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All characters are 18+

My last summer in high school was the highlight of my teenage years. We were pent up, curious, horny boys with no outlet other than our own hands and a dirty magazine that one of them managed to swipe from their dad. The outcome of the situation wasn't entirely unexpected, though it was shocking to say the least.

There were four of us in total, Kyle, Jack, Liam and myself. We were active young men, with barely an ounce of body fat between us. Kyle was the most well defined in terms of physique. His father was a tyrant, dragging him to every conceivable sport in the state. Jack and Liam were twins, though they weren't identical, and Liam and I were probably the closest. We'd grown up together, and were admittedly the two most attractive youngsters in the group.

He was a cheeky sort of guy, with a cunning smile that melted hearts and a shock of golden hair to boot. He was a little shorter than I was, which I reminded him of regularly, and the two of us were more like brothers than even him and Jack.

At some point in the run up to the camping trip, we became quite comfortable jacking off in each other's company. It wasn't a gay thing, as none of us were actually gay. It was almost like a bonding activity, and one that we all became very interested in.

We didn't do it openly, and would stick cushions between each other so that there was no possibility of seeing, or worse, touching off each other as we stroked our cocks. It was around that time that I began to wonder what it would be like to catch a glimpse of one of the others. Again, it wasn't exactly a sexual thing, but more, a curious one.

We became somewhat obsessed with our new past time, and would rush home from school to get changed and convene in the treehouse that we'd built as kids. There were times when we'd crank out two or three wanks in the hours that we sat there, until we'd leave, drained and sweaty from our furious tugging.

Admittedly, we were behind the times in terms of our sexual exploration. The youngest of us was eighteen, and the eldest, nineteen, but we'd all lived sheltered lives and sexual awakenings were difficult to fit in between constant sport and mischief.

We certainly made up for that during our trip.

I don't recall who came up with the idea, but as we gingerly, and somewhat reluctantly sipped from a bottle of Brandy that Liam had stollen from his grandmother, our inhibitions seemed to melt away.

There were no phones back then, so our entertainment came from a deck of cards that I'd brought with me. At first it started as a standard game of Blackjack, but as teenagers, our interest faltered after an hour or so.

"Should we do it?" Liam asked, and we all knew that this was codeword for our jerk off sessions.

It didn't actually occur to me how strange it was that Liam and Jack were so comfortable wanking beside each other, given the fact that they were twin brothers. It had become almost normal for us.

"I don't know" Kyle sighed, and we all turned to him, shocked.

Kyle had always been the most eager to partake in our wank marathons, so hearing him turn it down was drastically unexpected.

"It's getting a bit boring, don't you think?" He asked us, and all of our jaws were on the floor.

We spent some time violently defending our favourite activity until finally his true intentions became clear.

"Why don't we try something else?" He asked us, "something more exciting".

The rules were simple, and relatively juvenile. We'd play in pairs, drawing a card each and revealing it on the floor. The one with the lowest value lost and thus, would go behind a tree with the winner and reveal a body part of the winner's choice.

We were young, dumb and horny so suddenly this became the most interesting game we'd ever played.

By request, Kyle and Liam went first and Kyle pulled a three whilst Liam won with a seven. The two of them excitedly scurried behind the tree, but no matter how much we strained our necks, only Liam could be seen.

When they returned, both of them refused to tell us what body part Liam had chosen to see.

Myself and Jack went next, and I beat him by a considerable margin. He followed me to the site and I stood with my arms folded.

We all knew what the ultimate goal was, but as a 'straight' eighteen-year-old, it would be too damaging to my masculinity to jump straight into it.

"Take off your shirt" I shrugged, as though I was only doing this because I had to.

Jack scoffed and lifted his t-shirt over his head to reveal his smooth, lithe torso. I glanced at it, and even though he was quite a hot young man, I kept up my persona and nodded a moment later. Naturally enough, we were greeted by the same questions we had posed to them, but kept our lips sealed.

The game continued, and eventually we decided that there was no need to hide behind the tree anymore. It took less than half an hour before we'd all shown off our chests, backs, feet and legs. Nobody dared to be the first to request the holy grail.

Kyle beat me by one, and a grin flashed across his handsome face.

"Your butt" he said, to giggles of amusement from the others.

