /concepts /search: xl

New #sdxl hashtag

As a time saver, you can use the new hashtag #sdxl to add common negatives, or create your own recipe.  Using this puts the usual negatives in your prompt without having ti type them: mutated hands, low quality, etc. as well as the usual high quality prompts, masterpiece, etc.

Example prompt

/render a very cool cat #sdxl

See? Who said it had to be complicated.  Add another XL model to the prompt to shake it up


We're looking forward to your creations!  Please share your art on our Subreddit

A new Challenge Appears!

Congratulations to Johny Shetty, our winner of last month's "Warrior Princess" Contest!

This month you can win $50 or a PirateDiffusion Hoodie by entering our new challenge: "Fabulous Hair, Right There" - come see the entries so far and cast your emoji votes.

A popular entry submitted yesterday by Witty, can you beat this?

Join a Prompt Sharing Group

One of the best reasons to join is our amazing community of talented creators and helpful prompt engineers. Find your people and your inspiration in our prompt sharing groups today. For patrons only - here's the full list

Thanks so much for your support!

It's been an amazing journey, this community has come so far in so little time, and we look forward everyday to surprising you with more cool tools.  Thank you so much for your continued support, truly.

Captain Freeman + Tlack305



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