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All characters are 18+

I was quite young when my parents began to take in struggling foreign students throughout the summer months. We had a large house in the countryside, which afforded a quaint and peaceful environment for them, and I know my older sister particularly liked the handsome young students, too.

You could say that we lived a rather privileged lifestyle, but also a very sheltered one. The area we lived in was home to only a dozen others, and almost none of them were anywhere near my own age. We were homeschooled too, so there was simply no getting away from the boring reality of my life.

By the time I'd turned eighteen, I knew little about the world around me, and littler again about myself. I had no knowledge of sex, other than the biological part of it which was almost whispered to me by my mother during a particularly awkward lesson.

I found some women attractive, mostly the ones on the television, but as I grew, I also became aware of a slight attraction to the men, too. It worried me somewhat, and I did my best to hide any evidence of my perversion, and got on with my monotonous life.

The summer that followed was a blisteringly hot one that I'll remember for the rest of my life. It wasn't the heat however, that keeps it firmly cemented in my mind.

Angelo was a philosophy student that had moved from Italy to study in the city. From the day I first laid eyes on him, I became enthralled.

He was two years my senior, and a more beautiful human I had never met. His skin was bronzed to perfection, his large hazel eyes shimmered in the baking sun, and his brilliant white teeth almost sparkled when he smiled.

Angelo was the image of magnificence, like a sculpted statue or a famous painting. His large biceps bulged in his shirt, and his shorts clung to his muscular thighs. Meeting Angelo confirmed to me, my deepest suspicions, and I was instantly hooked.

He was a very kind young man too, and regularly helped my mother in the kitchen. My sister was almost as enamoured by the Italian stallion as I was, though she was far more blatant about it, and would twirl her hair around her finger as she spoke to him in a voice that she didn't own.

Being the annoying little brother, I often found myself shunned from their conversations, and made to feel like an irritating fly that pestered them. Angelo however, always made time for me, even when my sister shooed me away.

It was a balmy August evening when Angelo appeared from behind me wearing only a pair of white shorts, and sat down at the edge of the pool where I was sitting with my feet in the water.

"Your sister" he smiled, and his strong accent made the hairs on my arms stand up, "I think she likes me".

"I think you're right" I smiled back, becoming lost in his eyes.

"I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual" he sighed, and looked almost upset about it.

"It isn't?"

He shook his head and glanced back at the house.

By this point, Angelo had been staying with us for about three weeks, and so I was somewhat surprised to hear that he wasn't as interested in my sister as it seemed.

"Can you keep a secret?" He asked me, his voice hushed and coated in excitement.

I nodded eagerly.

"I don't like girls" he said quietly, and his glorious smile lit the world around us.

I wasn't sure how to react to the shocking admission. Like I mentioned, there were very few people in the small town, and I knew with certainty that there were definitely no gay ones. I was the only one in the world, according to my naïve brain, who had been struck with this strange and disturbing affliction. Until now.

I think I was in a state of shock after he told me, and I kind of just sat there, wading my feet through the pool water as he waited for a response, and when I didn't give him one, he laughed.

"Does that bother you?" He asked me, and I simply shook my head.

"Would it bother your parents?"

I shrugged.

"Would this bother your parents?"

I turned to him, and as I did, he kissed me.

For a moment, all I could do was submit to the sensual embrace, and allow the brutally handsome young Italian to slide his tongue into my mouth, and hold me with one hand. And then the realisation of what was happening hit me like a steam train, and I did the only logical thing I could think of doing.

I jumped to my feet, politely excused myself and ran to my bedroom where I stood in shock for a period of time that I don't recall. What I do recall however, is that the sun had long faded behind the mountains in the distance by the time I pulled myself from my frantic thoughts.

Part of me was angry with him. Yes, I wanted him more than I'd ever wanted anything in the world, but he'd be leaving in a few weeks, and I'd be stuck here. If anybody had looked out the window and witnessed our sinful encounter, I'd surely be beaten bloody.

The other part of me however, was devilishly excited. The kiss had ignited something inside me that I had never known existed. A sexual energy was now coursing through my veins, fuelled by the images of what might have been.

I lay in bed that night and pleasured myself to the thought of Angelo, and then I did it again after that, and once more before I fell asleep, and twice before I got out of bed the next morning. When I eventually went downstairs for breakfast, my cock was raw and my balls were empty.

Angelo lay on a lounger in the garden, wearing only a pair of shorts and sunglasses as I kicked a soccer ball up and down. I wasn't exactly sure why I was purposely trying to get his attention, considering the moment he had shown me attention the previous night, I ran like the wind.

Eventually my plan succeeded and the muscular Italian sat up and lowered his sunglasses.

"You are not hot?" He asked me with a grin.

"I'm used to it" I told him, "this isn't even that hot".

"Italy is hot" he said, "but this is like an oven".

I continued to kick the ball to nobody, before the man stood up and joined me, and we spent at least an hour kicking back and forth.

"You're very handsome" he said, stopping the ball with his bare foot and staring at me, "do you know that?"

I didn't know that. Of course, my mother had always said as much, but that was a mother's job, and I took it with a pinch of salt. Angelo saying it however, was a much more welcome compliment. I felt my cheeks blush as I mumbled a thanks.

