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All characters are 18+

Will be turning this into a Patreon exclusive series! Let me know what you think. 




The voices of the bulky young men drove through my brain like a hot spike. Did the trio realise how fucking stupid they looked? Chad Myers, Reece Bentley and Noah Fisher were the three biggest douchebags in the entire campus. Each one of them was as muscular as they were dumb, and that was saying a lot.

Chad was nineteen, had biceps the size of small tree trunks, and had a shock of jet black hair, shaved tight at the sides. Naturally, he was a sporting god amongst the students, and revelled in his popularity.

Reece was a wrestler, and even without knowing that fact, you could tell. He was shorter than the other two, but twice as wide. Even under his maroon coloured hoodie, you could see his beefy frame. His vocabulary was rather limited, with only the words "bro", "fuck" and "man" usually coming out of his mouth. He wore his hair in the same style as Chad, though his was a deep red, and his face, whilst quite handsome, was dotted with freckles.

Noah was surely the most popular of the three. He was painfully hot, and looked similar to a Greek god. His body was naturally sculpted to perfection, so even though he played football, he didn't need to. He'd earned the nickname Blondie, for obvious reasons, but his hair hung down by his ears.

All three of them were friends, but I'm sure they considered themselves as brothers given their overuse of the word. They ran the place, and anybody who was anybody made sure they were pals with them.

Thankfully, I didn't care about being anybody, and so I focused on my studies, which was nothing new for me. I guess I could be classed as a bit of a nerd. I'd been the same since middle school, and years of being called a nerd, had made me accept it proudly. I'd rather be a nerd with a brain, than a jock with a body to die for. Or so I told myself, anyway.

So how, you might ask, did I find myself walking home from a frat house at five o' clock in the morning, holding three heavy loads of cum in my ass, and more again in my stomach? Well that's certainly a story to behold, and one that I will share with you in time. For now though, let me explain my burning hatred toward the three men who, in time, would use me like a cheap, worthless slut.

"I think you should kiss my shoes, nerd" Chad said, and his henchmen guffawed around me, "you should get down on your hands and knees and say 'thank you Lord Chad, for letting me kiss your shoes'"

I felt my cheeks fill with blood. Surely the period of mindlessly bullying people for no reason was long gone. Apparently not.

"Yeah" Reece added, for no other reason than to hear his own drawling voice.

"I think you should fuck off" I told him, having dealt with more than enough bullies in my time.

"OHHH!" The trio roared, laughing and acting like buffoons.

"Are you gonna' make us?" Chad sneered, and shoved me backwards.

"Well, that's assault" I quipped, dusting off my chest, "and no, I'm not going to make you, because I'm eighteen, not eight".

My pants slid down to my ankles too fast for me to do anything, and as expected, all three began to howl with laughter.

"You sure you're not eight?" Noah choked, clutching his stomach as he cackled, "because it certainly looks that way!"

"Certainly?" I said, pulling my trousers back up, "that's a big word for you".

"You're lucky we have to go" Chad hissed, pushing his forehead against mine, "but the next time we see you, you'll wish that you kissed my fucking feet, loser".

"I look forward to it" I spat back, and the terrible trio walked off, each of them shouldering me roughly as they did.

My heart thumped hard in my chest as they walked toward Noah's truck. As much as I tried to hide my fear, I couldn't deny it. I'd spent my whole childhood being picked on, and I wasn't about to let that continue through college.

I picked up my bag, pulled it over my shoulder and walked toward the building.

"Hey!" Darius McGuigan called after me, and I turned to find a friendly face.

I went to high school with Darius, we'd been close friends ever since.

"Here" he sighed, and peeled a sticker off my backpack.

He handed it to me and I read the word Faggot.

"Wow" I smirked, "how original".


Larry Sosler

i hope you will be continuing this story as you indicated. i'm looking forward to having some frat boys get their comeuppance - although i am wondering if perhaps Noah might be an exception......?

Marco Sario

Is there a continuation to this?