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All characters are 18+

Brad and Cole took a large keg each, lifting them onto their shoulders and straining in the mid day heat. Both of the topless jocks had been trying to outdo each other since they began over an hour ago.

"He's so hot" Blair whispered to her best friend Samantha, who was also staring at the two muscular hunks.

"Which one?" She gawped, her eyes trailing down Brad's washboard abs and noticing the swing of the thick, long rod in his shorts.

"Both of them" Blair laughed, and the two attractive young women giggled loudly as they basked on the sun loungers.

The house was almost set up. Devon's folks were out of town, so it was a no brainer that the biggest party of the year would be held at his place. He wasn't too pushed about the idea, but the guys had eventually convinced him.

"Don't touch that!" The athletic swimmer groaned as Ethan Whittle picked up one of his mom's ornaments.

"Stop being such a pussy" the eighteen-year-old smirked, and threw the ceramic globe into the air before catching it coolly. Devon gasped.

The four attractive young men had been friends since they started high school, Brad and Cole however, were in diapers when they became inseparable.

"What are those two idiots doing now?" A stunning young blonde woman asked as she opened the freezer and pulled out an ice lolly.

Brad and Cole were now wrestling in the back yard, with Brad gaining the upper hand and slamming Cole onto his back.

"Mom's going to murder you by the way" she added, staring at her brother.

"Oh fuck off, Jenna" Devon hissed, and pulled a China teapot from their youngest friend Ethan.

The young blonde left the kitchen and Ethan turned to him with a devious grin.

"Bro, do you know how much I wanna bone your sister?" He laughed, and grabbed the base of his cock through his shorts, shaking his long erection.

"You're fucking disgusting, and you're lucky I don't tell Brad!" Devon hissed, and pushed the laughing young man into the garden.

"How many people are coming?" He growled, still unhappy that he had been forced to host the party.

"Oh I don't know" Cole said, staring up from the grass as his chiselled chest rose and fell rapidly, "one hundred".

Devon's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

"And sixty"

His mouth dropped open.

"Give or take".

"Give or take!" The tanned young man snapped, sweat forming above his brow, "GIVE OR TAKE?!"

Brad clapped him on the back and grinned.

"Don't worry bro" he said, "after a few beers, you won't even care that Ethan's pissing in your mom's flower bed".

Devon's head snapped back and sure enough, the shortest and cheekiest guy on the football team was emptying his bladder all across his mother's Lobelias. He charged at him and Ethan dribbled down the front of his shorts as he stowed his cock back inside and took chase. The entire group laughed.

The Forth of July party was the most anticipated party of the year. It had always been hosted by the college football team, and this year was no different. Every kid from college would be there, and whilst it was almost always held on campus, Devon's family home was not only huge, but relatively close.

By the evening, the heat had settled somewhat and the pre-party nerves were beginning to kick in. Brad and Cole were dressed almost identically, though it hadn't been planned. They each wore a tight fitting white shirt which showcased their bulging biceps nicely. A pair of tight blue shorts hugged their thick thighs, but when Ethan began calling them the Homer Simpson Twins, Cole changed into a white denim pair instead.

The four young men were extremely handsome. Even without their toned, lean, muscular bodies, they'd all been blessed with striking good looks, so it was no surprise that their girlfriends spoke openly about how they'd be willing to swap around. Nobody was quite sure if they were serious or not, not even them.

By eight, the house had started to fill up and Devon was drinking as much alcohol as he could in order to settle his increasing anxiety. Ethan had already managed to convince his ex girlfriend to follow him into the bathroom, and both Brad and Cole were engrossed in an arm wrestle that had drawn the attention of many of the others.

"Hey Devon" Blair smiled, sitting down beside the dark haired nineteen-year-old.

"Oh, hey Blair" he nodded, turning back to keep an eye on the party goers.

"You seem stressed out" she added, and if Devon didn't know better, he'd think that there was something almost flirtatious about the way she spoke.

"I am" he growled, and watched as a young man who he didn't even know, threw up in the water fountain.

"Well why don't you come upstairs and let me take care of you?"

Devon turned to her, his brow furrowed as she smiled seductively at him.

"Y... You're dating Cole" he said, shocked that this was even a conversation.

"He's the one who asked me, silly" she giggled, and took Devon by the hand.

Cole and Brad were still struggling to beat each other, and suddenly the idea of fucking the absurdly hot chick beside him, sounded quite good. He stole another glance at Cole, but Blair was already pulling him toward the house.

"Your room or your parents?" She asked as they reached the landing upstairs.

"I vote that we do it in your parents room" she added, winking as she bit her bottom lip.

Devon felt his cock swell in his shorts as he nodded nervously and pointed at the door.

The second the door closed, Blair jumped on him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her lips around his. Part of the young man felt awful that he was potentially about to have sex with his best friend's girlfriend, but Blair said it was his idea.

He shed his shirt and fell onto the bed on top of the slender woman, he felt her hands at the strings in his shorts and she somehow used her feet to lower them down his strong legs.

His seven inch cock was already stiff as he slid his own boxer briefs down. He reached for Blair's t-shirt, eager to finally get a look at her plump breasts, but she stopped him and smiled.

"I have an idea" she whispered, rubbing his smooth face, "lay on the bed".

Back outside, Cole had finally managed to defeat his best friend and the two of them were now seeing who could finish their beer the quickest.

"Hey, have you seen Blair?" He asked, belching.

"No bro" Brad told him, and the pair separated as Cole searched for his girlfriend.

"Hey Jenna, have you seen Blair?" He said, poking his head into the living room to find the extremely pretty young woman watching the television.

"Hey Cole" she smiled, and the young man felt a rush of butterflies in his stomach.

