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All characters are 18+

This isn't a story about how I lost my virginity, because the details of that are quite dull and involved me and some chick behind a burger joint. This is a story about the one and only time I fucked a guy, and how I was pretty much banished from an entire country for doing so.

I was nineteen, and I was easily the hottest guy I knew. I know it sounds big headed, but it was true. I'd been playing football since I was in diapers, and had a body that looked like it was sculpted by Roman gods.

I had inherited all the best genes from my parents, with my thick golden hair coming from my mom, and my deep hazel eyes from my dad. My skin was sallow, my teeth where white, my physique was spectacular, and even my dick hung low at eight and a half inches.

High school was a breeze, and the only reason I missed out on Prom King was because I ditched prom to get my dick sucked by two hot college bitches. Life was good, and it had barely even started yet.

Looking back, I guess you could say I was one of those popular jock-type guys that you see in movies, and I don't deny that I was a bit of an asshole, but I suppose I was somewhat oblivious to it back then, and didn't really think about it too much.

The summer after high school was certainly the most eventful one of my life. Both my parents were quite wealthy, which afforded me a very comfortable lifestyle, and so my plans for the few months of freedom before college were rather different than most.

I invited four of my best buddies on a trip of a lifetime. Initially we planned to travel Asia, mostly because we'd heard the stories about the rampant sexual escapades that were readily available, but the day before we were due to depart a tsunami or some shit happened and the airline and hotels refunded our money.

What we ended up doing was infinitely better than we could have hoped for. My best pal Kyle had some family in the UK, who graciously (and rather foolishly) offered us their place for a few weeks, so we decided to catch a flight to Germany, and travel Europe on our way to the UK.

I won't get into too much detail about our shenanigans in Europe. Kyle ended up in a Latvian jail for two days, Lee got herpes from a prostitute in Prague, Daniel paid one thousand dollars to a homeless Dutch chick to piss on him, and Zachary and I got so much European pussy that I'm surprised our dicks didn't fall off. It was the wildest few weeks of my life, and we hadn't even reached our destination yet.

England was an eye opener, and it was almost instantly clear that our rascality wouldn't be tolerated even nearly as much as it was in Europe. The house we were staying in was pretty nice, but it was also on a fairly quiet residential street, so after two nights of non-stop partying, there was a thunderous knock at the door.

We expected it to be the police, but were surprised to find two skinny young men who looked like they were on their way to a job interview. Both of them wore crisp white shirts, straight ties and black pants, both of them had hair that was combed neatly and identically, and I recall simply gawping at the two of them before all of us howled with laughter.

One of them, a guy who looked around eighteen, turned red in the face before attempting to walk away. His buddy, a young black man took his arm and pretty much forced him to stand there while we ridiculed the pair of them.

"Did your mom tie that for you?" Kyle guffawed.

"Here to do my taxes?" Lee chuckled.

But both of them stood before us, and the older of the two simply smiled.

"We're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" the black guy told us, and I had to hand it to him, because that certainly wouldn't have been something I'd have told a bunch of drunk, rowdy jocks.

There was a moment of silence as we let the news sink in, and then an orchestra of intense laughter. The more timid of the two, the blonde haired, blue eyed mormon looked positively mortified and took his friend by the arm and left as we hurled insults at them.

Yes, we were assholes. I know that now.

We soon forgot about the religious teenagers, and continued partying, and by day three in England, we were well and truly fucked. The European alcohol had taken it's toll, and we spent most of the day either vomiting or sleeping. Day four was much the same, but on day five, the guys wanted to head into London, which I allowed them to do without me.

I was still feeling quite rough from the partying, and opted to stay in bed for one more day. I spent most of the morning asleep, and woke only because the hangover horn was real. I realised that I hadn't had a single sober minute since Amsterdam, and that was also the last place I'd busted a nut. I was desperately horny, and whilst I was eager to get some English pussy, a simple wank seemed like a perfect idea.

I pulled my long, fat cock out and began to stroke it slowly. Images of chicks I knew began populating in my mind, and it took me only a few minutes before I felt my balls begin to tighten, and just as that beautiful feeling rose through me, the fucking doorbell rang.

I ignored it at first, and continued jerking, but once again, at the edge of orgasm, it rang again.

"Fuck sake!" I spat, pulling my boxers up and thundering down the stairs.

I expected it to be one of the guys who'd forgotten something, so I didn't bother getting dressed. I grabbed the door, yanked it open and shook my head when I found the blonde haired, blue eyed mormon boy standing awkwardly in front of me.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growled, aware that the outline of my semi-erect cock was clearly visible in my loose fitting boxer shorts.

He noticed it too, and gulped as he looked back up at me.

