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All characters are 18+

Perhaps I was a pervert as a teenager, or perhaps I was a confused, horny young eighteen-year-old, with hormones aplenty, and an erection that never faded. Whatever it was, it became insatiable when I was around one person in particular.

His name was Reece, and he was the most glorious young man that I had ever laid eyes on. I'd been drooling over him for years, and it was only by the grace of god that our friend group somehow merged and the two of us became quite close.

He was a little shorter than me, with dirty blonde hair that never sat right. His skin was as golden as a summer sunset, and his eyes sparkled blue whenever I caught them. He had a smile that broke the hearts of plenty of pretty women, and a body that gives me butterflies to this day. Oh yes, Reece was the image of perfection.

I was quite handsome too, if I do say so myself. I played sport because my father forced me to, but if there's one thing I can thank him for, it's that. I had a decent body, not too large, and not too skinny. I wasn't shredded by any means, but I could hold my own. My features were much darker than Reece's, with jet black hair, deep brown eyes and a tanned complexion that didn't fit in with where I lived.

I won't bore you with the details of my sexual realisation. I was gay, I knew that, but nobody else did. It was a tough secret to carry, but that was life back then.

So you're probably wondering why I labelled myself as a pervert at the beginning, and I'm going to tell you. It's quite simple really. Somewhere in my developing teenage brain, the idea of inhaling the scent of handsome young men through their used underwear became something of a fascination. It wasn't even a controllable urge, or something I could push to the back of my mind. It was an addiction, a powerful, delicious habit that had consumed me.

In my final year of high school, I must have stolen at least fifty pairs of underwear during gym class, and each pair gave me the same mind blowing orgasm as the last. I didn't care about who owned them, as long as they were of age and attractive, and somehow back then, I found an attractive quality in almost everybody.

Unfortunately for me, Reece and I went to different schools, and we still weren't close enough for sleepovers, so he remained unreachable and I remained desperately horny for him. It was a painful reality, when I had to see him every day and yet he was out of bounds.

Summer was fast approaching, and everybody was excited to finally finish school. It was on one faithful day, that my excitement changed from college, to camp.

Unbeknownst to me, Reece was an avid soccer player. I wasn't particularly bad at the sport, but I certainly wouldn't have gone to a soccer camp. Not until I found out that Reece was, anyway.

My father was extremely impressed with this new, masculine adventure that I was taking, and almost threw the money at me to pay for it. I think Reece was somewhat curious too, considering I'd never even spoken about the sport, but he seemed happy to have a familiar face join him on the journey.

It was two weeks long, and I was eager to make sure that I made the most of it. It's quite funny looking back on it now. I was solely focused on getting my hands on a pair of Reece's used, sweaty underwear, and had no idea the sexual awakening that I was about to have.

I recall being quite nervous when the nine hour journey came to an end and we were ushered from the bus like hardened criminals. I was a shy teenager, so when the reality of the situation struck, I vaguely remember wanting nothing more than to call my mom and get her to pick me up.

It wasn't as bad as it first seemed, but I can't say that I really enjoyed the majority of it. We were quickly introduced to the other boys, most of which were big, beefy young men who grunted rather than spoke, and ate too quickly. I was out of my depth, but I was with Reece, and that was enough.

The first morning was an experience to say the least. We woke early to the sound of banging pots and pans, and it quickly became apparent that the camp leaders fancied themselves as drill sergeants rather than friendly coaches.

Like rats, we scurried from the large dorm room and found ourselves in a cramped tiled room with shower heads above us, and as soon as we arrived, the gang of at least twenty young men began to strip from their clothes. It was an aspect that I hadn't considered, and even though I was mortified at the idea, we all stood naked a moment later.

It was the first time I'd ever seen Reece naked, and the sight remains burned into my brain to this day. He was perfect in every single way, and as smooth as a spread of butter. I watched the water trail down his forming muscles, and further again down the long rope that hung between his legs.

He was deep in conversation with a dark skinned young man, laughing and joking as I did my best to fight of my building erection. I couldn't believe that somebody could be so damn perfect, and it made my longing for him even stronger.

To avoid boring you with any further details, I'll skip ahead to a few nights later. We'd had a particularly gruelling day, and but for the fact that I got to see Reece naked at least twice a day, I would have been on the next bus home.

My plan to steal at least a single pair of underwear from him was proving to be quite difficult. We spent every waking minute of the day together, with access to the dorms blocked off during the day. The only time that there was any possibility of swiping a pair, was in the dead of night, but doing so would be risky.

Nobody slept naked, so the only place that I'd find a pair would be in the wooden laundry baskets at the end of each bed. That seemed doable, but Reece was an extraordinarily light sleeper and the risk of him waking up was far too great.

I was also bitterly horny, having not had a minute alone since we arrived. It had been at least four days since I'd last blown a load, and at eighteen-years-old, that was a recipe for disaster.

As we all lay in bed that night, snoring began to fill the room. I stayed awake, hoping that somehow I'd manage to outlast everybody else and crank one out before morning. I however, wasn't the only one with that idea.

It must have been an hour later when the soft sound of rustling came from the bed next to me. It was Reece's bed, and I slowed my breathing as we lay in the dark, pretending to sleep.

It quickened, and my own cock began to swell in my briefs as I listened. I knew what he was doing, hell, I wanted to do it myself, but hearing Reece beat off just inches from me, was quite enough for me.

His breathing became laboured as he stroked his perfect cock, and I could only imagine what it looked like, all wet and hard.

"Hey" the whisper nearly caused me to piss my pants, and my sudden jerk reaction confirmed what Reece must have suspected.

"You're awake" he stated, "you wanna go for a smoke?"

I was a casual smoker, as was he, so waking in the middle of the night for a cigarette wasn't something that I had ever done, but suddenly it sounded like the best idea in the world, and after lodging my erection in the waistband of my briefs, I slid from the bed.

