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All characters are 18+

Don't catch feelings.

That's what they told me at the beginning, so that's what I'd focused on. They say straight boys are the assholes. That they are somewhat oblivious to the feelings of other people but themselves, but I'd known the frat boys for weeks, and I'd had some type of sexual encounter with almost every single one of them, and yet here I stood, completely feelingless as Brandon and Jake sat either side of me.

"You ready for your first pay day?" Brandon asked, squeezing my knee.

I smiled and nodded.

"You're gonna' get used to this, Hunter" Jake added, squeezing my shoulder.

Carter walked in wearing only a pair of Calvin Klein briefs which accentuated his bulge perfectly. He looked tired and yawned as he stretched his muscular body right in front of me.

"Morning" he mumbled, and rustled my hair.

I was beginning to feel so comfortable with the frat boys that I didn't even blink when Ethan strolled into the room wearing nothing but a smile.

"You need to shave that thing" Wyatt scowled, "it looks like a caveman".

Ethan grinned and wiggled it at him, and Wyatt rolled his eyes.

"Alright boys" he called, getting to his feet, "we had a good month, and we can put that down to hard work, hard fun and of course, our new boy, Hunter".

Brandon nudged me and smiled.

"With that said" he continued, "we need to focus on some things for this month. We need to keep fit and active, we need to engage more with our fans and we need more sex. They want to see horny, hardcore romping, and we've been giving them cheesy, 90s style sitcom vibes, so bottoms, get ready for some serious fucking, and tops, get ready for some serious cardio".

A rumble of laughter filled the room, but I winced when I realised that I was pretty much the only bottom. I cringed as Wyatt handed me the envelope.

"As always" he said, "what you've earned is a direct result of what you've done. In the interest of keeping things fair, it's better to keep your earnings to yourself, now get outta here, we have a busy month ahead of us".

I cocked a brow as everyone stood up, and grabbed Brandon before we left.

"We can't see what anyone else made?" I asked curiously, and he shrugged his large shoulders.

"It's always been that way" he said, unbothered, "keeps things fair, I guess".

"How?" I pried, and he shrugged again.

"I mean, if you worked more than me but I got paid more than you, isn't that the opposite of fairness?"

Brandon smiled at me and draped his arm over my shoulder.

"I've been meaning to ask you something, Hunter" he said as we walked toward the front door. "What are you doing on Friday night?"

I did a double take.

"Um... Nothing, I guess".

"How about we go for a drink? Just you and me".

I gawped at him. Was Brandon asking me out on a date?!

"Oh, uh... I mean... Sure, but... Didn't you say not to, you know, catch feelings".

He laughed as we got to the door.

"You're making that very hard for me, man" he said in a whisper, "just don't tell Jake" he added with a wink, "I think he has the hots for you, too".

I managed a smile, but my mind was confused.

"But you... You're straight" I reminded him.

Once again, Brandon shrugged.

"But you suck cock so damn good" he grinned, and rubbed my chin with his fist, "enjoy your pay cheque" he nodded, and closed the door.

I stood there blankly for a moment, unsure what had just happened. He had been the one to tell me not to catch feelings, yet he was the one asking me out on a date! I wasn't sure whether to be elated or confused, so I felt a mixture of both as I returned to my dorm.

"One fucking grand!" I snapped for the third time. "I got fucked by almost every frat boy in that place, and sucked more dick than I can even count!"

Lawrence lay on his bed reading a copy of the college newsletter and sniggered.

"What?" I barked.

"Most people would kill for a grand" he said and I glared at him.

"They told me" I growled, "they said that they were making big bucks! I was making more money delivering fucking pizza!"

I was furious. I felt my face become violently red as I paced back and forth. I'd been scammed. I'd been shafted in more ways than one.

"I'm going over there" I snarled, grabbing my jacket, but Lawrence stood up and stopped me.

"If you go over there now, you'll only do or say something that you'll regret. Come to Sparkles, blow off some steam, and then go over".

I considered ignoring his advice. I felt cheated, and I was almost shaking with anger.

"Fine" I eventually growled, and an hour later, the two of us walked into town.

"I'm just so fucking pissed, man" I sighed, "it's not even about the money, it's the fact that they lied to me from the start about it".

