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"Hiking fucking sucks" I groaned as we continued up a mountain that we had no business being on. My entire body was drenched in sweat, the rucksack on my back felt like it was becoming heavier with each painful step, and my feet were burning in agony.

"Oh quit being such a pussy" David laughed, powering ahead.

We were best friends, but more like brothers. I'd known David since I was in diapers, and he never failed to convince me to do these stupid fucking things with him. He was twenty, and I had just turned eighteen, and he had always taken on the roll of the protective big brother, even as children.

"You'll thank me when we reach the top" he called back, but I had my doubts.

Whilst David knew almost everything about me, and I, him, there was one thing he didn't know. I was in love with him, and had been for as far back as I could remember.

Naturally, any mention of such things would destroy our friendship, and so I kept my secret hidden well. I even had a girlfriend, who was becoming increasingly frustrated that I wouldn't have sex with her. Funnily enough, my girlfriend and his girlfriend were sisters, which meant we got to spend even more time with each other, which I wasn't complaining about.

There were one hundred and one reasons why I was in love with my best friend. I guess it stemmed from the fact that he had always been superbly kind to me. I was a quiet kid growing up, but David always made time for me, and insisted that I hung out with him and his friends, even though none of them wanted a dorky kid like me with them.

He was also incredibly hot, which certainly helped. He was tall, at least six three or four, and towered over my five foot nine frame. He was active too, very fucking active.

The blonde haired heartthrob was a fitness coach, so spent five days a week in the gym. When he wasn't doing that, he was dragging me along on his adventurous outdoor activities which almost always resulted in some form of injury, to me, obviously.

It had gotten dull by the time we finally reached the top of the mountain, and I slumped onto the rucksack on the ground, drained and breathless.

"What a view" he said in awe, as he peered over the cliff and down into the thick clouds beneath.

"View?" I said, still trying to catch my breath, "there is no view".

"Right?" He beamed, "complete isolation, total privacy, that's why I love it".

I rolled my eyes and mopped sweat from my forehead. I wasn't exactly unfit, considering I was almost always on some kind of expedition with David, but I was nowhere near his level, and the only six pack I had, was the one cooling back in the hotel.

"Let's get naked" he said, and I began choking on my own saliva as the words registered in my brain.

David glanced at me as I convulsed, until finally I stared back at him.

"W... What did you say?" I asked, blindly fumbling for my water bottle.

"Let's get naked" he repeated, shrugging, "there's nobody around to see us" he told me, "and what's more liberating than standing on a fucking mountain, naked?"

I almost choked again on the water that I was squirting into my throat. I'd never seen my best friend naked before, which was a disappointing reality when I'd lay on my bed, cock in hand and try to picture it.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, doing my best to sound straight, but also mildly curious.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" David asked with a handsome grin, and I watched in sheer amazement, as the muscular stud began to peel off layers of his clothing.

I sat in awe whilst David pulled off his t-shirt and his sweaty, muscular body seemed to glisten. He looked over at me, tensing his pecs and laughed.

"You're not shy, are you?" He beamed, "I won't laugh, I promise".

I was shy of course, but not usually in the presence of David. This however, would be a risky situation. If David was indeed planning on stripping completely naked, and expected the same of me, then I risked exposing my true feelings, mainly because my cock was unlikely to remain flaccid.

"I... I uh... I think I'm good" I laughed, as I watched him pull off his hiking boots.

A fine rain began to pour, though the temperature remained high, and it was a welcome relief to bask in it. David was now barefoot and topless, and I could feel my cock stir in my underwear.

"Don't be such a prude" he smirked, "I won't tell anyone that it's small".

"It's not small" I spat, "I just don't want to get naked".

"Suit yourself" David shrugged, and unbuttoned his trousers, sliding them down his muscular legs until he stood in only his tight white boxer shorts.

He'd always been something of a nature lover, and regularly dragged me to forests, caves, cliffs and mountains, but this was the first time I'd ever seen him so wild. He reminded me of a stunningly beautiful cave man, though far less hairy.

I stared at the back of him as he peered down the edge of the cliff once more. His shoulders were huge, his back dipped and curved in all the right places, and his large, plump ass almost jiggled, even as he stood still.

As my cock became fully erect under the cover of my thick hiking trousers, my eyes bulged. David thumbed the sides of his boxers and yanked them down to reveal the most perfect bubble butt I had ever seen in my life.

He held his arms outstretched, hung his head back and howled into the abyss, and all I could do was gawp at the amazing sight before me.

"You're missing out, bro!" He called back, massaging the rain into his face, "this feels fucking amazing!"

"I know... I mean, I bet!" I choked back.

David turned his shredded body around before I could pull my hand away from my throbbing cock, and the two of us stared at each other.

His pole was the size of a babies arm, and as much as I would have liked to have stared at it forever, I'd just been caught squeezing my dick through my pants at the sight of my best friend.

"Were you just jerking off?" He asked me, his eyes still on my crotch.

"Fuck no" I spat, "what do you think I am, some type of fag?" I scoffed.

David's eyes narrowed as he studied me.

"Don't use that word" he said sternly, and I half laughed.

"I'm serious" he pressed, "don't let me hear you say that again".

I gulped. David had always kept me in line, probably because he knew I never had a dad to do it for me, so I knew when I'd crossed it, and this was one of those times.

"I... I'm just kidding" I told him, "sorry".

His grin returned as he walked toward me, and now I could really take in the sheer beauty of his rod. He was uncut, and his large foreskin hugged his glans, outlining the helmet perfectly. His balls swayed back and forth, long and full, and a small tuft of pubic hair sat above his monstrous weapon.

David sat down on the smooth rock next to me, allowing his cock to rest on it too, and stared out over the clouds.

"When were you gonna tell me?" He asked, taking the bottle of water from my hand and squeezing it into his open mouth.

"Tell you?" I asked, "tell you what?"

He handed it back to me as his eyes found mine.

"That you're gay".


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