"Let's take a walk" Angelo said, and retrieved his t-shirt from the lounger before walking down the long garden.

I glanced around, wondering if anybody was watching, before chasing after him, and the two of us strolled leisurely from the garden and into the forest.

"It's beautiful" he said in awe as we entered the woodland, "do you come here often?"

"I used to" I said, "but not since I was a child".

"It must be very lonely for you here" he continued, staring around at the treetops.

"I guess"

"Why don't you move to the city?" He asked me, "meet people your own age, find yourself".

I shrugged.

"There are plenty of gays in the city" Angelo grinned, and his eyes found mine.

"I'm... I'm not gay" I lied.

"So you wouldn't like if I kissed you again?"

I had no response to his question, and apparently that in itself was a response. Angelo stepped toward me once more, took my face in his hand and pressed his lips against mine, and my body buzzed with excitement as we kissed.

I was so focused on the kiss, that it took me a moment to realise that his free hand was sliding up my t-shirt and caressing my smooth body. He walked me backwards until my shoulder blades rested against a tall oak, and continued under my shirt, toying with my tender nipples and fingering his way under my arms.

"Don't tell your parents" he whispered with a secretive smile, and I shook my head as he pulled my shirt over my head, and did the same with his own.

My heart raced in my chest as we kissed again. I was breathless, though I hadn't moved a muscle, and I could feel my manhood begin to swell in my underwear. My brain was both full with excitement, and completely empty at the same time. I was confused, yet focused, calm yet nervous, but oh so aroused.

Angelo vacated my lips, and kissed my soft neck as his hands gripped my waist. I lay my head against the tree, and bit my lips as I gazed into the sky above. It was magical, and I wanted it to last forever.

He inched my shorts down, revealing my briefs which hid my erection and slid his hand inside, grasping it and causing me to mewl from my open mouth.

I was quite modest, and the idea of anybody seeing me naked was rather uncomfortable, so I continued staring into the deep blue sky as I felt my underwear being lowered.

"You've got a beautiful cock, Alex" he whispered, and his voice came from between my legs.

I looked down just in time to see Angelo take my swollen cock into his mouth and suck on it like it was a delicious treat.

I gasped at the sensation, and my knees began to buckle almost instantly. It was spectacular to feel, but almost as fantastic to witness. I simply watched him as he took my tool down his throat and fondled my balls delicately.

He was a gifted young man, and had me on the edge of orgasm within just a few minutes, until he stopped and dropped his own shorts, revealing a thick bush of pubic hair, and a cock that dwarfed my own.

"Go ahead" he whispered, gently guiding me to my knees.

I felt almost hypnotised by the stunning man, and eagerly leaned forward despite my nerves. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was doing it regardless.

I wrapped my hand around his flaccid rod, but it was too large to close my fingers fully, and so I began to pump what I could, and felt it stiffen in my grasp.

I was mesmerised by the sight of his growing erection, and stared at it open mouthed as it reached seven, eight, nine inches long. I was drooling, and it caused him to laugh and wipe my spit from my chin with his thumb.

Angelo pointed his cock at my mouth, and without being asked, I opened it wider and felt his smooth helmet slide across my tongue. It was at that moment, that I knew that sucking cock would become my favourite past time.

I gagged rather quickly, but Angelo didn't seem to care. He was purring loudly in pleasure, softly thrusting in and out of my inexperienced mouth as I did my best to suck.

It lasted quite a while, and despite the dull ache in my jaw, and the rather painful feeling in my neck, I didn't want it to end.

His hands now held my head, and softly kept me in rhythm as he fucked my throat. Only the sound of the birds in the trees and the wet squelching of a blowjob could be heard, before Angelo moaned loudly and spilled his seed into my mouth.

I gulped it down, almost as if it was an inherent instinct of mine, to swallow men's cum. I savoured the salty taste, enjoying it immensely as he added more and more, and groaned in pleasure.

When Angelo had finished, I cleaned him up with my tongue and felt him soften in my mouth. He was breathless, and smiling widely.

When I stood up, I reached for my shorts which were still around my ankles, but he stopped me and shook his finger.

"You're not done" he smiled, and got down on his knees and lipped my straining, wet cock back into his mouth.

I shook once more, with each stroke of his tongue sending electric sparks throughout my entire body. I held his head now, unsure what exactly I was supposed to be doing, but doing it nonetheless.

It took only a few minutes before my balls began to crawl upwards, my toes dug into the soft forest floor, and I whimpered in pleasure before spurting a measly load into the Italian stud's mouth.

The orgasm itself was explosive, and left me trembling and weak as it passed through me, but my balls had been spent from the vigorous marathon they'd had over the last few hours, and I felt ridiculous comparing it to Angelo's, which had been mammoth to say the least.

"It's usually more" I groaned, my cheeks burning as he stood up and wiped his mouth, "I... It's just..."

"Relax, Alex" Angelo whispered, caressing my face with his golden hand, "there's plenty of time to prove that".

My eyes were opened that summer, and I have Angelo to thank for that. We became inseparable, and spent almost every waking minute of the day, and night together. My parents would later admit that they had known that I was gay from the time I was a child, and my father kissed my cheek on my wedding day as he tearfully handed me over to my husband and lifelong partner, Angelo.



So hot, so sweet! I love it!