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New week, new features!   

We've updated our website with more tutorials and examples, check it out 

New Fantasy Model:  <protonova>

Try the 8.0 release of Protogen Nova in early access, which we liked a lot more than 8.6 Infinity.  It's a bit tricky to work with as there are multiple trigger words for different styles, so note that the trigger words go last in your prompt. You can supposedly repeat the word Protogen as well for more fantasy effects, though in our testing that seems hit or miss. Either way, it's beautiful.

New models for Anime Lovers

Pictured above:  <niji>  Open Niji is trained on Niji Journey images and blended with Anything V4 for a premium modern look.  We renamed the old Niji inspired model to "Plat" to avoid confusion.

Pictured below:  <ranma> Trained on hundreds of 80s anime images from Ranma, this throwback retro model will bring you back to simpler times.  If you get confused typing Ranma vs. Ramna just remember this - Who ran away from grandma? Ranma!  

Get all three copy codes instantly to install on your private bot when you join PRO and enter the Early Access room, plus all the other pro models.  See the Pinned post for more details.

Rejected, for your sanity

The beta version of OpenJourney V2 and the official release Protogen Infinite 8.6 did not pass our quality standards and were kicked to the curb.  We do have a few more ideas for new concepts and conversions, so stick with us as we've got more surprises coming.

Bugfixes from last week

We made some improvements to long prompt support, that should work better now.  This is a hold over until the website version is finished.

Known issues

/remix defaults to Stable Diffusion 1.5, so please re-prompt your changes instead with /brew or /render until we fix this issue.  We're making some improvements to how concepts are replicated when we spin up new servers, so this is likely connected. We'll bring this back as soon as possible.

Some large render jobs aren't being sent to Telegram but are being rendered.  Use the /gallery and /history commands to pick up your images on your personal website cloud url when that happens.  You can also use /username to make yourself anonymous and /gallery again to hide it from the web.  

As always, if you're having any trouble don't hesitate to give us a shout in the chat channel, we're happy to help.

Until next time,




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