Perhaps he hadn't been wanking, perhaps I'd been dreaming it all. The two of us stood up, it was far too warm to dress, and so we crept from the dorm in just our briefs and slipped into the clammy night.

As we stood there under the stars, Reece reached into his underpants and pulled out a crinkled box, passing me a cigarette that I would have preferred to smell rather than smoke. He took one himself and inhaled the nicotine as we looked out into the darkness.

"I'd stay here forever" he told me, and I agreed, even though I would have stuck pins in my eyes sooner than stay there for any longer than I'd paid for.

I couldn't help but glance down at his bulge at every possible opportunity. It was strange, I found myself even more turned on by the sight of the stunning young man in his briefs, than when he was naked, though both images were far beyond arousing.

"Jerking off is so fucking hard here, though" he laughed and my eyes widened. "I tried just before we came out" he continued, "but it's just too awkward".

My mouth became dry as I nodded.

"Have you?"

The question took me off guard, and I stuttered over myself for a few moments before shaking my head.

"Hey, if there were only two people left in the world" he said, drawing on the cigarette, "you and another guy, would you have sex with him?"

Reece was grinning, which led me to believe that the question was nothing more than teenage banter. I shook my head to maintain my straight persona.

"I would" he shrugged, and my jaw nearly hit the floor.

"What?" Reece laughed, "who's gonna' find out?"

"Nobody, I guess" I scoffed.

We continued smoking until the butts began to burn.

"We should get back" he said, flicking his cigarette into the night, and I nodded and did the same.

"Or we could go over there" he added, and pointed to a large crate which was used to hold the scoreboard for the soccer matches.

"What's over there?"

"I'll show you" he told me, and scurried away from me, barefoot and mostly naked.

I watched as he ran, and followed a moment later. I wasn't sure what his intentions were, but after the conversation we'd just had, I was eager to find out.

The crate was huge, and we both had to climb up the side before dropping down into the middle. All it was, was an empty wooden box, with nothing inside but the two of us. We stood awkwardly for a moment before Reece finally spoke.

"You ever been curious?" He asked me, and my brain seemed to glitch.

"Curious?" I choked, "curious about what?"

"I dunno" he shrugged, and even in the darkness I could see his cheeks blush.

This was my chance. I couldn't blow it.

"I guess so" I told him, and he glanced at me.



An awkward silence fell between us before Reece began to giggle.

"What?" I asked, and he nodded toward his crotch.

My eyes widened as I stared down at his briefs, which were now tenting with his boner.

"I told you" he laughed, "I haven't been able to jerk off since we got here".

I couldn't pull my eyes from it. I could tell that it was straining inside his underwear, bursting to get out, and the sight made my own one swell.

"You too?" He asked, noticing mine and I nodded, my mouth still slack.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't" he told me.

I couldn't form words anymore. I was far too enthralled by Reece's forwardness. I simply nodded again, and watched as the handsome, lithe young soccer played slipped his briefs down his legs and stepped out of them.

"Aren't you gonna do it?" He asked, holding the base of his seven inch cock as I drooled.

I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and lowered them down. My cock was smaller by an inch or two, but neither of us seemed to care as we began stroking ourselves.

"Don't tell him I told you" Reece breathed, his hand sloshing up and down his perfect rod, "but I've done this before" he said, "with Andrew".

The image of Reece and another guy from our friend group, doing this exact same thing, almost made me spill my load there and then. I couldn't believe it. Andrew was one of the straightest guys I knew, and yet he'd stood beside Reece and jerked off, just like I was doing now.

"Wanna try something else?" He asked me, and instantly I nodded.

He moved slowly, as though waiting for me to pull away, or perhaps even punch him, but all I did was drop my hands as Reece's fingers closed around my pole, and mine around his.

It felt like surges of electricity pulsing through me as we jerked each other off. I glanced down at his discarded briefs and almost laughed to myself. I'd been so preoccupied by getting my hands on them, that I hadn't even considered that something like this could happen.

"Look" he smirked, and positioned himself so that the tips of our wet cocks pressed against each other, and his hand ran from the base of my cock, to the base of his, in one motion.

My legs began to shake as Reece wanked us both. It was breathtaking, and I could feel his juices spill onto my rod, and mine onto his.

"You try" he whispered, and I did.

Feeling his fat, straining cock in my hand made me salivate. Only the sound of sloshing and our heavy breathing could be heard as we edged closer to climax.

Reece took mine back in his hand, and I did the same to him. We matched speed, pumping each other in unison, until finally he began to moan softly.

The sight of the naked teenager, tensed and sweating as I coaxed his load from his balls made me weak with pleasure. I don't know which of us caved first, but a moment later, ropes of thick, wet cum were spraying in every direction.

I felt splashes of it against my stomach, and watched as more of it trailed down Reece's abs. My brain spun, my heart raced, and my cock continued to pour the contents of my balls all over the handsome young man before me.

When we'd both finished, we stood there, naked and drained, breathless and satisfied.

"That was fun" he laughed, and took another cigarette from the confines of his discarded briefs.

The moments after it weren't exactly awkward, but two nude teens who had just ejaculated all over each other, trying to keep up a conversation was a little strange.

We shared the cigarette and Reece reached down for his underwear.

"Hey" I said, and felt a punch of stupidity as the words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them.

"Wanna swap briefs?" I asked, and he cocked a brow.


"I dunno" I shrugged, wishing I hadn't said it at all.

Reece stopped for a moment before reaching for my ones, and throwing his to me. I grabbed them like my life depended on it, and gawped at him.

"What?" He smirked, sliding my ones up his wet, cum soaked crotch.

"Nothing" I smiled back, and did the same with his ones.


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