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All characters are 18+ 

I stood rooted to the spot. Was this guy fucking serious? I forced out a laugh, but Robert stared blankly at me.

"Oh it wasn't a question" he said seriously, though the stupid grin remained on his face, "I need you to undress Josh, you can start with your shirt please and thank you".

Surely this was a joke. I looked around at the door, expecting my mom and dad to burst inside shouting "we got you!", and yet the room remained silent.

"I'm uh... I'm not really comfortable doing that, Robert" I said, feeling my skin begin to crawl, "but I don't have anything on me, if that's what you're looking for".

"Well don't be silly, Joshy!" He chuckled, "if I believed everybody who told me that, well can you just imagine the chaos that would go on around here?"

I stared at him with a look of bemusement on my face. He was the creepiest fucker I'd ever come across, and his dark eyes continued to drill into me.

"Your t-shirt" he smiled.

Other than in school, I couldn't remember the last time I'd been naked in front of anyone, let alone a grown ass man. I grimaced at the idea, and shook my head.

"As I said, I'm not comfortable doing that".

His hand smashed against the wooden desk so fast that it made my brain shake. My eyes widened, and his smile vanished.

"I won't tell you again, young man!" He hissed, "take off your t-shirt or I'll have you forcibly undressed".

My mouth fell open. In the space of a second, I'd gone from ridiculing the guy in my head to being filled with terror because of him. Part of me wanted to say something smart back to him, something to  save my pride, but the other half of me didn't want to know what he meant about being forcibly undressed.

I angrily dragged my t-shirt over my head and held it in my hand with my arms out.

"There!" I barked, "happy?"

"Nearly" Robert pressed, "shoes and socks, on this desk".

His tone hadn't returned to normal. There was still a coldness to it, and I realised now that my ordeal was just beginning.

I reluctantly kicked my sneakers off, pulled my socks off after and walked briskly toward him and dropped them on the desk.

"It's really not hard to follow the rules, is it Josh?" He asked as he untangled one of my socks, flipped it inside out and shook it whilst keep his eyes on me.

I didn't reply.

"Pants, underpants, on this desk too".

"I'm not taking off my underwear" I spat, "no fucking way!"

"That's one penalty" he said, and his jaw tensed, "your cousin will explain the consequences of that shortly, but for now, I'm telling you once more to take off your pants and your underpants and place them neatly on my desk, if I hear another word, you will spend your first week here in The Lonely Room".

The Lonely Room? What was I, fucking eight years old?

I growled to myself, but there was something increasingly odd about Robert McCaw, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to experience any more of it tonight. Against my judgement and my will, I pulled down my trousers and stepped out of them, and Robert's eyes trailed up and down my legs. God he was a fucking creep.

"Come on, we don't have all night" he smiled, and my lip twitched.

This was the most humiliating thing I'd ever done. It felt like my parents had sent me to a fucking jail! Had they sent me to jail? Was this some disguise for an actual fucking prison?! It was certainly beginning to feel that way.

Without thinking too much about it, I yanked down my boxer briefs and covered my junk with my hand. I flicked them up with my foot, caught them and slammed them onto the desk, stepping back rather than turning around.

"Isn't it better when we play nicely, Joshy?" He beamed, and plucked my underwear into his hands.

I watched, rather horrified, as Robert began closely inspecting my boxer briefs. It looked almost as though he was enjoying it, and the look of disgust must have been obvious on my face.

"I take no joy in this, I assure you" he said, yet his fingers continued to caress the inside crotch area. "But when delinquent drug addicts arrive at our beautiful camp, we have to take all precautionary measures. You can move your hands now".

"I'm not a drug... Wait, what?"

"As I've already explained, Josh" he sighed, "you are required to submit to a full body cavity search, so I'm afraid you're going to need to move your hands".

"Call my mom" I said sternly, "call her right now and tell her to come pick me up".

Robert smiled sadly at me, and it only increased my growing hatred of him.

"Are you deaf?!" I snapped, "I said call her!"

"I'm quite capable of hearing you" he said calmly, "as I'm sure are the rest of the camp, and given your aggressive behaviour here this evening, I'm afraid I have no choice but to have you confined to The Lonely Room until you're willing to follow the rules of Cherry Oaks".

