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All characters are 18+

Have you ever met someone and instantly thought to yourself 'yeah, he's an idiot'? Maybe it's the way they say certain words, or the utterly ridiculous things that they come out with, or maybe it's just the way they look, but we've all been there.

That was my buddy Rob, and up until I was twenty-two and he was twenty-four, I thought it was only my buddy Rob, but it would soon transpire that Rob wasn't the only dumbass out of our small group of friends.

I'll cut a long story relatively short, but Rob and I met in college and we became really close through the years. He was a surfer kind of guy, real carefree, just living life and not really too bothered about anything else. The fact that we met in college was quite surprising, and that's not me being an ass, he was as surprised as I was! His dad had a lot of money though, and urged him to do something with his life, so Rob drank and smoked every red cent his father gave him and still dropped out with a year to go.

He was a pretty handsome guy, and even as a straight dude, I'm not afraid to admit it. He had that sandy hair that chicks go crazy for, and a good tan from his days lazing on the beach. He was about six foot, pretty well built, and overall, just a really nice guy.

Anyway, it was the start of the summer break and Rob had just come home from visiting his folks in California. What his folks didn't know however, was that while he was there, he took the keys to their  lakehouse.

The lakehouse was buried deep in the middle of this huge forest, but that suited us perfectly so Rob and I decided to spend an entire week in the place just drinking beer and smoking weed, and I have to admit, it was fucking amazing.

On the final day we cleaned up the entire place which took quite a while and involved returning all the furniture and stuff we'd used down to the basement for safekeeping. His parents used the place a couple times a year around Christmas, so they liked to have it secure for the rest of the year.

The two of us took the old coffee table down the stairs, and the moment we reached the bottom, I guess we both knew something wasn't right. His eyes widened, and when I realised what had happened, mine did too.

The door to the basement had been reinforced in order to keep the families valuables safe, but the manual lock was on the other side of the door, so when it clicked shut, we were trapped.

Now I know what you're thinking. Surely there was a key! And you'd be correct, there was a key, and that key, along with both our cell phones, was sitting comfortably in the car out front.

It was funny at first. We both briefly blamed each other for the mistake and then began pushing and pulling at the door. When the minutes began to tick by, it started to become less and less funny, and when an hour had passed, the humour had died completely.

Now remember when I said that Rob was a chill guy? Well he stopped being so chill after hours locked in a dark basement, and I wasn't much different.

We tried everything. We tried smashing the door down, but it was at the top of a set of narrow steps, so it was impossible to get a good run at it anyway. We tried using various items to pry it open, but once again, it was useless. It seemed that everything we tried to do, the door was designed to take, and after hours of trying to break free, we decided to call it a night and go at it with fresh eyes the next day.

Neither of us slept too well, but when daylight poured through the crack in the horrid door, we went back at it with everything that we had in us.

More hours passed, and that's when the exhaustion kicked in and we regrouped. It had become crystal clear that breaking the door down would be impossible. What was also impossible was finding any other way out, either. The entire basement was complete concrete, and other than the useless furniture, there wasn't much more down there.

Much to both of our relief however, there was a tap with running water, so at least we weren't going to die of dehydration.

We screamed. A lot. I don't know why we screamed, considering we were both well aware that it had taken us hours of driving through dense forest to reach the place, and we hadn't seen a single person, dwelling or fucking cow for the entire journey.

There was no way of telling the time either, other than the amount of light that came through the crack in the door, so things became real fucked up, real quick.

Rob went quiet, like real quiet. He just sat there for hours, not saying a fucking word whilst I tried to come up with an escape plan. We had our first argument on the second night (I think it was night, anyway).

When we woke up on the third day, I had never been so glad to see a bag of Cheetos. We christened it our Lucky Cheeto, and that seemed to be the end of our argument.

Naturally, nature called multiple times and the basement began to stink of piss, and I think it was around day four when we realised how truly fucked we really were.

For a start, nobody knew we were there. Not even his own parents knew, which meant that it was extremely unlikely that anybody was even looking for us.

Add to that the fact that Rob was like a ghost most of the time anyway. He'd disappear for weeks at a time and simply pop up every now and then. I didn't really have family so none of them would be looking for us, and the friends I did have, I rarely saw anyway.

It was around day five when shit became real. We were living on water and a handful of Cheetos per day, and we both knew that eventually, one would run out.

Rob stared talking crazy, like we were going to die, and even though I argued with him, I began to think the same. It was a real fucked up few hours, but it became even stranger when my best buddy stared directly at me and asked me to have sex with him.

Now under normal circumstances, we were both completely straight guys who hadn't ever considered doing something like that before. Except one time when I was younger but that's a story for another day. Anyhow, it was blatantly obvious to both of us that this was anything but normal.

