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All characters are 18+

Being old enough to sell beer but not drink it was one of the reasons why I hated working in a bar. I was eighteen, had just started college and quickly found out that providing for myself was a pretty difficult past time.

My parents tried to help when they could, but they had four other kids to look after and I'd moved across the country to New York, so out of sight, out of mind apparently. Getting a job was the only option I had, and the tacky old Irish bar across the street just happened to have a vacancy.

Terrance, the owner was a bit of a creep, and admittedly gave me the job because he said that I was a pretty boy, and that I'd attract the ladies. The guy gave me the heebie jeebies, but the pay was good and he was right about the ladies.

I was in great shape, and had been for many years prior. It was my dad that got me into swimming, and by the time I'd turned 16 I spent most of my weekends working as a lifeguard. Every little bit of free time that I got was spent swimming, and it had certainly paid off.

The downside to the fact that I seemed to attract these drunk, middle aged, married women, was that I was gay. Of course, nobody but me knew it at that time. It wasn't like it is now, and being openly gay in college would have been my worst nightmare.

It was a Friday night when it happened. I hated Fridays more than any other day of the week. The bar was always packed full, with people celebrating the start of the weekend, and it usually ended with either fighting, puking or both.

By nine, we'd already reached capacity and Terrance gave me the miserable job of turning people away at the door. Now, if anybody knows a swimmers body, they'll know that I wasn't a big guy. I was lean, short, and in my work uniform, it was easy to mistake me for some short, scrawny kid.

I stood outside the door while Terrance tended the bar and also took the majority of the tips. As I stood there, I couldn't help but dream about finally getting out of the place. I had big plans after college, but that was a long time away.

"Full, sorry" I mumbled at two women who seemed to be supporting each other in an effort to remain on their feet.

They called me some choice names and left.

By ten, the weather had changed as it so often did in October, and I was beginning to get soaked in the rain. I considered returning to the bar and asking Terrance to swap, but I knew what the answer would be.

"Full, sorry" I said, and as I looked up, my stomach nearly fell out my ass.

A group of men stood before me. They looked like they'd all just walked straight from a gym, with huge arms, broad shoulders and that 'I bench bro' kind of look. They couldn't have been much older than I was, except one guy who looked to be in his late twenties.

"Look kid" one of them smirked, and I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"It's this guy's bachelor party, it's raining, just let us in".

I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out. How could I turn these guys away?

"Either let us in or I'll hang you by your undies from that lamppost" another, even larger man growled.

The group laughed, but the man who'd spoken first pushed the guy and turned back to me.

"Please bro" he said, clasping his hands together "we'll be good, I promise".

Honestly, I wasn't about to get my ass kicked for any job and so I stepped aside and the six men cheered, slapped me painfully on the arm and rushed inside.

"I'm sorry!" I said to Terrance before he had a chance to berate me.

The old man glared at the group and then at me.

"You deal with them" he snarled, and a few minutes later, the guy I'd spoken to outside appeared at the bar.

"Six beers, twelve vodka shots" he said, taking out his wallet.

"You got ID?" I asked, and I always hated asking that question.

The young man grinned at me and handed me his drivers license. Justin Dennis, twenty-one. I handed it back and got his drinks. If I wasn't so annoyed that him and his bunch of friends had gotten me in trouble, I would have found myself gazing at Justin and the group. Every single one of them was stunningly handsome.

"Sorry about that, outside" he smiled, handing me the cash.

"It's cool" I lied, and watched as he returned to the table that they'd hijacked from two nerdy looking men.

It didn't take them long to start causing a nuisance, which was to be expected according to Terrance.

"Go and clean that up" the old man hissed at me as they knocked their third beer onto the ground, shattering the glass everywhere.

I reluctantly took a rag and walked over to them. By now, they'd succeeded in emptying out half the bar, but it was nearly midnight so thankfully my shift was coming to an end.

"Here's Cinderella" one of them sniggered and laughter erupted around the table as I began to mop up their mess.

"Don't mind this guy" Justin laughed, reaching down and grabbing a handful of glass.

"Dude!" I snapped, knowing that if he cut himself, Terrance would likely blame me again.

