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All characters are 18+

A little different today! No sex for once. 

Сука, loosely meaning bitch. Not typically a term one uses toward a male, not unless you want to cause great offence, anyway. But that's what we called him, and honestly, it didn't seem to bother him at all.

Maybe he was a cука, we didn't really know. We didn't really know anything about him other than the fact that he followed us around like a lost puppy and seemed to have some type of strange fascination with us.

We were quite cruel to him at the beginning, and it still brings me great shame to this day. The way we treated him was unfair and horrid, but I guess it was our first taste of hierarchy, our first introduction to submissiveness and domination, and poor little Yuri became our source of entertainment.

There were five of us in total, and I daresay we were a savage bunch. Growing up in Tyva was a miserable affair, and there was no denying the fact that us, as well as every other family in the region were crippled with poverty.

It's a strange situation when everybody you know is poor. There are no us and them, everyone is in the same boat, doing what they can to survive, and trying their best to look happy about it, but nobody was happy.

The climate was brutal, too. It wasn't uncommon for the mercury to drop close to minus twenty degrees celsius, and the fact that many of our parents could barely afford to clothe us for the summer months, meant that we were cold. Very cold.

I don't actually recall when Yuri first appeared. This was in a time when phones, laptops and other electronics simply didn't exist, so we spent our days roaming the streets in search of mischief, and we seemingly built up quite a name for ourselves.

Pavel was my closest friend, but even I couldn't deny that he was a tough young man. He was tall, thin and had a silky complexion which made him almost shine in the cold winter months. His father had died in the war, which meant that even to us he was poorer than poor. Perhaps that was why he was so cruel.

The boy was simply there one day. He was shorter than the smallest of us by nearly a head. He looked healthier, too, with rosy cheeks, watery blue eyes and an air of innocence off him. The cold didn't suit him, either, and he repeatedly wiped his snotty nose on the sleeve of his thick jacket. Yes, Yuri was an interesting creature indeed.

I had to hand it to him. Most of the other boys in the village did their best to keep out of our way, but Yuri ignored the danger and all of a sudden he felt like an abandoned dog that had latched onto us.

Naturally, Pavel and some of the others found great entertainment in the new boy. In exchange for our company, they'd have him run errands for us. Things like shoplifting in the stores that we were already banned from, stealing alcohol from his grandparents to supply to us, and other moronic activities that could have easily gotten the boy a beating or worse. He did them without question.

It wasn't long before Yuri exhausted the work he was good for. Soon, just like us, shopkeepers banned him from the same shops. His grandparents sent him out with two black eyes for stealing their vodka, and even though we hadn't realised it, the rest of the village looked at him as being part of our gang. That was something that Pavel and the others weren't too happy about.

"You have to prove yourself, Yuri" Pavel told him, with a grin that we knew meant trouble.

We took him to the lake. At that time of year, it was nothing more than an ice rink that all the children in the vicinity had been warned to avoid, but we weren't children.

"Take off your clothes and walk to the middle" Pavel said, helping the reluctant boy out of his warm jacket.

Yuri shook like a leaf, but I don't think he was scared. He didn't seem to get scared, I believe he was just as freezing as the rest of us, now that he was being undressed.

They took his t-shirt off him, leaving his slender, smooth body to rattle. I remember looking at him for a moment too long, secretly admiring his pink little nipples which turned hard against the chill.

His shoes and socks came next, his bare feet now buried in the frozen snow as his lips began to change colour. They had him take off his own pants, until the boy's teeth chattered violently as he stood there wearing only his underpants. A pair of white briefs, or tighty-whities as they were commonly known.

I felt sorry for him. He could barely handle the cold weather when he was all wrapped up in his finery, but now that he was mostly naked, I was sure they boy would die.

"Go, go" Pavel told him, placing his hand on Yuri's naked back and pointing out to the middle of the lake.

I was sure that he would refuse. I would have refused! The reward for such stupid behaviour was simply more torture the following day, but the boy was eager, and so he stepped forth until Pavel had a better idea.

"голый" or naked, he said, and Yuri hesitated properly for the first time.

"If you don't, you can't join our gang" my friend pressed, "we've all done it, haven't we boys?"

We hadn't, but we nodded.

He looked back over his naked shoulder at us. I hadn't noticed it before, but he was extremely attractive, especially now. I felt sorry for him, but showing any kind of weakness was not a good look for people like us, so I kept my mouth shut and watched as Yuri pulled the fabric of his underwear from his butt and slid them down his pale legs.

The boy walked naked across the ice. Slow and steady, inch by inch as we watched with our breath held. I had to admit, it was a terrifying thing to experience. The ice was not thick at this time of year. The temperature hadn't dropped enough to allow a person to walk across it comfortably, but Yuri continued until he reached the middle.

I wasn't sure if Pavel and the others were happy or angry that he'd managed to do it, and we all simply stared at him as he turned back to face us and lifted his hands in the air in celebration.

