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All characters are 18+

Part 1 of 2 (part 2 will be up tomorrow)

I guess I was the worst 'jock' of the century. I wasn't an asshole, nor did I make anybodies life difficult for the sake of being a popular kid. I didn't throw my weight around, I didn't gloat that I was one of the best footballers in the school (maybe I did that a little bit), I didn't shit on the kids who enjoyed things that I'd consider boring, I just kinda' lived my life and let other people live theirs.

I'd had a steady girlfriend for almost three years by the time I turned nineteen. I had a normal family too, we weren't rich, we weren't poor, literally everything about me was just... Normal.

Sally and I had a really great relationship, and I suppose that the first miserable thing to happen in my life was when she cheated on me with a guy who was a real jerkoff. Chris Evans, and yes, that was his actual name, was the typical prick that you'd see in the corny American TV shows. Sure, he was a handsome guy, but he also made sure everybody knew that. He was the human equivalent of puke.

I can't really say that I was the hottest guy to walk the planet, but I received a lot of attention from the ladies as I went through high school. I'd always been faithful to Sally, though, that was something I was adamant about.

I was six foot four, made up of mostly muscle given that I'd been playing various sports since I was in diapers, and had a shock of white blond hair that seemed to be a talking point for everybody who met me. The Blond Haired Boy had been my very long nickname for as long as I could remember, and mixed with my deep blue eyes and tanned skin, I guess I was somewhat attractive.

When Sally and I broke up, I found myself in a place that I'd never been before. I suppose I'd never really questioned myself at all. I was sixteen when we got together, and much younger when we became close, so now that I was single at nineteen, I wasn't sure what to do.

As I drove home from school one sunny afternoon, I did so in a haze. It's funny to me now, that at the tender age of nineteen, I suddenly became desperately worried that I'd spend the rest of my life on my own. The thought terrified me, but what terrified me even more was the sound and sight of somebody rolling across the top of my hood.

The tyres screeched, my heart skipped multiple beats, and I nearly pissed my pants as I yanked the seatbelt off and hurried from the car.

"I'm so fucking sorry, man!" I almost cried, watching and then helping as a young guy struggled to his feet.

I recognised him, but only barely. He winced and I realised that both of his knees were cut up pretty bad.

"Fuck, come on I'll give you a ride home" I told him, but he continued to stare at me like I was going to rob him. "Are you okay? Do you need me to call someone? Your mom, dad?"

The kid shook his head but continued looking at me almost fearfully.

"I was... I just... Oh man, I'm really fucking sorry" I continued, helping him into the car, "and your bike, fuck dude, it's messed up, I'll pay for it all, okay?"

The guy stayed silent as I put his mangled bike in the trunk and got back in.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked him, "your head or your neck or?"

He shook his head again and looked down at his grazed hands.

"My dad's a paramedic" I told him, though I potentially sounded quite stupid at this point considering the guy had a few scratches and nothing more. "I live like two blocks from here, he's got First Aid boxes coming out his ears", I laughed, but he stayed silent.

I felt terrible. The poor kid was minding his own business, cycling home from school, and I just had to be the one to smash into him. My folks would also be furious, considering it was their insurance that was going to suffer.

We pulled up to my house, both my parents were still working, but I awkwardly helped the guy from the car and took him inside.

"What's your name?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Leo" he said, "and you're Noah Grayson".

I looked over at him with the First Aid box in my hand and cocked a brow. "Yeah" I nodded, "how did you know?"

"Everyone knows you" he sighed.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked with a half laugh, taking out some wipes and walking back over to him.

"You're like... Popular as fuck" he scoffed, and sucked air through his teeth as I wiped his knee.

"It's not all it's cracked up to be" I smiled, as he watched me clean him up.

The more I looked at him, the more I realised that he was quite a good looking guy. He had thick black hair, and a skater kind of look. His features were as dark as his hair, and I wondered if there was a bit of Italian or Greek in him. He was much shorter and smaller than I was, but so were most people.

"Done" I nodded, fixing the second plaster to his knee.

"Thanks" he mumbled and stood up.

"I'll give you a ride back home" I told him, grabbing my keys, "and I'll take the bike over and get it repaired for you, I can probably have it back to you tomorrow".

"Oh um... I'm not going home" Leo told me, "I was uh... I was going somewhere else".

"Sure" I shrugged, "I can bring you wherever you need to go".

"I'm good, thanks" the young man smiled, "I can walk".

"Dude, your knees are all messed up, honestly it's no big deal".

Almost reluctantly, Leo agreed and once we got back into the car, he had to check his phone to give me directions. It was weird for sure, but I didn't think much of it as we set off.

