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A new concept is loaded in the beta channel - Modern Disney!   

Example prompt

/render <modern-disney> a princess with golden hair

/render /render <modern-disney> a baby lion

Works great with characters, cars, and landscapes.

Where to test with it

Please enjoy it here and it will be pushed to your private bots after more testing


Try lower guidance if you get any blue artifacts.

An update on housekeeping

We recently made some server changes and some files didn't copy over apparently. Really sorry about this! I'm going through each and every concept in private chats and beta to make sure they're working, and you can see my progress here:


This is a pinned post in the beta room for your convenience.  If you ever have a tech support issue, check there first and put a comment on the model that isn't working.  Or DM me anytime- @yanmam

You can comment here on Patreon as well, of course.

Thanks for creating with us!



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