"Maybe they didn't lie" Lawrence shrugged, "I mean, maybe there's been a mistake or something".

I clung to it. It was easier to believe that than the possibility that Brandon, Jake, Wyatt and all the other frat boys were just using me as some cheap labour.

By the time we reached Sparkles, I was almost calm.

"Oh Lorenzo you are looking delicious tonight" Rico called out, spinning around in his chair.

"Lorenzo?" I sniggered next to him.

"Don't ask" he replied in a whisper.

I waited for Rico to notice me and give me a similar welcome, but when his eyes landed on me, he looked startled.

"Oh, my sweet summer child" he said, sliding off his chair, "I didn't expect to see you here tonight".

I forced a smile, but it was a strange way of greeting me.

Lawrence and I ordered drinks at the bar, though they consisted of two Cokes when the barman refused to give us anything stronger. We took them and walked toward the area to the back before Rico almost charged us.

"No, no" he said, with an unconvincing laugh, "you two boys should sit in the booth, it is much more romantic".

Even Lawrence looked confused.

"Go, go" he added, ushering us toward the other side of the bar and into the small, sheltered booth.

As he walked away, Lawrence and I looked at each other and sniggered.

"What was all that about?" I asked, and he shrugged.


As the two of us sat there chatting, I couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed. Even without the help of alcohol, Lawrence was making me feel comfortable.

"So" he said, eyeing me, "your parents suck, right?"

"My dad, I suppose" I sighed, "mom tries her best, but she listens to him too much".

"That must be tough" he grimaced, "I think my parents were actually relieved when I told them I was gay".

"You told them?" I almost gasped, and he nodded.

"Well" he grinned, "I told my mom and she got so excited she told my dad, and he wanted to throw a party, but my brothers said it would be too 'cringe', so we went out for dinner and my whole family just magically found out and joined us and... Yeah, it was a whole thing".

"Damn" was all I could manage.

"Sorry... I um... I didn't mean to gloat or anything" he squirmed.

"No, no. It's amazing" I smiled, "I'm glad to hear that my parents are just psychopaths".

Lawrence smiled. I smiled, too, and the two of us simply stared at each other and smiled.

"What are you doing on Friday, Hunter?" He asked, and my heart fluttered in my chest.

"I um... I..." And then I remembered. "Shit" I sighed, "I'm supposed to be –"

"Hey, isn't that one of your guys?" Lawrence asked, pointing toward the bar where Ethan walked briskly toward the door.

"Yeah" I nodded, watching as he left.

"And him, too" Lawrence said as Mason hurried along, also.

"Maybe they just came out for a drink" I shrugged, but I was beginning to get quite suspicious, and even more so when Wyatt and Blake strolled casually by.

"Hey, Wyatt!" I shouted, and he glanced over and smiled awkwardly.

I could see Rico glaring at us from the bar as Wyatt came over.

"Oh, hey, Hunter" he nodded, "how are you?"

He didn't even sound like he usually did.

"Um... Well now that you mention it" I half laughed, "I was a bit surprised with the pay cheque earlier".

Wyatt swallowed and stole a glance at Lawrence who casually sipped his Coke.

"Well, maybe we can talk about it another time, huh?" He smiled, and turned to walk away.

"I didn't know there was a meeting here tonight" I added, and Wyatt stopped. "I would have joined if I did".

"No meeting" he chuckled, "just wanted to get out for a while".

With those words, Wyatt returned to Blake who didn't even look at me, and left the building. Lawrence raised his brows.

"What was all that about?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No idea".

"So" he said, evidently trying to take my mind off things, "how about that date then?"

"What date?" I asked mindlessly.

"The date I'm taking you on on Friday" he grinned.

Brandon's voice ran through my mind, but the frat boys had some explaining to do. A lot of explaining to do.

"Yeah" I nodded, downing the last of my Coke, "let's do it".

Lawrence grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh" he said, "one more thing".

I watched as he stood up and held out his hand. I took it and allowed him to lead me toward the bathrooms.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You haven't practiced today" Lawrence sniggered, and I smiled to myself as we strolled by Rico who pretended that he hadn't noticed us.

Something was going on, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. But first, I had a job to do with Lawrence.


Larry Sosler

hmmmmmm......"curiouser and curiouser".


WHATS HAPPENING?? I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach 🥲