He didn't talk much, and I was the type of guy who didn't shut the fuck up, especially when I was nervous, and after pummelling the poor dude from his bike, I was pretty damn nervous.

"How old are you?" I asked him, turning down toward a pretty unsavoury part of town.

"Eighteen" he told me.

"Cool, have you got a friend down here or something?"

"Uh... Yeah" he told me.

When we finally reached the house that he'd directed me to, I could see that he was anxious.

"Dude, are you sure you're okay?" I pressed, staring at him, "I really don't mind bringing you to the emergency room".

"I... I'm good" he said, and his phone beeped with a sound that I was convinced I'd heard before.

"I better go" he smiled, but I could tell it was forced.

"Um... Alright man" I nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow".

I watched as the slight young man limped toward a house that looked as though it had been sucked into a tornado and shit back out again. The front yard was filled with trash bags and pieces of cars. It certainly didn't seem like the place that a quiet, shy kid like Leo would frequent. I drove up the cul-de-sac and turned around.

As I crawled back down the dodgy street, I slammed my breaks for the second time. Leo had turned on his heel and was scarpering from the garden as a gang of young men ran from the house after him. His eyes found mine, and I pushed open the passenger door for him to dive inside. Before the door had closed again, I was speeding down the street with five or six skin heads chasing the car.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" I gasped, watching them disappear in the rear view mirror.

"I'm so sorry" he sobbed, "I... I didn't know".

"Holy fucking shit" I breathed, and when I looked over at him, tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"Dude, are you okay?!"

"I... I think so" he whimpered, and his entire body shook violently.

"Bro, what were you doing there?"

The same notification that sounded earlier, sounded again, and Leo pulled his phone from his pocket and groaned.

"What?" I asked, and glanced down at the phone before he pulled it into his chest.

"Grindr?" I said, realising now that the sound had been played by some guy in school as part of a prank the previous year.

Leo squirmed in the chair.

"Was... Was that supposed to be a hookup?" I asked, shocked.

"They set me up" he sighed, wiping his eyes and turning the phone around toward me.

Indeed, the conversation had been getting quite spicy from what I could tell, until the last message.

You're lucky your boyfriend picked you up, faggot. Next time we'll kill you.

"Holy shit, man" I gasped, "you need to go to the police!"

"No!" He snapped, "I... I can't"

"Why the fuck not?! They're threatening to kill you!"

"My dad" he mumbled, "he can't know that I'm... You know... That way".

"Gay?" I scoffed, "it's really not a big deal, man".

"It is to him".

We returned to my place once more, and this time I took him into the living room. I felt bad for the guy before, but now I felt awful.

"You know how stupid it is to meet random guys on the internet?" I growled, as though I was the kid's dad, "you could get yourself into serious shit, man!"

"Like a bunch of skin heads tryna kill me?" He smiled sadly.

I sat down next to him and sighed.

"Surely you can meet guys from school" I said to him, "guys you know".

Leo scoffed.

"Or friends?" I pressed, "I bet you have some gay friends".

He shook his head.

"How about a club?" I asked, "aren't there any clubs you could join?"

"Nope" he mumbled, and I was out of ideas.

"That sucks, man"

He nodded silently, and I stared at him. It really wasn't fair at all. As handsome as the kid was, he had to resort to meeting strangers online because our town was still living in the fucking eighteen hundreds.

An idea crossed my mind, and I considered it for a moment. I'd never thought of it before, and admittedly, it made me cringe at the beginning, but then I pondered for longer, and finally I made a choice that would change everything.

"You wanted to hookup with the guy?" I asked, and I could see his tanned cheeks turning more red as he nodded.

"What did he look like?" I asked, "or what was he supposed to look like?"

Leo dug in his pocket and produced his phone, a moment later he showed me a photo of a relatively handsome guy who looked to be in his late twenties, with bulging muscles and sandy coloured hair.

"Do you like... Take it or... Or give it?" I asked, feeling as stupid as I sounded.

Leo glanced at me and squirmed.

"What?" I almost laughed, "I'm just wondering".

He looked out my window as he mumbled his response.


"Have you done it before?"

"Is this twenty one questions?" He spat, refusing to look back at me, "sorry" he added a moment later.

"I'm just wondering how tight you are" I said, slipping my sweaty t-shirt over my head, "and how hard you'll be able to take it".

Leo turned his head back to me, and his look of shock turned to a look of complete and utter awe. His eyes trailed my naked chest, circling my pecs and running down my abs, and his mouth fell open.

"So what do you say?" I smirked, sliding my hand into my pants, "are you still in the mood for a hookup?"



Another super hot story!

Brendan Gavin

Oh god this is gonna be hot 🔥