So instead of outright refusing, we talked about it. Rob had a girlfriend back home, though she was almost as aloof as he was, and they hadn't actually spoken in nearly a month.

I was more uncomfortable by the fact that neither of us had showered in almost a week, so the idea of having sweaty man balls in my face was a bit off-putting.

Neither of us could deny that going this long without busting a nut wasn't good for our mental health, and so the decision was finally made that in the spirit of having one last explosive cum before death, we would do what all buddies should do for each other. Once we'd washed our junk under the water that was.

We'd seen each other naked a thousand times. I was always envious of Rob's meat, it was real neat and tidy, and he had a decent size too. I was smaller and thicker than he was, measuring about six inches hard, but something about slowly crawling toward death together made it all seem a bit ridiculous.

Rob stood naked before me, and I, before him, as though we were having some sort of deranged marriage ceremony. Neither of us had any idea what to actually do however, until he awkwardly reached for my trunk and began squeezing it.

I mimicked him, and the two of us stood face to face jerking each other off. I actually got hard, which I was quite impressed by, but Rob stayed soft.

"Am I not good enough?" I asked with a genuine chip on my shoulder.

It took about five minutes of wanking off my best pal before his cock showed any signs of life, and when it started, it didn't seem to stop. Now I said I'd seen his cock before, but I'd never seen it hard, and when it finally reached full mast, it must have been about eight inches long. I was mesmerised.

We jerked each other for the longest time. Probably because both of us were nervous about what to do next. That and the fact that we knew we were going to die, that was a bit of a mood killer too.

Eventually my wrist got sore, and my cock began to get carpet burn, so I bit the bullet as they say, and got down on my knees.

Did I feel stupid? Yes. Did I still lean forward and suck the first cock of my life? Also yes.

I can't even say it was a bad experience. Rob seemed to get a spark back when he began to slide his dick further into my throat, and suddenly he was moaning.

The taste of his pre-cum was actually quite enjoyable, though I never told him that. I sucked and sucked until my jaw ached, and I got pretty good at it if I do say so myself.

He was spilling barrels of the stuff into my mouth, and I suppose he was expecting me to spit it out, but I drank that shit like it was Mountain Dew, and kept drinking until he stopped and offered to return the favour.

Having Rob suck my dick was nothing like I expected. I'd had my dick sucked plenty of times before, and as much as I loved women, they were always too gentle. The common belief that men are better at sucking dick, was the truest fucking thing I had ever known. Without ever having sucked a dick before, Rob gobbled that motherfucker until sweat dripped down my face and I had to push him off before I exploded in his mouth.

Now we were both horny and desperate, and the wild ordeal that occurred in the following half an hour was unlike anything I'd ever known.

Legs and arms flew around, hands grasped cocks, fingers went into places that they shouldn't have, and after a while, I was on all fours on the concrete and Rob's fingers were sliding in and out of my butt hole.

You know what I learned that day? I learned that you gay guys have been keeping all the fucking secrets! The harder Rob finger fucked my ass, the more juices that spilled from my cock, and I can safely say that I made a promise to myself that if I ever got out of that fucking basement, I would never again jerk off without something thick in my butt.

Another thing I'll say is that I applaud the gay men of the world, because when Rob started pushing that mammoth cock into my asshole, it felt like I was having a reverse pregnancy with a fucking bowling ball.

Now I might have been dying, but holy shit that didn't help matters. I was squeezing and breathing, and if a nurse had offered me an epidural, you better believe I would have taken that shit.

It took a lot of spit and a lot of shoving, but eventually Rob began to fuck me.

There's a very strange mental phenomenon that occurs when a straight man gets fucked in the ass by another straight man. I began to question everything about myself. Did I even like football? Should I have moisturised more? Were bath bombs really so bad?

All of these thoughts rushed through my mind as Rob fucked me brutally, and then finally he gasped and groaned, and moaned a lot too, and he fell back breathless.

When I turned back to see him, he was laughing his fucking head off and I could feel his warm sperm ooze out of my used hole. I couldn't help but laugh too, and the two of us lay naked and drenched in sweat, almost pissing ourselves with laughter, until Rob shook his head, and howled even louder.

After a few more seconds, I wasn't sure what he found so funny, and I got a little pissed. Now I understood why women hated one night stands. Had that motherfucker just used me for sex?!

"No!" He choked, tears in his eyes as his fit of giggles continued, "look!"

He pointed toward the wall behind my head and when I looked up, I shit you not, it was like the lord's angels had come down and shined a beautiful light upon the concrete. There on a chain, hanging from a hook, was the most glorious key I had ever laid eyes on.

Naked, wet, and excited, the two of us rushed toward the door with the key, and tasted the sweet flavour of freedom and cock on our tongues.

I'd love to tell you that we continued our horny little encounters after that, but we made a pact that day that we would take that secret to our graves.




Sweet sweet release… in all the ways!