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All characters are 18+


"You look great, son" my dad beamed as he tied my tie, and took me by the shoulders.

"I'm so proud of you" he said, which was strange because I hadn't actually done anything for him to be proud of. He kissed me on the forehead.

"He's a lucky guy" he said, patting my arms, "but if he hurts you, you just call your old man and I'll beat his ass".

"Thanks dad" I laughed, and rubbed his wet kiss from my head.

I passed my little brother on the way out, who stuck his fingers down his throat and pretended to get sick, I rustled his hair and set off for my first date.

"Do you need a lift, Jamie?" My dad called from the door,

"No thanks" I told him, "Justin's giving me a ride".

Justin and I had been friends since middle school. I'd say that we were like brothers, but I got on better with him than any brothers would. He was a year older than me, and twice my size. At nineteen, he was easily the best football player in our school, but he wasn't one of those douchebag jocks, he was the kindest guy I'd ever known.

"Well look at Mr. Bond" he laughed as I got into his truck, "you look HOT!"

I laughed now. Justin had always been very comfortable in his sexuality, and when I told him I was gay at fourteen, he replied:

"I know, no straight guy has hair that nice".

Justin was as straight as straight can be. He'd been dating chicks for years, and he had no problem getting the best of them. He was extremely attractive, with dark features, sandy blonde hair and a personality to match.

"Shut up" I blushed as we headed toward town.

"What if he's some old perv pretending to be a hot teenage boy?" Justin asked, and I shook my head. "What?" He pressed, "he could kidnap you, bring you back to his nasty old basement and turn you into a sex slave. I've seen it in movies, bro".

"Doesn't sound too bad" I shrugged with a grin.

The restaurant was fancier than any place I'd ever been before. I met Leon in the place you'd expect a gay eighteen-year-old to meet boys. His seemed nice over the course of our brief chats, but was pretty persistent in meeting up. I was nervous of course, but I was getting tired of endless online chatting myself.

"If you need me to come and rescue you, just call" Justin said, and I nodded. "You'll be fine, bro" he added, "just be yourself and he'll love you".

"Thanks" I said, gulping and got from his truck.

"And don't forget" Justin called after me, loud enough for passer-by's to hear, "wear protection!"

My cheeks blushed and Justin laughed before driving off. I went inside.

Eight o' clock came, and I remained at the table alone. The place was nice, but seemed to cater to much older couples, and I felt a bit stupid sitting there in my cheap suit. Finally, Leon arrived.

"Hey" I smiled, and he nodded and sat down.

"I can't stay long" he told me, in a voice that didn't suit his face, "but I'll have a drink with you".

I lowered a brow. He was dressed in a tattered looking tracksuit, which honestly didn't bother me that much, but he was the one who told me to dress 'properly'. He was quite handsome however, and looked exactly like his photos.

The waiter arrived, and Leon rudely ordered a drink. I did too, though far more politely.

"Are you a top or bottom?" He asked, as the man served us both.

My cheeks burned again and I stuttered over my words for a moment.

"I'm a top" he said casually, "eight inches".

I couldn't believe my ears.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked, without pausing, and I nodded awkwardly.

"I don't usually fuck virgins" he said, scrolling through his phone, "but you're kinda cute so I'll make an exception".

"Thanks" I growled, and gulped down more of my drink.

"I don't use condoms, by the way, so are you clean?"

"I told you I'm a virgin" I mumbled, and he looked up from his phone briefly, as though he'd forgotten what we were talking about.

"Oh yeah, right" he nodded, "so you wanna go into the bathrooms?"

My jaw fell open.

"No" I said, "I... I thought this was a... A date?"

Leon laughed loudly, and then stopped.

"Oh, you're serious?" He said, and I could tell that he was trying not to laugh.

"Uh, sorry man" he scoffed, "you're cute and everything, but I don't date guys like you".

"Guys like me?" I snapped, and felt the words sticking in my throat.

"Well, you're too skinny" for a start, he smirked, "and you've got that weird gap between your front teeth".

It felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. I felt tears begin to well in my eyes, but held them back. I wasn't going to let him see me cry.

"I... I think I'm gonna' go" I said, and left some cash on the table.

"Is that enough for both?" He asked, eyeing the money, "I didn't bring my wallet".

I could have argued with him, but I knew that I'd cry at any moment, so I added another note and stood up. Before I could say a word, Leon had left, and I brushed a tear from my cheek.

Rain had started to pour down outside, but I didn't really mind because it blended with the tears on my face.

"Hey" I sighed into the phone, doing my best not to sound upset, "could you um... Could you collect me please?"

It took Justin less than five minutes to arrive back to the restaurant that he'd left less than twenty minutes ago. He got out of the truck, came around and wrapped his muscular arm around me. He didn't say a word as he led me back to it.

"So" he said eventually as we drove, and I stared out into the rainy night, "are you lonely or horny?"

I scoffed, and wiped my eyes again. He never stopped joking.

"Well?" He asked after a minute of silence, and I turned to him.

"Lonely or horny?" He repeated, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Both, I guess" I sighed sadly.

"Emma left some corny chick flicks in my place when she dumped me" he laughed, "you gay guys like that shit, right?"

I laughed, sniffled and shrugged.

"I'm gonna pick up some beers, we're gonna go back to my place and watch those movies" he said and I felt like crying all over again. God, I loved that guy.

"Then we'll get a pizza" he continued, "but if you order mushrooms again, I swear, Jamie, I'll kick your ass".

We both laughed.

"Then you're gonna suck my dick" he said calmly, and I laughed again.

"I can't promise you I'll get hard" he continued, and suddenly I realised his face looked quite serious. "But I'll try, for you".


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