He'd always had a thing for Devon's sister, but naturally it was a secret that he hadn't shared with anybody.

"I haven't seen her since earlier" she said, and Cole wondered why she was now standing up and slowly walking toward him.

"Is there anything I could help you with instead?"

The young man wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but an erection began to grow in his denim shorts.

"Um... Uh... No thanks" he swallowed, and felt her hand grasp his groin.

His eyes widened as she smiled at him. He wanted nothing more than to rip off her clothes and fuck her brains out over the sofa.

"Are you sure?" She whispered, caressing his sharp jawline.

Not only was Jenna one of his best friend's sisters, but she was also Brad's girlfriend.

"B... Brad" he stuttered, but the young woman shrugged and trailed her finger down his open shirt, feeling every individual ab as she reached his stomach.

She stepped back and slowly lifted her shirt to reveal a set of perfect tits, Cole's cock was now painfully swollen.

"Fuck it" he spat, and lunged at her.

Brad stood behind the garden shed with his large cock in his hand. There was simply no way that he was queueing for the bathroom when he could simply piss out here. Devon was nowhere to be seen either, so at least he didn't have to worry about his bitching.

"Want a blowjob?"

The voice startled him, and as the star quarterback turned to find the owner, he was pleasantly surprised to see Samantha McGovern.

The dark skinned young woman had never been backwards in coming forwards. Though Brad did find it strange that she was offering such a lucrative favour considering her and Devon had been seeing each other on and off for as long as he could remember.

"Aren't you dating Dev?" He asked, his large, meaty cock still in his hand as he faced her.

"Are you going to tell him?" She asked with a look of fiery passion in her eyes.

"Fuck no" Brad scoffed, and the stunning young woman stepped toward him.

In the twenty minutes that followed, all four of the handsome young men found themselves in various states of undress, but all of them were now ferociously horny.

Devon had been tied to his parent's bed, blindfolded and sucking on Blair's delicious panties that she stuffed in his mouth, all whilst his throbbing erection leaked pre-cum into his bellybutton.

Cole had been naked, though he was now being led upstairs with only his t-shirt to cover his hard cock, after spending the last twenty minutes pumping it while he watched Jenna squeeze her breasts.

Brad had become frustrated with Samantha after repeated attempts to get her to actually suck his dick. It was her suggestion after all. He was horny now, so when she suggested that they go somewhere more private, he willingly obliged.

Ethan had been so close to blowing his load as his girlfriend sucked on his six inch rod. He could feel the orgasm build inside him, and then suddenly she stopped. He wanted to scream, but the offer that she whispered in his ear certainly sweetened the deal, and a moment later he too was being led up the stairs.

Devon heard the door open. Blair had run to get a condom, so it was only a matter of time before he'd be inside her.

"DEVON?" Cole's voice sounded as the door slammed shut and the lock sounded.

"Hey!" The young man grabbed the handle, but it was useless. "Hey, Jenna!"

"JENNA?!" Devon muffled through Blair's panties.

The door swung open quickly, Ethan found himself pushed inside and it closed once more.

"Dude! Why are you naked?!" He snapped at Cole.

"Why are you naked?!" Cole snapped back.

"NAKED WITH JENNA!" Devon roared, though nothing could be heard.

The two men now tried the door, but once again it was locked. They ran toward the window, and just as they reached over to open it, the door burst open one final time, and slammed shut as Brad appeared.

"What in the fuck is this gay shit?" He asked, his jaw dropping as he stared at the three naked men before him.

Devon was now howling into the gag, his wet cock had become limp and ridiculous looking as he squirmed in the restraints.

As the three able-bodied hunks glanced between each other, Brad's phone rang in his pocket.

"Oh thank fuck, babe" he sighed, pointing to his phone and mouthing the word 'Jenna'.

Cole's blood ran cold.

"Loudspeaker?" He scoffed, "why?"

A moment later, the blonde quarterback shrugged and put his phone on speaker, the four of them listened carefully.

"Hey boys!" Four female voices sang cheerfully, and the three young men glared at each other, confused and worried.

"You're probably all wondering why you're locked in a bedroom with each other, but don't worry, we'll explain everything".

Another woman took the phone, and everyone recognised the voice instantly.

"Every single one of you douchebags has cheated on us, and tonight it's time for some payback", Blair said.

The men became frozen in place as they listened, wide eyed and open mouthed.

"Oh and don't worry" she continued "tonight we set you up, but only to confirm if the stories were true, and you guys were really dirty, rotten, cheating scumbags".

Cole grabbed the phone angrily.

"You listen here, Blair!" He snarled, his face red with fury.

"No you listen, Cole!" She snapped back, "either you guys play along, or we'll spill the beans about what happened tonight".

A wave of anxious dread filled all of them except Ethan.

"What the fuck did I do?" He growled.

"You know exactly what you did" Lorraine, Ethan's girlfriend hissed, "do you really want your friends to find out who you cheated on me with at Christmas?"

The young man fell instantly silent as his cheeks burned red.

"Oh and one last thing before we begin" Blair said, and a chorus of giggling sounded in the background.

"Devon already knows your secret, Cole".

Cole glared over at the naked, bound, blindfolded and gagged young man on the bed.

"So we suggest that you leave the underwear in his mouth. Oh and Devon?"

"Mmpphh!" He moaned.

"Those aren't panties in your mouth" Samantha now spoke, "they're your brothers dirty undies".

Devon howled as the girls squealed with laughter before Blair gave them one last message.

"If you guys want to keep your dirty little secrets, secret, then you'll follow the orders that we text you. Sit tight scumbags, it's gonna' be a long night!"

The phone line went dead, and the three young men stood in shock as Devon gagged and retched.




Joseph Thomas

Oh cool! It’s about to get wild!!