As I took the glass from him, I felt hands on around my waist and somebody thrust into me from above. I stood up, glared at the same guy who had threatened the wedgie and shook my head as they continued howling with laughter.

"I told you not to let anybody else in!" Terrance snapped again, and I wanted to smack him with the rag as I pushed by him.

Finally midnight came and Terrance let the bar know. I finished washing up, noting that whilst everyone else in the place had cleared out, the group of young men seemed oblivious.

"Get them out of here!" Terrance told me, and disappeared into the back.

I felt a knot in my stomach as I approached the table.

"Yo, guys" I said, my voice shaky as they turned to me, "it's time to go, we're closing up".

Justin swallowed another shot and stood up, it was clear that just like the others, he was extremely drunk.

"Just one more round" he belched, "please little man".

Some of the others laughed.

"I can't" I shrugged "my boss, he's a bit of a hard ass".

"That old guy?" Justin smirked and I nodded.

"That old guy that's walking out the door?" He added.

I turned back as Terrance unlocked the door with his jacket on.

"Lock up when you've gotten them out!" He barked, and slammed the door shut.

Now I was really fucked.

"Look man" I sighed "I've got college in the morning, I really need to get home".

"College on a Saturday?" One of the other's snarled and it seemed that I was just digging my hole deeper.

"Please can you guys just go?" I asked seriously.

Justin nodded and took another gulp from his pint.

"How about this?" He said, putting his large arm around my shoulders.

"You get us one more round, get one for yourself too, and once we're finished that, I promise you we'll leave".

I sighed but nodded. There was no way that I'd manage to get these men out with brute force, so bargaining was the only tool I had left.

"One more thing" Justin said, and took something from one of the other men.

"You have to wear this".

He handed me a black and white bowtie and I looked at it, confused.

"Why?" I asked, as they all grinned up at me.

"This man" Justin said, patting the oldest of the group on the shoulder, "he's my future brother-in-law"

"Okay?" I shrugged.

"He's getting married soon, so he needs to have one last night to remember".

I had no idea what Justin was talking about, but it was getting too late to try to work it out. I clipped the stupid thing around my neck and turned to walk back toward the bar.

"Only the bowtie" Justin sneered, and my blood ran cold.

I turned back to them, my eyes wide as they laughed almost menacingly.

"What?" I asked, feeling my cheeks become red.

"Baxters gay" Justin told me, nodding to the older man "and he hasn't taken his eyes off you all night".

I looked at him, he was laughing, but he didn't deny it.

"You guys gotta go" I said, pulling the bowtie off and throwing it back at Justin.

"Aw come on man!" Justin groaned, "who's gonna see you, huh? Old man's gone, doors locked, just give this poor guy one last show before he ruins his life with my dimwit brother".

"And how about this" another one of the handsome men said, pulling out his wallet. "You do this, and I'll give you one hundred dollars".

My eyes fell on him and I watched as he took the cash out. I couldn't deny the fact that an extra hundred dollars would have been a helpful addition to my pocket, and the idea of being naked in front of a bunch of hot guys wasn't the worst thing in the world, but could I really stoop that low?

"Ohhh, he's thinking about it!" Justin clapped, and they all watched me eagerly.

"Fuck it" I sighed, and took the cash and the bowtie as they cheered and whistled.

I looked pretty good naked, if I did say so myself. I had a longer than average dick, and my toned body complimented it nicely. It still didn't make me feel any less embarrassed however, but I pulled off my shirt and wrapped the bowtie around my neck once more.

The men watched me eagerly as I kicked off my shoes. One of them ran to the jukebox and began playing some corny music I'd never heard as the rest of them laughed and whistled.

My face was beet red by now, but my pocket was heavier and I knew that it wouldn't be long before the men had to make good on their promise and leave.

I slid my trousers down, revealing a pair of red boxer briefs and was met by even more whistling. Something about the whole thing was actually rather enjoyable, and I smirked to myself as the final stitch of clothing fell from my body.

They roared in celebration, banging the table with their empty glasses and clapping as I shuffled toward the bar.

"You won't be able to hide it coming back!" One of them laughed as I hid myself out of sight and began to pour their beers.

