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We've added a ton of features this weekend, so let's get started!

Anything V4 is here, and AV3 is also back (updated)

So AV4 was made by blending parts of AV3 and Yohan by a different group, and it's a bit of a departure of 2D anime style. It's crazy sexy though (sample below). 

More realistic models as well!  The Photo Real 2 model is also now available in early access. Remember to use the /facelift feature and pose your subjects with good lighting or the eyes just won't look right.

We're now up to 60 full AI models, and more documentation will soon be available to help you keep track of them.  Use our trusty old concepts and requests models tracker in the meantime:


Styles web view now available

The community-created styles recipe list is too big to draw in Telegram, so use this handy link instead.  It's pinned in the community room for easy access.

That list features a lot of great prompt ideas that you can use in your own private room.  To clone one, follow the instructions in /styles

Wouldn't a web concepts view with useful notes also be nice? We think so too so we'll try to finish that by next week for you as well.

New images counter command

/render /images:1  and your prompt.  Get up to 9 images at time!

Global settings has a new loadouts feature

As suggested by one of our very lovely patrons, you can now create a group of savings and load them in and out in one batch. 

It's really useful when switching from quick sketch workflows to production, or when switching aesthetics. Type /settings to see how it works in your private chat. Caveat:  /remix does not take into account global settings because we presume you want to alter the image, but perhaps this is confusing. Let's discuss this in the pro dev channel.

Patreon benefits are now easier to sync

In your private chat, please type /email my@email.com and you're set.  (Please use the same email as you saved on Patreon or it won't recognize you.)

Bug fixes and known issues

As a general rule of thumb, if your bot does not respond, try moving long prompts into styles (telegram has a 4k character limit) and lower your /size resolution if your images aren't returned in one minute.  Also, remember to make PirateDiffusion_bot the administrator of your group chat or it cannot /remix images, and images must be sent using Telegram's "compressed/quick" format or it cannot be read by the bot.

There is a pesky bug in the free demo community room that randomly states "i'm too busy" instead of starting the queue. We'll fix this one soon. In the free room, some keywords like "grass" are triggering the NSFW filter. The inpainting /cut and /paste commands are offline due to incompatibility with SD 2.1.  We plan to solve all these matters as soon as possible. 

Minor visual update on the logo and icons

As you may have noticed we zoomed our icon in a bit and added an eye patch, and better color-coded the various rooms to make them easier to tell apart. We still plan to continue satirizing Starbucks when larger image sizes are allowed.

As always, a huge thanks to our patrons for your continued support.  See you in the trenches, and Render-Ahoy!



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