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Capital: Radatar

Type: Despotic empire

GDP: 9th (ranking)

Military: 6th (ranking)

Population: 8th (ranking)

If it were up to the Jardovians, the whole world would be ruled by their one and only undisputed emperor.

Well... at least that's what some of the Jardovians honestly think.

Jardovia is a country mired in a long internal conflict that has claimed the lives of thousands and thousands of citizens. The high Jardovian emperor is obsessed with getting rid of the nations of Ursikan and Albanir, the rival powers of the empire, thus taking over the northern continent of Shadre.

However, the reality is that Jardovia has a poor quality of life, a modest level of technology for the Shadreic standards, and a limited economy in terms of capital and resources.

Jardovia has a respectable army, though. Legions of fervent soldiers pledge loyalty to their emperor, being always prepared to defend their homeland at all costs.

And, at the other side of the coin, millions of Jardovians contrary to the regime dream of an end to a nightmare that has gone on for far too long...

Jardovians are well known for their loyalty, dedication and will to fight for their beliefs.



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