I found myself almost irritated that he was so far away that I couldn't see his junk, but that wasn't something that I would ever tell the others. Being gay wasn't simply frowned upon in the Soviet era, it was illegal, and I was old enough to be thrown into a horrifying cell in Moscow, or worse, a gulag.

As Yuri celebrated his achievement a loud, shattering explosion sounded from beneath the ice, and everything went silent as we watched the cracks begin to form.

"RUN!" I roared, but Pavel shoved me.

"You like him, huh?" He said, and I'd never seen him quite as livid, "you want to marry him, huh?"

"Shut up" I told him, "he'll die!"

"If he dies, he dies".

Pavel reached down and collected Yuri's clothing into his arms. He gestured for the others to follow him, and of course, they did.

"Are you coming or are you waiting for your boyfriend?" He sneered, and the others sniggered.

I turned back to watch the naked youngster gallop clumsily back toward land, and then he was gone.

"He went in!" I gasped, and suddenly Pavel and the others were gone, too, and I remained frozen in place as everybody disappeared.

I stood rooted to the spot as I watched the ripples of freezing water where Yuri had gone in. My heart raced as I waited and waited, and waited.

"Fuck!" I hissed, and began to undress.

I was naked quite quickly, and the baltic chill burned into my bones as I ran toward the edge of the lake. The likelihood of Yuri even being alive was decreasing rapidly, so I jumped, and a moment later, it felt like my entire body had been sliced with millions of tiny razor blades.

My breath exploded from my mouth and the bubbles rose to the surface as I desperately tried to find the naked boy. Everything looked like glass down there, everything except the pale, limp body floating nearby.

I swam toward him, wrapping my arm under his ones and dragging him back toward the surface as the pain became more and more intense. When I managed to get a hand on the ice above, I was able to pull myself up, and yanked Yuri up a moment later.

He was quite light, but he felt waterlogged, so I struggled as I dragged his naked body back onto land.

"YURI!" I yelled, my own naked frame turning numb as I shook.

His lips were blue, his fingertips, too, and his eyes were closed. I placed my ear to his smooth chest, praying for sound, but I couldn't hear a thing other than the swashing of ice water in my brain.

I pumped down hard on his chest, feeling his ribs beneath my palms as I did. One, two, three, four, breathe.

I'd seen it in a movie once, and I supposed that that was a good a time as any to try my luck.

I pinched his nose closed, pulled his jaw open and pressed my lips to his. I blew hard until I felt his chest rise, and returned to pumping on him.

On and on it went until the cold and the exhaustion began to take over, and I was sure that the boy was dead.

Finally, as I reached the end, Yuri coughed a mouthful of lake water onto himself and screamed air into his lungs. I sat back, unbothered by my own nudity as he gagged and spluttered, and eventually stared at me.

"You tried to kill me, motherfucker!" He squealed, and suddenly the little swine was throwing punches as he launched himself onto me.

"Get off, idiot!" I growled, trying to fight back, but I was surprised at the strength of him.

He punched me in the cheek, then in the stomach, and when he aimed for my nose, I managed to kick him backwards, and pinned him to the ground by his wrists, straddling him.

"I saved your life, you fool!"

He was breathless. I was breathless, and the two of us were so cold that our lips had turned blue.

It was a moment of madness. I had obviously lost my brain in the lake, but the way we looked at each other left no room for mistake. I leaned forward, my frozen genitals pressed against his stomach, and our cold lips touched, and remained touching until they became warm again.

I stood up quickly, dizzy with the onset of hypothermia and confusion, but Yuri remained on the ground.

"They took my clothes, didn't they?" He asked, as though we hadn't just committed a serious crime.

"Yes" I replied, "you're an idiot for doing it in the first place".

"I have no friends" he told me without emotion.

As I pulled my jumper over my wet hair, I looked down at the rest of my clothing. I didn't have much, and anything I did have had been my brother's before it, my older brother's before that, and at one point, my dad's.

"Here" I said, and threw him my tattered jacket, "you can have my underpants, too, but I'm keeping my trousers".

Yuri took my underwear and pulled them on, followed quickly by my jacket, then my socks as I kept my shoes. We looked like we'd gotten dressed in the dark, but at least it felt better than it had before.

"My grandparents will kill me" he sniffed, wiping his snotty nose on my jacket, "they bought me them clothes".

"They'll be happy that you're alive" I told him as we walked back through the snowy forest.

"You don't know my grandparents" Yuri grinned, and slid his hand into mine.

Yes, times were tough back then, made only tougher by people like Pavel, but I often think back to that cold, winter's day in Tyva and wonder how my life would have turned out had he not forced poor Yuri into the frozen lake.

I ask him sometimes. I asked him on our wedding day, too, but he still doesn't believe that I saved his life.



I'm not crying you are..


Amazing as always 💖