I felt my cheeks redden, but turned and slipped the back of my trousers down as the three of them howled with laughter. Yes, we were immature indeed.

Jack did the honours, and ordered the same from Kyle, and once again it took only minutes for us to have all revealed our asses.

"Take off your undies" Liam sniggered to Jack and his face drained of colour.

There was a moment of argument before we reiterated the rules of our completely made up game, and Jack resigned to the fact and stood before us all, cursing under his breath as he lowered his pants and stood in his tighty-whities.

"And them!" Liam laughed, and we could all see the humiliation in Jack's face as he sighed and edged them to his knees.

In a normal situation, we would have burst into laughter at the sight, but this situation was anything but normal. Jack's monstrous cock looked more like a babies arm than a phallus, and dangled from a thick bush of black pubic hair.

"Holy shit, bro" Kyle gasped as Jack shuffled on his feet, "that's fucking insane".

Jack took the compliment like a champ, but pulled his briefs back up quickly.

The stakes had certainly become higher, and each of us now knew what losing meant. I battled it out with Kyle, with both of us drawing a ten, but Kyle scraping it in the second round. A knot formed in my stomach as I stood in the centre and waited for the order.

"Hmm" Kyle grinned, "I was gonna' say your shirt, but I'm not so sure now" he teased, "I guess we'll have to see your little pecker".

Being the second victim of our newfound confidence would have been fine had the first one not been hung like a mule. I squirmed in my own skin as I slowly pulled my pants down and stood back up to reveal a plump, but somewhat pathetic little cock.

The guys were good about it, and didn't prolong my suffering for too long, except for Jack who eagerly pointed out that not only did I have a foreskin, but it looked tight, too. He was correct of course, but I wanted to punch him for pointing out a painful insecurity of mine.

Liam's cock was double the size of mine, cut like the others but as smooth as a pane of glass, something which we all found rather curious.

"My dad's razor" he shrugged, when asked how he'd done it.

Kyle also produced an impressive sized dick, and had arguably the largest set of low hanging nuts which dangled underneath.

"I have an idea" he giggled, shuffling toward us with his pants still around his knees and causing a roar of laughter and feigned disgust as we jumped out of the way.

"If you pull a card lower than ten, you strip naked for the rest of the night" he announced, as though there wasn't much choice in the matter.

The Brandy had done a good job on the rest of them, but I still found the idea of being naked to be somewhat disconcerting, and yes, it was solely because they all dwarfed me in terms of dick size.

Kyle spread the deck in his hands and each of us took a card. We sat around in a circle, and in unison, we flipped them.

My heart sank as I stared down at a two.

Jack growled at his nine, Kyle shrugged with a seven and Liam laughed, showing a six.

The awkwardness returned as we hesitantly undressed together. I spent a little too long in my briefs, which caused Liam to yank them down himself. When we all stood naked, with four cocks on show, Kyle produced the goods.

"See" he grinned, throwing the nudey magazine onto the ground, "this is more exciting".

"This is more gay" Jack sniggered.

We all stared down at the attractive blonde on the cover, and Kyle was the first to swell. None of us wanted to be caught looking, but all of us watched as Kyle's rod filled with blood and stuck out from his body.

I'm not sure if it was the sight of my friend, or the tits on the cover, but we all followed suit until our dicks were pin hard and sticking up in different directions. Nobody laughed, which made the situation seem rather ominous, but a moment later we gripped our manhoods and began to jerk.

Of course we didn't admit it at the time, but Kyle was correct. This was more exciting than doing it under the cover of a dirty old cushion, and our eyes darted between the four hard cocks that sloshed in our hands.

"I have an idea" Kyle said again,

"You've got lots of fucking ideas tonight" Liam laughed, his face red from wanking.

Jack gulped from the half empty bottle and passed it to me, and I certainly needed it when Kyle shared his strange idea.

A packet of cookies came from the bag, and Kyle took a single one out. We watched curiously.

"My cousin told me about a game they play called Soggy Biscuit"

Already, it didn't sound promising.

"We all jerk off and nut on the cookie" he continued, doing his best to contain his laughter, as we did to contain our disgust. "The last one to jizz on it, eats it".

"Your cousin is sick in the head" Liam said seriously, "that's fucking nasty".