Now I want to make one thing very clear here. I am not, nor was I ever gay. I love bitches more than life itself, but perhaps it was the English alcohol, or perhaps I was still somewhat drunk, because what happened over the next few hours. shocked even me.

"I... I spoke to my parents" the teen said, and I could tell that he would have preferred to be anywhere else in the world but here, "and... Well, they said that anything worth doing is worth doing correctly, so..." He took a deep breath and cleared his throat, "I'd like to talk to you about Jesus Christ".

"Fucking hell" I sighed, rubbing my head, "do you get paid for this shit?"

"No sir" he replied,

"Sir?" I scoffed, "how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen"

"Well I'm nineteen, so don't call me sir, you sound like my grandpa"

We stood facing each other for a moment, and I realised that I had yet to acclimatise to British weather. Even in the summer, a cold chill whipped across my muscular, exposed body.

"You've got five minutes" I grunted, "you interrupted my wank".

I stepped back and allowed the little weirdo into the house. He looked as though I'd hit him with a baseball bat when I mentioned that I'd been jerking off, and something inside me felt a bit of excitement.

Admittedly, the house was a mess, with beer cans and bottles strewn across the floor and every other  conceivable area.

"What's your name?" I asked him, kicking through a pile of clothing.

"Eden" he replied, and I glanced at him.

"Like the garden?" I sniggered, and his cheeks became even more red.

"Want a beer, Eden?"

"Oh, no thank you" he replied politely, "we don't drink alcohol"

"That's dumb" I scoffed, "well how about a coffee?"

"No thank you, we don't drink coffee either".

I cocked a brow.


He shook his head.

"Dude, what the fuck can you drink?"

"I'll have a glass of water please"

I shook my head and slid a measly glass of water over to him whilst I cracked open a beer. I had a feeling I was going to need it.

"What else can't you do?" I enquired, "because I can already tell you that if you can't drink beer, I'm out".

"It's not about what we can't do" the young mormon started, but I stopped him in his tracks.

"Uh, yes the fuck it is" I laughed, "and you better start with that, or you can walk your little mormon ass back out the door".

Eden gulped down some water anxiously, and nodded.

"Well" he said, trying to sound somewhat confident, "our church prohibits certain things like alcohol, beards, tattoos, piercings, that type of thing".

"And?" I pressed.

"And, you know... We keep ourselves pure until marriage" the embarrassed teen mumbled.

"You don't fuck?" I gasped, and his face became stoic.

"We save that for our wife" he told me sternly.

"Yeah" I nodded, "I'm out".

"You can repent" Eden quickly added, "and once you do, a life of chastity isn't that difficult, and keeps you focused on your beliefs".

"Chastity?" I gawped, "wait, are you... Are you telling me you don't jerk off?"

I wasn't dumb, I knew that these religious nuts usually waited until marriage before doing the deed, but I just wanted to hear him say it. This however, was news to me.

"It's discouraged by the church, yes" he sighed.

"Hold the fuck up" I sniggered, "you're saying you've never choked the chicken?"

"Do you mind if we discuss Jesus Christ?" He asked, and his face had turned the colour of a tomato.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll get to that guy, but answer my question first".

He hesitated before inhaling deeply and shaking his head.

"No" he told me, "I've never felt the urge".

"Bull-fucking-shit, bro!" I blasted, "holy fucking shit, how are your balls not exploding from your weird-ass pants?"

"I think that's enough for today" Eden said politely, and stood from the table, "thank you for the water".

"Hold up, dude" I laughed, walking after him, "tell me honestly, that you've never once wanted to jerk off, not once"

Eden turned back around and lifted his eyes from the floor.

"What is right, is often not easy" he said, and I made a split second decision that was about to rock both of our worlds.

I yanked my boxers down to my knees and watched as his eyes turned to the size of dinner plates. He gawped at my long, thick cock before swallowing a lump in his throat.

"P... P... Please don't do that" he mouthed, though his eyes remained firmly on my junk.

"You don't like it?" I asked with a grin, stepping out of my underwear so that I was now fully naked.

"Sir, I've asked you... I've asked you not to..."

Eden remained frozen in place as I reached him and stood only inches away. To this day, I have no idea what came over me in that moment.

"There's the door" I shrugged, "leave whenever you want".

I could see that the well dressed mormon boy was trembling, but something about his nervousness excited me.

"Upstairs" I said, and he almost jumped when I spoke.

"I'm sorry" he eventually choked out, "but I really must be going now".

"Go then" I smiled, pointing to the door, but Eden stayed in place.

I gave him a minute to make his decision, and when he continued to stand there, shaking and staring at my thick cock, I took him by the arm and led him up the stairs.

"Come on" I sneered, "let's take a look at that little mormon cock".