I felt drunk, as though they'd infected me with whatever buzz they were on. It was certainly a strange situation, and I never expected to be pulling pints completely naked, but I couldn't deny that it felt oddly satisfying.

With six beers on a tray, I took a deep breath. They were right, I needed both hands to carry the beers and so the moment I edged my way out of the bar, they erupted again.

"Little man's got a big dick!" One of them laughed, and as I lowered the tray onto the table, I felt a sharp smack on my naked ass.

Normally, I would have been enraged by it, but everything felt different now.

It happened fast, too fast for me to even have a chance to object. My cock was grasped, and my naked body was pushed toward Baxter. I felt his hands around my backside, pulling me onto him, and a moment later his lips closed around my nipple.

"Alright guys" I said, trying to get to my feet, "that's enough now".

Baxter continued sucking on my chest as I tried to push him away and the others laughed.

"I said... That's enough!" I growled, and managed to drag myself from him.

"Suck his dick!" Someone shouted, and a second later, I felt something being stuffed between the cheeks of my ass.

I stepped away from them, grabbing whatever had been left in my ass and pulling it out. Another hundred dollars. My eyes widened, this was more than I'd earn in a week, but at what cost to me?

"Suck his dick" the guy who had threatened the wedgie said to me, and pointed at Baxter who was biting his lip and glaring at me.

"I... I can't" I said, holding out the money to whoever had put it there.

"Bullshit" Justin laughed, and added another fifty, "now go suck his dick".

My dick had somehow remained flaccid throughout the ordeal, but I knew that if I took them up on their offer, they'd all find out my dark secret. I continued watching Baxter, and felt my heart speed up as he unzipped his jeans and lowered them to his knees.

Once again, the group didn't wait for an answer. Hands dragged me forward, pushing me onto my knees between Baxter's outstretched legs, and I watched in awe as the man exposed a long, thick cock with a mound of pubic hair at the base.

"Suck it, suck it, suck it!" They chanted, and as though I'd been hypnotised, I leaned forward and took the salty tool into my mouth.

A wave of cheering echoed around the empty pub as Baxter pushed my head down his shaft. I'd never sucked a dick before, but it was as great as I had hoped.

I could feel it pulse in my throat as I gagged and sent a trail of saliva into his bush. The man was moaning, his cock thrusting deeper into me. It felt amazing.

"Does anybody even know this guys name?" I heard one of them ask.

"Who cares what his name is" another laughed.

"Hey slut!" Justin barked, and I felt my hair being pulled back and my body being twisted around.

Another cock, even larger than the one that had just been embedded in my throat, hung before me. I could smell the musk from the owner, it was the wedgie guy.

He grabbed the head and pushed it between my lips, and without question, I took it hungrily. This was like a scene from a porn movie, but I was the main star.

I felt him harden instantly, and then a thick wad of fluid spilled from his slit and coated my tongue. My own cock was now painfully erect, but it seemed that nobody was paying attention to that.

He held me in place, ramming his large cock deep into my throat as I gagged and choked. Tears streamed down my cheeks, but I wasn't crying, I was loving every second of it.

"Hey slut, come eat his ass" someone called, and the idea of eating a man's asshole hadn't really crossed my mind.

Wedgie guy pushed me away, leaving a trail of saliva and pre-cum connecting my lips to his twitching cock.

One of the other guys was now kneeling on his chair, his jeans around his ankles and his hairy ass on display for everyone. My mouth fell open as I stared at the dark, hairy hole.

Pushed onto my hands and knees, I crawled toward him. My mind was no longer listening to reason, and was being driven only by my horniness.

"Eat" Justin said, pointing to his buddies ass, as though he was talking to a dog.

I felt a hand around my head, and a moment later my mouth and nose was buried between the man's butt cheeks.

Thankfully, there was no terrible stench. I could smell his ripe hole, and it seemed to only make me more eager. I tongued it, feeling the hair and the leathery texture of his asshole, and then plunged my tongue inside.

A few seconds later I tasted beer, and realised that somebody was pouring it down the guy's crack and into my mouth. As weird as it was, I swallowed it and continued licking until I was pulled away again.

