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I left the room content. The taste of Tucker lingered on my tongue, and I felt my cheeks burn as Bernie stood before me.

"How are you feeling, pet?" She asked, holding my face in her hands whilst I tried not to breathe.

"Fine" I nodded, "thanks".

The woman smiled, but I could tell that she was troubled. I couldn't really blame her either. Her eldest son had almost died after all.

"Things will be a bit crazy around here for a while" she told me, "as if it wasn't crazy enough already!" She added, "but they'll be looking for you pet".

"I didn't do anything wrong, though" I told her, "I'll just explain that to them".

Bernie stared at me with a look of pity in her eyes.

"In a just world, perhaps" the woman said, "but Dustin made sure that all fingers would point at you".

I sighed. She was right, of course. I wondered how long the man had planned this. Did he start plotting the night I returned home from my date with Tucker? Is that why he staged the attack in the living room and had me arrested?

"Once Tuckers back to himself, the two of you will go and stay with my brother" Bernie told me, "he's a horrid little shit, but you'll both be safe there".

"You don't need to do this" I told her, "you've already done so much".

"You make him happier than I've ever seen him, pet" Bernie smiled, taking my face again, "and I'll be damned if I let that terrible man take anything else from this family".

She kissed me on the head and bustled off to the kitchen.

"Shower and bed" she called back, and I smiled to myself.

Leon was already snoring gently by the time I returned to the room. I slipped into the other bed and lay there, staring at the ceiling. So much had happened in the short space of a day, many of which would haunt me for the rest of my life. It took hours before I finally slipped off, but even then, the image of Dustin's final moments haunted me.

"Well don't start kissing!" A voice barked, waking me from my uneasy sleep.

The room was bright and airy. The window had been opened and a cool misty rain whipped through it. It took me a moment to realise that there were other people there too.

"We won't kiss!" Someone laughed, "now go down and help mom with breakfast".

"Yeah you better not" a younger voice replied, and I watched between half closed eyes as Tucker rustled Leon's hair, and the boy left the room.

"Morning sunshine" the beautiful specimen grinned down.

He was shirtless, and the bandaged bullet wound took up half of his strong pec. Besides that however, he looked as perfect as always.

"You're up" I yawned, rubbing my eyes and sitting back in the bed.

"That's not the only thing" he smirked, and closed the bedroom door before turning back to me.

His shorts tented and I grinned.

Tucker pulled the sheets off me and before I had a chance to object, my bottoms were sliding down my legs.

"I've been thinking about you all night" he said, and hooked his fingers into the waistband of my boxers.

"I wish I could say the same" I sighed as he revealed my morning wood and took it into his mouth.

It felt wonderful of course, but I still couldn't erase the images that had been burned into my mind from the events of the previous day. Tucker must have felt it.

"Sorry" he smiled, still holding my boner, "I got carried away".

"It's fine" I laughed, "felt good actually".

Despite the horrifying memories, Tucker succeeded in pushing me to climax, and less than ten minutes later, I orgasmed in his mouth.

"Better?" He asked, wiping my cum from his chin.


We dressed and had breakfast in the kitchen. Bernie gasped when she saw her injured son stroll into the kitchen, and hugged him so tight he winced.

"Are you tryna kill me, woman?" Tucker smirked, and Bernie whacked him on the ass with a tea towel.

"Well seeing as you're feeling better, I suppose the two of you should get yourselves to Wilson's place".

"I'd rather get shot again" Tucker groaned, and winked at me.

We ate quickly, and less than an hour later we were standing at Tucker's truck.

"Once things have settled down here, I'll be in touch" Bernie told us, and hugged Tucker and I again. "Stay in the house, don't go drawing attention to yourselves. I'm going to speak to your mother today" she said to me, "and we'll get all of this ironed out".

She kissed Tucker on the cheek, and did the same to me before the two of us got in the truck. A moment later, a boy burst from the house and dove through Tucker's door, wrapping his arms around Tucker's large frame.

"Don't go" he sobbed, but Tucker didn't answer, and kept Leon in his arms.

"I'll be back before you know it" he whispered, rubbing the kid's head, "you've got to be the man of the house until I get back".

Leon cried harder, squeezing his brother tight until finally he let go and wiped his wet eyes. Once again, I felt like this was all my fault. I'd already taken his brother away from him once, and almost permanently, and now I was doing it again. The boy had every right to hate me.

He got out of the car wiping his nose, and I expected him to return to the house, but instead he opened my door.

"Don't kiss too much" he scowled, and a little grin spread across his face.

"We won't" I laughed, and my eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around me.

Tucker smiled as I hugged him, and Leon rushed back to the house as we set off.

"Told you he doesn't hate you" Tucker told me, and our journey to his uncles house began.

The weather remained miserable as we drove further north. The rain smashed against the windscreen, and all I could do was stare out the window.

"Fuck him" Tucker eventually said, placing his strong hand on my knee, "he's dead, that's the main thing".

"He was your dad" I sighed, realising just how serious the entire situation was.

"He was" Tucker nodded, "until he hurt you".

I placed my hand over his and smiled to myself. How had I gotten so lucky?

"So" he said after a moment of silence, "Wilson is a bit of a..." He paused to consider the right word, "cunt" he laughed, and I did too.

"He's pretty old school, goes to church twice a day type of guy"

"Great" I laughed, "he'll probably douse us in holy water when we arrive".

"Honestly" Tucker smirked, "I wouldn't be surprised. So before we get there, I kinda had an idea".

I glanced at him, and fell in love with him all over again just by looking at him.

"What is it?" I asked him, but he just grinned.

We drove for another hour, and it was all spent with me trying to guess what his idea was. Finally he pulled into a remote parking lot of a dreary old motel and parked the truck.

"Wait here" he said, and I cocked a brow as Tucker jumped from the truck and ran toward the motel in the rain.

I sat there trying to work out what he was doing, and around ten minutes later he returned and opened my door.

"Come on" he smiled, and reached out his hand. I stared at him curiously but took it.

Tucker led me across the parking lot and up a set of stairs until we stood outside a door. He turned to me, took my face in his hand and kissed me softly.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Jayden?" He asked, keeping his lips close to mine.

"Yes" I whispered, and kissed him back.

He pushed open the door and pulled me inside, and my eyes widened.

The room was dark, except the candles that flickered around the bed. Rose petals lined the floor, leading from the bed into a room on the opposite side.

"It's not much" he said, but I turned and kissed him deeply before he could finish.

"It's amazing" I said, and I picked up the bottle of lube on the locker.

"Expecting something in return?" I asked with a grin, and Tucker's cheeks blushed.

"Only if you want to" he told me.

"I've never wanted anything as much in my whole life" I smirked back.



I’m just now reading this series and I love it! 💕 so glad I stumbled upon your writing John

Larry Sosler

okay - this makes up a little for all the other nonsense.