I shook my head in disbelief. Was this guy on fucking crack? I was on the verge of unleashing a vicious verbal assault, until he reached for the old rotary phone and began dialling. He was fucking lucky.

I wondered what my parents would say. Surely they couldn't be too upset that I was coming home, the guy was trying to force me to expose myself to him, and so what if I was an adult now? It was still creepy as fuck.

I waited, naked and silent with my hands still cupping my dick and balls, until finally Robert got through.

"Hey, hey!" He beamed, and I rolled my eyes, my mom would certainly understand now.

"Yep, the very one!" He continued, "we have a little grump grump on our hands. Perfect, lovely, excellent, see you shortly!"

Robert put the phone down and instantly his stupid grin disappeared.

"What did she say?" I snapped, "are they coming back?"


"My parents!"

"Why would your parents be coming back?" He asked, an entertained look of confusion on his face.

I stared back, even more confused, and then the door behind me opened, and I jumped as two young men stormed inside.

"Keep an eye on him" Robert said, "when he's ready to apologise and resume the search, you can bring him back to me".

I gawped at the two young men. They were barely older than me, and both of them wore the same stupid looking green uniform.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I shouted as they walked toward me, grabbing at my arms, "I said don't fucking touch me!"

Despite the fact that we were almost exactly the same size, both of them were considerably stronger. The one with the red hair yanked me forward, and the one with the black hair pushed me down by the neck until I was staring at my own bare feet, gasping and growling.

"Get off me you fucking freaks!" I snarled, but neither of them paid any attention and yanked my arms behind my back instead.

Before I had a chance to get my bearings, my feet were already pressing down on the warm, wet earth outside, and the trickles of rain splashed against my bare back.

"I'm calling the cops!" I snapped, and heard one of them snort with laughter.

"With what phone?" He asked, and dragged my arm back even further.

I was no match for the two of them, especially not whilst completely naked. What the fuck was this place? Was it some type of fucked up concentration camp? I needed to find a way to get in touch with my parents, and as the two nerdy losers continued pulling me across the dark camp ground, I had an idea.

"I wanna speak to Zach" I gasped, "now".

"I really don't think you do" one of them sniggered, "but I'm sure he'll find out about your little outburst in the morning and come find you anyway".

I was completely helpless, and I was glad as hell that it was dark. Knowing that my naked body was on full display for these two freaks was making me cringe, but the blanket of the night afforded me some protection at least.

The grounds were evidently bigger than they looked, and after about five minutes of naked marching, we stopped outside a single wooden cabin which was much smaller than all the rest. It looked like a slightly overside port-a-potty.

"When you're ready to apologise to Robert and resume your search, there's a light switch inside, just flick it on".

The door was opened and suddenly my aching bare feet met something warm and spongy, and the two teenagers shoved me inside.

"Don't be so proud" the ginger one smirked, "this place will turn your brain to mush if you wait too long".

The wooden door slammed shut and the sound of a bolt echoed around the tiny room. A moment later, a blinding light exploded on overhead, making me wince. It took a moment to adjust to it, and I had to blink away the pain, until finally I was able to see.

The room was completely white. Padded like a fucking insane asylum. There were no windows, the door was also padded with no handle on the inside, and other than the steel hole in the corner, there was nothing else in it.

I rushed toward the area where I knew the door was and banged on it, but each punch sounded like nothing more than a dull, cushioned thud.

"Fuck!" I snapped, and flicked on the single light switch.

For a moment, nothing happened. I needed to speak to Zach, I needed him to ring my mom or my dad and get me the fuck out of this psycho hell hole.

A latch opened up in the middle of the door and two eyes appeared on the other side.

"Are you ready to apologise and finish your search?" One of the young men who had brought me here asked.

My face was burning red, and my eyes narrowed in humiliated anger.

"Open this god damn door, or when I get out of here, I swear to fucking –"

"We'll check on you again tomorrow" the boy yawned, "if you want to act like a spoiled brat, we'll treat you like one".

Before I managed to roar at the little weirdo, the latch slammed shut, and I was left alone once more.

"AT LEAST TURN OFF THE FUCKING LIGHT!" I bellowed, but the blistering light remained on, and I dropped onto the soft floor, drained and worried.

This wasn't a summer camp. This was a nightmare.


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