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"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!!" The incessant roaring from the group of frat boys had become so irritating that I simply lay awake, closing my text book in anger, and accepting that any more studying would have to wait until tomorrow.

I tossed and turned in the bed, doing my best to ignore the flashing lights and deafening thump of music, until it reached two in the morning and I sat up.

Living on campus had it's merits, but living across the street from the largest frat house in the whole city was nothing more than a fucking nightmare. Sure, if I was built like a bodybuilder, drank like a fish and looked like a model coming straight off a catwalk, maybe I'd enjoy it, but alas, I was a skinny nineteen-year-old, with glasses and more than one brain cell.

I jumped out of bed and pulled the curtains, and immediately I was met by the sight of countless young men and women, all in varying stages of drunkness. Some were dancing in the front yard, others were throwing up onto the street, two topless heartthrobs had donned boxing gloves and were fighting each other, and in the corner, two 'bros' stood against the wall, and an inebriated young lady sat on her knees in front of them. It didn't take a genius to work out what she was doing.

I glared at the messy sight before watching as a stumbling young man swerved and swayed his way toward my place, unzipped his pants at the edge of my flowerbed, and began to empty his bladder across my lobelias.

"Fuck this!" I snapped, and though I was certainly not one for confrontation, I pulled on my dressing gown and burst from my house.

"Excuse me?!" I barked, but the hammered young jock didn't even look up until I stood on the other side of the flowerbed, staring at his large dick which continued to water the flowers.

"I said, excuse me!"

The young man glanced up at me with one eye open, and without a single word, threw up down his shirt, and of course, across my lobelias.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I sighed, and bypassed the dumb drunk, beelining straight toward the frat house.

I was tired, angry and fed up with the constant partying. Of course, I knew that by acting like a giant Karen, I was unlikely to do anything but get my ass kicked, but it was time to finally put a stop to this. I banged on the front door, but the music was so loud that even I couldn't hear it.

"You good, bro?" Another intoxicated young man, who had arms the size of tree trunks asked me.

"Whose in charge here?" I asked sternly, and the handsome jock laughed.

"In charge of what?" He replied, guzzling from the can of beer in his hand.

"This!" I snapped, "whose party is this?"

"Party?" He scoffed, "this isn't a party bro, this is a little get together. The party isn't until Friday".

I sighed and rubbed my temples before the young man opened the front door and walked inside, leaving it open slightly and disappearing into the crowd. I considered going home and trying to get at least a few hours of sleep before my test in the morning, but what was all of this about a party on Friday? If this was a simple 'get together', then what on earth would Friday be like?

I looked around the front yard, and, realising that nobody was watching, pushed my way inside. The music in the house was even more deafening, as too was the cheering, jeering, yelling and roaring. I had no idea how anybody in their right mind could enjoy such nonsense, but I continued regardless.

I knew from seeing the guy, that the so called leader of the fraternity was a big blonde dude with a tattoo of a cobra on his leg, and so I asked the first young drunk that I found for directions.

"The guy with the tattoo of the cobra!" I yelled, as the young woman strained to hear me.

"Cobra?" She called back.

"Yes, cobra tattoo on his leg!"

"Oh Chad!" She shouted over the music, "I haven't seen him, but if you find him, tell him his girlfriend is looking for him", she gestured toward herself, and it was obvious that she was almost as unhappy with her boyfriend as I was.

The woman turned to walk away before glancing back at me.

"And it's a snake" she called, "not a cobra".

I rolled my eyes as she got lost in the crowd, and walked back toward the door. It was pointless. I'd have to call over tomorrow when there were less morons in the place.

As I reached the door, I turned back once more and my eyes fell on the landing upstairs. A bare leg seemed to rush past the stairs, and on that leg, a cobra tattoo.

"Fuck it" I spat, and hurried up the staircase.

I'd never even been in a frat house before, let alone upstairs in one. It seemed far more in order compared to the chaos downstairs, and as I looked around at the doors, I tried to figure out which one the leader of the place had gone into.

The first door was open, and I peered inside to find a messy, but empty bedroom. I slowly opened the door to the second one, and once again found an empty, albeit tidier room, and on the third one, I pushed the door open and my eyes landed on a sight that I would have never expected to see in my life.

The leg with the cobra tattoo was raised in the air, as was his other one, and they were spread wide. A huge, muscular, beefy man, completely naked, knelt on the floor beside the bed, his hands holding the cobra guy's ass cheeks open whilst he tongue fucked the young man's pink hole.

The blonde young man who I recognised as the fraternity leader, Chad, had his eyes closed and his head resting in one arm, while the other hand pumped his enormous, wet cock.

For a moment, I simply gawped at the steamy scene before me, with my mouth open and my heart hammering, until all hell broke loose.

Chad almost hit the ceiling as he jumped from the bed, grabbing his huge cock in his hands as his 'friend' charged at me, slamming the door shut behind me and dragging me further into the room.

His cock looked even larger than his pal's, and I couldn't help but stare at it as it flopped around between his legs.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Chad roared over his buddies shoulder as I was slammed hard against the wall.

"I... I..."

"Beat his fucking ass, Troy!" He snarled, and I felt Troy's fingers close around my throat.

My mind raced as I braced for a brutal beating from the naked frat boys, until an idea struck me.

"Your girlfriend" I gasped, trying but failing to pull Troy's thick fingers from my windpipe.

"What about her?" Chad hissed, shooting spit at me from between his clenched teeth.

I had to admit, both of the young men were ridiculously hot. Troy, who I had never seen before, looked like a Greek god, with dark tanned skin and deep hazel eyes. Every muscle on his large body seemed to bulge even more than Chad's.

"I... I'll tell her" I choked, and Chad's blue eyes widened.

"You tell her" he snarled, pushing his buddy out of the way and pressing his forehead against mine, "and I'll fucking kill you".

"Oh yeah?" I winced, rubbing my aching throat and trying to figure out where the fuck I'd gotten the balls to talk to the guy like this. "Well you'll have to do it before I tell every single fucking person in campus about you and your friend here".

The two huge young men glanced at each other, a look of terror washing across each of them, before Chad beamed a sparkling smile and began to laugh.

"Bro!" He chuckled, patting me roughly on the shoulder, "we're just fucking with you, man! You want a beer or something?"

Troy was much less convincing, and was now sweating profusely as he pulled on a pair of boxer shorts, and Chad did the same.

"Nah" I smirked, "but there is something I would like instead".

The two anxious frat boys stared at me with worry etched across their handsome faces.

"Oh yeah?" Chad asked, gulping as he did, "and what's that?"

I inhaled deeply. All the years of being a nerdy little twerp had given me plenty of time to work out what I'd do if I ever managed to have a jock in my grasp.

"Well" I smiled, "you can start by taking those boxers back off".


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