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All characters are 18+

I might make this a short series (5 parts give or take)

I can't say that there was anything particularly exciting about my life. Everything was as normal as you'd expect it to be for a nineteen year old college kid, who came from a normal family, lived in a normal town, and had a pretty normal childhood.

College had been an experience to say the least, but living like an adult for the first time in my life was actually quite fun. I didn't have anybody breathing down my neck, or telling me what to do, I was free to do whatever I wanted, and I guess that's how I ended up being the college cock sleeve.

I gave myself the nickname, but it was pretty damn accurate. I suppose a lot of people would keep that a secret, and I did, until it became public knowledge to every kid on campus. I was embarrassed at first, because who wouldn't be? But people were different here.

Back in high school, even a mention of someone being gay was grounds for social suicide. Yet here, nobody seemed to care in the slightest. Hell, even the frat guys who were all muscle men and football buffs were cool with it, and by 'cool with it' I mean that they were some of my best customers.

Customers makes it sound like I was a prostitute or something, but the truth was, being used by straight men was payment enough. I was their dirty little secret, and I was happy to remain that way. Guys came to me when they weren't getting it off their girlfriends. They came to me when they were drunk and in need of a hole. They came to me whenever, wherever and for whatever reason they wanted to, and when I say 'came to me' I mean came in me.

To say it was a shock to my system was an understatement. I went from being a pretty shy guy who had a handful of close friends back home, to being one of the most popular people on campus who was invited to every single party for one purpose only.

Did I care? Hell no, I didn't care. I was living my best life out there. I was spending every single weekend getting fucked up with groups of people who I hardly knew, and it would always end the same way, and that was messy.

So how did a guy like me, from a normal, sleepy town in the middle of nowhere, end up becoming a toy for an entire campus? Well, let me explain.

I didn't go to college with the intention of becoming some sort of cock slut. In fact, I was happy to keep my sexuality as secretive as I had done all my life. I wasn't a flamboyant type of guy, and unless I told you, you'd never know.

My roommate was a dude called Lyle. I had to hand it to him, as irritating and pretentious as he was, it was all because of him. He seemed like every other rich snob who cared more about partying than he did about college. His folks paid for everything, so I guess he didn't have to care much.

The first day we met, Lyle spent most of the afternoon telling me about all of the things that he'd done. He explained in meticulous, boring detail about all the countries he'd visited, all the cars he'd owned and all the women he'd slept with, and I was pretty sure that at least some of those things were bullshit.

By that night, I swear he hadn't stopped talking long enough to take a breath, and when it finally came time to go to bed, Lyle asked me for a blowjob.

I wish I could tell you that there was some romantic, sensual buildup to the whole thing, but the guy came right out and asked me with a straight face. It wasn't even one of those situations where I thought that he was joking, there was nothing remotely comical about how he asked me.

"A blowjob?" I repeated, and he nodded.

"One of my old buddies and I used to help each other out" he told me, "it really helps with the stress, y'know?"

I didn't know. What I did know was that despite how truly insufferable my new roommate was, he was also annoyingly handsome. He reminded me of a British prince, though he wasn't actually British, or a prince. He just had that look about him, like he knew he was better than everyone else, but it somehow made him more good looking.

I could have gone back and forth with him, but the truth was, I was more than happy to suck his dick, I'd just never sucked a dick before, so I wasn't exactly sure where or how to start. Lyle wasn't fussed, and simply lay back on his bed and began scrolling through his phone as I approached him.

Yes, my heart was racing, and yes, I was worried I'd fuck it up, but how hard could it really be? He lifted his ass when I grabbed his boxers, and a few seconds later, I was staring down at a pretty hot looking dick that looked about six inches long.

I nervously got to my knees at the side of his bed and held it for a moment, just basking in the feeling of my first ever dick. It was warm and surprisingly firm, and I jerked him slowly as he completely ignored my existence.

I wasn't sure if I was glad that he was acting as though I wasn't there, or if I was angry about it. It took the pressure off slightly, and even when I found the courage to take him in my mouth, he continued mindlessly scrolling.

The flavour of his cock was phenomenal. I hate to admit how delicious he actually was, but it was true. I could taste his pre-cum almost instantly, and although it was salty, there was something sweet to it, too. I sucked on his pole like it was an ice lolly, and I continued doing so even when my throat protested and I gagged violently.

There was nothing soft or loving about it. In fact, I don't think he looked up from his phone once. I sucked and he enjoyed it, or at least, I think he enjoyed it, because after about twenty minutes, he pumped five or six squirts of jizz into my mouth without warning, and I spat it all out onto his pubes.

"Oh come on, man" he said, when the orgasm finally passed, "that's a dick move!"

I wasn't sure why I spat it out. His cum tasted remarkably similar to his pre-cum, so without much hesitation, I pressed my lips over his pubic hair and I sucked his sperm into my mouth, before swallowing it and sitting back.

