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I went with my heart, and started working on something I wanted to see, some other artists out there, like Doxy and Bigdad among others really inspired me.

I don't want to give too much away, but i'm trying to do a new format that i've practiced that is a lot more manageable for me.

I am so sorry it's been light on posting so I thought I'd tidy up one of the pics I was working on during stream to give you guys something to look at and an idea of what the rendering will look like.  I also posted some rough drafts of my first few pages, I have dialogue written and there is more but I didn't want to overly spoil where I am going with this.

The goal is to get a page a week posted, don't kill me If I can't match it, I'm in a rough spot in my life and I'm just failing to get my shit together despite my best efforts, so once again I wanna thank you all for your support and kindness.

Hopefully working smarter and not harder will pay off, we'll see I suppose!?




I'm a Prequel fan, we go years between updates sometimes. My patience is steel. Stoked to see where this goes though!


Consider my interest piqued, Grim. I'm curious/excited to see where this goes but I'm happy to wait for you to progress on your own time/terms.