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I was going to wait until Thursday to post, but I enjoy writing it too much! Enjoy. 

All characters are 18+


He felt his nose pour down his lips and spat a red spray onto the concrete. Why did people always punch him in the face? Why couldn’t they punch him in the arm or something?

A flurry of kicks rained down on him, but he curled into a ball and absorbed them until the gang got tired and dragged him back to his feet, slamming him hard into the wall behind him.

“You have one more week, kid” Ben Morrison told him, digging the end of the gun into his mouth, “or I’ll blow your fuckin’ brains out, do you understand me?”

Liam tasted the blood and metal from the barrel and kept his eyes crossed on it as he nodded.

Another thump into the face caused him to fall back to the ground, and as quickly as it had started, it was over, and the gang strolled back up the lane they’d chased him down. He waited for them to disappear before gasping in pain and wiping his face with his t-shirt.

He never set out to become a drug addict. Hell, he was nineteen-years-old, it wasn’t like he’d had years to do it, but his childhood was a memory that he would rather forget, and meth helped him do just that.

What it also did, however, was kept him in an endless loop of debt.

Ben Morrison had been a friend to him once upon a time. The two of them had met when Liam was just fifteen, though Ben was almost double his age. It was Ben who introduced him to the drug that would both ruin his life and make it bearable, and he did so for one reason only.

The first time Liam smoked more than he could afford, Ben let him away with it. A few months later, he wasn’t so understanding. A few punches first, then Liam found himself selling the stuff in order to pay back what he owed. Now he was smoking more than he was selling, and getting his face broken every other week.

He’d like to say that that was the worst that had happened to him as a result of his addiction, but that barely scraped the surface.

He could take a punch. Hell, he could take all the punches and kicks that Ben and his gang of monsters could dish out, but the constant threat of being killed had certainly taken a toll on his mental health.

Even though Liam had barely reached adulthood, he didn’t really care for life anymore. He had no family, no job, nowhere to sleep, nothing. So if Ben eventually did kill him, would it really matter? All he hoped for was that it didn’t hurt, much.

Pain had always baffled the young man. He’d felt it more than most people his age, physically and otherwise. People acted like it was a terrible thing, but there was something about the sting of pain that he somewhat enjoyed.

It was a level of psychology that he couldn’t comprehend, and he wasn’t particularly bothered about trying. He wasn’t particularly bothered about anything anymore.

Liam got to his feet after a few minutes and blew the blood from his nose before venturing back onto the city streets. He liked the city, especially this part. It wasn’t as seedy as the other areas that he knew all too well. It was populated with business people who were always too busy to notice when he’d dip into their pockets and find enough money for meth, food or sometimes both. Sometimes.

The other parts of the city were home to some very questionable characters, and Liam knew that all too well. When Ben had forced him to work off some debt, he did so in the cruellest possible way, or so he thought.

“You’ll stand here and suck as many dicks as it takes until you get me my fucking money” he had said to the eighteen-year-old at the time, “and if someone wants to fuck you, then charge them extra”.

Liam knew that it was more to humiliate him than to actually get his money. Ben didn’t need money. He made enough money by flooding the entire city with meth, but he certainly enjoyed cruelty, and he was very good at it, too.

Unfortunately for Ben, having Liam sell his body wasn’t the ordeal that he had hoped for. Sure, having fat old men sticking their fat old cocks in his mouth had been pretty gross, but occasionally some handsome married man would turn up, and Liam enjoyed them a lot more.

He’d known he was gay for years, but that was something he kept to himself. He didn’t act gay, so as far as everybody knew, he was just another straight, homeless junkie, and they were nearly correct.

He returned to the corner where he’d knocked the coffee from that rich dude’s hands. He hated people like him, they thought they were better than everyone else. Maybe they were better than everyone else, they were better than Liam anyway, but he still hated them.

“Hey, could you spare a dollar?” He asked some suit wearing woman who grimaced and sidestepped before speeding up. That never worked anyway.

Liam sauntered through the streets, keeping an eye out for potential targets until two men walked briskly by him. One held a folder out and they were both so invested in it’s contents that they nearly knocked Liam over.

“Assholes” he growled, and as he was about to cross the street, he noticed the edge of the wallet in the back of one of their pants.

He scanned the busy street once more. It was one thing for the target to be oblivious, but he had to ensure that the people around him were just as careless. He hurried up behind them and stayed close as he listened.

“I don’t think we should go any higher, Brian” one of them was saying, “one hundred thousand is a good salary, he won’t get that in Myer Goldsmith”.

“I really think we’ll lose him if we don’t offer him two, at least” the other replied, “and you know as well as I do, Warren, he’ll pull in two or three mil in his first few months. It’s a good investment”.

Liam rolled his eyes. He couldn’t even imagine that kind of money, and it pissed him off that some suit wearing douchebag was going to be making that every single year!

“Two hundred thousand a month is above what Winston wants to pay!” Brian sighed, “but a good bottle of Macallan should twist his arm, make the offer”.

The teenager growled to himself, and felt not the slightest bit bad when he plucked the wallet from the man’s pocket and disappeared into the crowd. Fuck that guy.

As he approached another lane to count his loot, he felt a firm grip on his arm and suddenly he was being yanked forward.

“Hey!” He barked, trying to turn back, “get the fuck off me, man!”

At first he didn’t recognise his attacker. Perhaps it was Ben coming back for round two, but when he was slammed against a wall yet again, he gawped.

“What the fuck are you doing?” He snapped at the coffee drinking asshole from earlier.

The man snarled as he dug in his pocket and pulled out his expensive phone. Liam had never even owned a phone before.

“You thieving little bastard!” Gideon hissed, “I knew you were a little scumbag”.

Liam tried to pull his arm away, but the man was stronger than he looked. He kept his grip firm and dialled the dreaded number.

“Police, please” he said, his eyes burning into the struggling teen.

“Please, man!” Liam groaned, “I need money for food!”

“Food” Gideon scoffed, “give me a break”.

“Yes, I have a thief here who I’ve just witnessed pickpocketing” Gideon said into the phone, “a junkie by the looks of things” he added, staring the boy up and down.

Liam pushed him, but he was solid and remained in place.

“Of course I have him” he continued, “yes, by his scruffy neck!”

“Fuck you, man!” Liam snapped, “you try sleeping in a fucking park”.

“I’ve just witnessed him stealing a wallet!” He shouted, “now send someone up here to take him away!”

Liam knew better than most that the police rarely gave a shit about pickpockets unless they caught them in the act. Regardless, he couldn’t risk being seen with police officers if Ben was still around the area. If people got the wrong idea about him, his death would be a lot worse than painful.

“You’re joking me!” Gideon hissed, “I’m in the wrong for keeping the little shit here?”

Liam grinned widely at the man who looked like he’d just eaten a piece of shit.

“This is why this country is so fucked!” He snapped, and ended the call.

“You’re lucky” he growled, putting his phone away, “now hand it over and fuck off out of here”.

“Get fucked, man” Liam smirked, “I need it more than you do”.

Gideon stared at him sourly.

“What happened to your nose?” He asked as more blood spilled from it. He wasn’t particularly interested, but he wasn’t about to be accused of assaulting the little animal either.

“You beat me up” Liam smiled, “real bad

The teenagers calls caught the attention of the crowds and people began to stare over, shaking their heads in disapproval. Gideon released him.

“You’ll get what you deserve someday” the man spat.

“We all will” Liam grinned with red teeth, and disappeared from the busy city streets.



i like liam


I hoped this was the direction you’d take it. Love it