"Thanks" he nodded, and pulled his underwear up, and five minutes later he was sleeping.

I expected that to be the end of my sexual encounters in college, or at least the ones with my roommate anyway, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

The next morning I woke up and just like every morning, I checked my phone. I had dozens of notifications, and I was sure that there'd been a mistake, because when I pulled up my Snapchat, I had over thirty friend requests.

I assumed that someone either famous or extremely popular had given my Snapchat name instead of their own, but when I scrolled through the names, some of them were surprisingly familiar.

Chase Owens was on there, and I knew he was on the hockey team. Riley Asher had his face painted on the wall in the hall because he'd won a regional competition the year previous for wrestling, and he, too was on the list, and the further I scrolled, the more names I recognised.

Naturally, I accepted them all, but I didn't think too much more about it. I went on with my day, but when I got back to the dorm that evening, and thankfully had the place to myself, I began to get strange messages.

Hey mightn't sound that odd, but coming from popular guys who I'd never spoken to before, made me curious. I had some short conversations with some of them, until finally I took the plunge.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but why did you add me?

I watched the chat as Chase Owens began typing, and a moment later I read the message.

I liked your video. Just keep that between us two, yeah?

I cocked a brow. I had no idea what video he was referring to, but I got the same answer from three of the other guys I was talking to, as well, warnings and all, and then finally someone sent it to me.

My eyes widened as I watched myself giving Lyle a blowjob. My cheeks burned red, and a spark of fury ripped through my body. He'd video recorded me! He was lucky he wasn't in the room at that moment, because although I'd never been a violent guy, that called for violence.

Every few minutes I'd get new friend requests, and all the while I tried to figure out where the video had been posted and how on earth I was going to get it removed. When Lyle eventually returned, I couldn't help myself.

I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall, and almost instantly he began to apologise.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He groaned, "it was meant for my private story, I clicked the wrong one. Please, man, I'm really sorry".

I wanted to punch him, but what was the point? My life was over in the college, and it had barely started. What I didn't know, however, was that my life wasn't over at all.

When the dust eventually settled, I was sure that people would be disgusted at me, yet nobody even seemed bothered by it, and on top of that, the Snapchat messages continued to pour in.

Guys who I'd never even heard of were messaging me and trying to arrange these random hook ups. Guys I did know were doing the same, and I was sure that this was some sort of group joke that half the campus had going, until finally I bit the bullet and agreed to meet Chase Owens behind the library.

It was late, so only the orange street lamps lit the area. I pulled my jacket around my chest as I walked into the shadows, and I was entirely convinced that he was leading me on, until I saw him standing there in an oversized baseball jacket and cap.

My heart was in my mouth, and when I reached him he simply nodded and said "sup".

"Sup" I replied awkwardly, and he looked around him like we were about to do the biggest drug deal of the century before finally whispering; "so, do you wanna?"

I shrugged. Of course I wanted to, that was why I was there, but I couldn't actually believe that he wanted to. That was, until he pulled the front of his grey sweat pants down and exposed his stunning cock.

It was larger than Lyle's, that was for sure. He had some pubes, but they'd been trimmed down neatly, and below his long, flaccid member, his large balls hung loosely. My breath caught in my throat as I gawped at him, and he looked around again.

"Come on, man" he whispered eagerly, "it's getting cold".

Now I was the one to look around. I wasn't exactly sure why we were doing this outside, but I didn't care about that. I stepped toward him, and with one more deep breath, I got to my knees and took his thick cock between my lips.

The differences between his and Lyle's were stark. He spread my lips apart as he grew, and made me choke before he was even fully erect. He was spotlessly clean, and the only scent I got was the soft scent of shower cream. When Chase fucked my mouth, he did so gently and with long, lazy thrusts.

His breaths were laboured and heavy, and his hand caressed my hair as he moaned. Sure, it wasn't romantic, but it was certainly soft, and by the time the young man reached orgasm, I had messed my own underwear with pre.

"Can I cum in your mouth?" He asked, his voice mildly panicked as he bucked his hips.

I nodded my head, because I could think of nothing better, and after a few more seconds, Chase let out a sharp gasp, and my mouth flooded with his tasty seed. It took three gulps to get it down, and I licked up the underside of his shaft as he shivered, to ensure I didn't miss a drop.

"Can we do this again?" He asked as he pulled up the zip on his jacket to conceal his identity.

"Sure" I shrugged, and Chase Owens disappeared into the night.

I grinned as I wiped cum off my chin, and sucked it off my thumb. Perhaps I wasn't really angry with Lyle after all.

The two cocks that I'd sucked had been mind blowing, but I had no idea that they were just a drop in the ocean compared to what I was about to get, and I didn't have to wait long to find out exactly what that was.


Brendan Gavin

Pumped for the rest of this! Hot story


Yes, please make this into series!