"Yeah bro" I nodded in agreement, "that's fucked up".

Kyle and Jack however, both seemed interested, and despite the fifty fifty split, and a round of arguing, Liam and I were somehow defeated.

Given our reluctance, it seemed only obvious that it would be either Liam or myself who landed the disturbing task of consuming the drenched delectable. I wasn't fully against the idea, which was likely a result of my teenage hormones and the alcohol that coursed through my veins, but I would have still preferred to watch one of the others doing it instead.

We went silent and Kyle used his toe to flick through the pages of the magazine. Nobody seemed too bothered that we were completely naked and jerking off whilst our arms pressed against each other. The goal now, was to nut as fast as possible.

It took about ten minutes before Kyle's breathing quickened, and he grabbed the large cookie, holding it under his swollen pole. I'd be lying if I said I didn't watch with considerable interest as he poured three or four ropes of white fluid onto the baked good and squeezed another glob of the stuff from his piss slit.

Perhaps it was because he'd watched his friend do it, but a moment later, my partner in crime, the one who had been just as reluctant as I had, betrayed me, and kneed his way over to the wet biscuit and added a thick load of cum directly over Kyle's.

It was down to the wire now. Jack and I eyed each other, which quickly became too gay considering our hands were furiously tugging our erections. I couldn't lose, I'd never live it down. I'd forever be known as the boy who ate jizz.

I pumped harder, praying that the feeling of euphoria would rush through me like it so often did. I wasn't even paying attention to the magazine anymore, I was willing myself solely on necessity, and apparently that was a bad game plan.

A whimpered moan escaped Jack's lips and he dropped to his knees, pushing his hips out and drenching the cookie in a copious amount of sperm.

I felt my stomach churn as I watched him stroke himself flaccid, ensuring that every single dribble of semen landed in the large pool of mixed ball contents.

"You have to finish" Kyle shrugged, and I felt like punching him.

All three of them watched me eagerly, their soft cocks hanging between their legs, and smiles on their face knowing that they were safe from the awful forfeit.

It took at least twenty more minutes of humiliating wanking before I think my balls just gave up and pumped a few splashes of sloppy cum from my aching, red cock.

The orgasm was pathetic, and the post-nut-clarity made me regret everything.

The guys however, seemed overly enthusiastic about the outcome, and began goading me instantly.

"Come on, time for dinner" Jack grinned,

"Let's go, man" Kyle clapped, "get it into you".

Liam was the only one who wasn't actively pushing me to ingest the group's load.

I shuddered, but our word was our word, and I'd never be accused of going back on it. The knot in my stomach tightened as I reached for the soggy biscuit. I did my best to avoid touching any of the creamy mess, which was comical considering where I was about to put it.

It swam around, and I could feel the weight of it as I lifted it up and gagged. As I lifted it closer to my face, I could smell the stench of teenage jizz and for some reason, it had the opposite effect than I had expected.

My drained pole began to twitch, and that's the only reason why I quickly bit into the biscuit and felt the mixture fill my mouth. I had to get it over with as soon as possible before the others realised that I was actually getting hard from this.

The taste wasn't actually bad. It was certainly salty, and slightly tangy, but over all, it was a decent addition to the biscuit. The texture was quite strange, being thicker and more viscous than I had expected.

Gags and laughter poured from the trio above, and I feigned disgust as I scrunched my face and chewed the sperm coated cookie.

"What does it taste like?" Jack asked, his eyes wide and fascinated.

"Cum" I mouthed, swallowing the first mouthful of my friend's sperm.

A string of semen linked my lips to the other half of the wet treat, and I popped it into my mouth and chewed quickly as my erection pushed between my legs.

It had gone from not being too bad, to being delicious. I wanted more, and as I swallowed the remnants of Kyle's, Jack's, Liam's and my own cum, I stood up and showed them my sperm soaked tongue.

"That's fucked up" Liam laughed, and I grinned, assuming that he was referring to the fact that I'd just eaten their loads.

"No" he smirked, "that".

I followed his finger to my crotch, squirming as I stared down at my boner, before glancing back up at them, humiliated and disgusted with myself.

"Don't worry about it man" Kyle laughed, patting my shoulder, "we always knew you wanted it".


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