"Guys!" I gasped, breathless and attempting to cover my throbbing erection, "I really need to lock up now!"

"Shut up slut" one of the men snarled, and stuffed more cash into my mouth.

They all laughed, and I could see that someone had gone behind the bar and taken an entire bottle of vodka.

I had no control at all. These guys were going to do what they wanted, and as terrifying as that should have been, I'd never been as horny in my fucking life.

Baxter was naked now, downing more shots as he walked toward me. He punched his cock back into my mouth and I resumed where I'd left off and began sucking it eagerly.

It felt like a dream. An amazing, dirty, arousing dream. Pre-cum was pouring from my cock as I sucked him, and then I was pulled toward someone else, and felt a new cock in my mouth.

They all tasted relatively similar, and I no longer looked up to see who owned what cock, I simply sucked and sucked, and sucked some more, until my jaw ached and my throat burned.

There was a loud crashing noise, and I knew that glass had shattered somewhere.

"Get him on this" someone called out, and instantly my naked body was hoisted into the air and slammed onto the table.

"Guys" I groaned, feeling my legs being spread apart, "I need to get home".

"I told you to shut up, slut" a man said, and dropped more cash onto my naked body.

At this rate I'd be rich by the end of the night.

The guy who had just paid me even more, pushed his cock into my mouth and began fucking my throat like I was nothing more than a toy. Behind me, I felt another cock push against my hole.

I groaned into the tool in my mouth as whoever was behind me began to push.

This wasn't how I planned to lose my virginity, but I wasn't complaining either.

"Fuck he's so tight!" He gasped and I heard him spit.

A moment later, I winced in pain as his cock head slipped inside me. It hurt quite a bit, but after a moment, his strokes became harder and faster, and the pain was replaced by intense pleasure.

Justin took over my mouth, stuffing his cock inside and thrusting violently as they poured more shots. All I could do was lay there and take it, and every so often more cash would shower down on top of me.

"Baxter, make it count" Justin laughed, his pole twitching in my throat "this is the last ass you'll ever fuck that isn't my brother's!"

The group laughed, and I realised that Baxter was the one who was fucking me. He grabbed my waist even harder, slamming his hips into me as his cock impaled me, and then he groaned out like a wild animal.

I felt it squirt deep into my bowels. The man unloaded more and more sticky, hot sperm into my used hole until finally he moaned, sighed and slipped out.

I continued sucking as somebody else stepped forward and slid their cock into me. More money landed on me.

Justin sped up, grabbing a handful of hair as he fucked my face, and then I tasted it. A large rope of cum splashed against my tongue, but his cock pushed it down my throat and he remained their, emptying his balls inside me as he moaned.

Another load was added to my ass, and I could feel the two mixing inside and sloshing around as a third man pushed his prick into my hole and a second, used my mouth.

I was exhausted, laying there in a pool of sweat, alcohol and other bodily fluids, as the group of handsome, muscular men continued to use me.

Another mouthful of sperm, another load buried deep in my bowels, and finally it was over.

The group stood around me, some of them had already dressed again, but others remained naked, their cocks still drooling as they took more shots.

"That wasn't so hard, was it slut?" Justin smirked, unclipping the bowtie as I lay there, breathless and horny.

I finally managed to get to my feet, hiding my leaking boner and feeling the huge volume of cum swash inside me.

They were all dressed now, most of them weren't even looking at me, but Justin was. He smirked and stepped forward.

"I knew you were into it" he grinned, pulling my hands away from my dick.

"See you, slut" wedgie guy scoffed as the group headed for the door.

"We'd help you clean" Justin shrugged "but that sounds like a slut's job to me".

With those words, Justin dropped another wad of notes onto the ground and the group of men disappeared out the door and into the night.

I looked around at the carnage. Bottles and glasses were smashed, beer and vodka was pooled everywhere, but in the midst of the chaos, there must have been over a thousand dollars.

As I grabbed the mop, I decided to stay naked. A smile crossed my face, a trail of pre-cum dripped from my cock, and a dribble of sperm spilled from my used hole.

Perhaps I'd keep my job in the bar after all.



Holy shit very hot story haha might need to hit up the Irish bar soon 😍