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All characters are 18+

This is a story from The Word Game: Friend, Trip, Underwear by CB

"Can you believe we actually made it?" Liam exclaimed, sinking into the sun lounger by the stunningly blue pool.

"Did you think we were gonna' end up on the moon?" I asked with a grin, sipping from the local cocktail that we'd been given for free on arrival.

"Ha ha" he smirked, peeling off his t-shirt as the sun scorched down upon us.

"You know what I mean" he said "Thailand, it's just not somewhere you go every year, is it?"

"Unless you're rich as fuck" I laughed and the two of us fell silent as we took in the scenery.

It had been a gift from my dad for my eighteenth birthday, and I knew that the hope was that I'd take a female with me, but Liam had been my best friend since kindergarten and I had little interest in women.

It had taken a considerable amount of time to get there, but it had been worth it. So far we'd been greeted like royalty, given free drinks, even been offered foot massages which Liam had agreed to. It was paradise, and it was made all the better by Liam's company.

Sure, he was my best friend, but he was also strikingly beautiful. Back home he worked with his dad at the weekends, and though their profession was beyond me, it certainly kept him fit. It related to cars and trucks in some way, so if one could look past the constant dirty fingernails from the oil, then Liam was a beautiful specimen indeed.

He was eleven months to the day, older than I was, something which he liked to remind me of regularly.

The heat was becoming almost unbearable for me, with my sandy hair and not-far-off pale skin. Liam on the other hand, was like a fish in water. His bronze skin glistened under the rays, and I knew he'd look like a local in a matter of hours.

"I think I'm gonna go and chill in the room for a while" I said, downing the rest of the cocktail "it's too fucking hot out here".

"Suit yourself" he mumbled, his eyes covered by his sunglasses.

I stole one more glance at my handsome friend and departed. I'd come back later when the sun had died down a bit and I could actually breathe.

The hotel was far more luxurious than anything I'd ever stayed in before. The floors looked like they were made of marble, as did everything else in the place. Our room was on the top floor, but the smooth elevator took me there in seconds. It was much cooler up here, with a constant jet of chilly air pouring through the place.

The room was amazing too, large and spacious with a massive balcony that overlooked the pool below, and two king size beds facing each other. There was every type of amenity that one would expect in a hotel of this calibre, and more.

I lay down on my own bed and basked in the cool air conditioning overhead. It had taken almost eighteen hours to get here, and other than an hour of sleep here and there, we'd gone mostly without. My eyes were heavy, but as I drifted off, my mind began to travel elsewhere.

I'd be spending the next ten days with my best friend. Sure, we'd spent nights together before, but never like this, never in such close proximity for such a long period of time. It was inevitable that at some point, I'd catch a glimpse of him naked.

The thought made my cock swell, and I realised that it had been nearly two days since I'd last jerked off. At eighteen, that sounded like something of a cardinal sin. I opened my eyes again, deciding that the act would at least help me sleep if nothing else, and as I lowered my shorts, I noticed them.

Liam had stayed upstairs to get changed when we arrived. His clothes had been damp with sweat from the long journey, which was understandable given the temperature. Neither of us had found a way to shower since we departed, which meant that the pair of black boxer briefs that I was now staring at, coiled up in the shorts that he had worn, would be soaked in the scent of Liam.

By now, my cock was painfully straining and I couldn't simply ignore the fact that this pot of gold stared at me from across the room. I stripped off completely, hurried over to his clothes and grabbed them.

I felt like a naughty school boy as I rushed back to my bed. I could feel the moisture in my hand and already knew that this was about to be the best damn wank I'd ever had.

Before I even managed to bury my nose in them, his scent hit me. It was damp, musky and ripe, I could smell his cock, his balls and even his ass and it made my mouth water. I pictured him, his cock and balls rubbing up against the fabric, lining them with the beautiful aroma that I was now inhaling.

I pumped my cock furiously, toying with the idea of tasting the damp patches and a moment later my eyes shot open and found Liam, standing at the end of my bed with a grin from ear to ear.

"Having fun?" He asked, his eyes moving from my stiff, drooling cock to his underwear which was pressed hard against my face.

"DUDE!" I barked, stuffing his boxer briefs under my pillow and trying to hide my boner. "Don't you knock!?"

"Uh, why would I knock when I have a key, dipshit?" He laughed, and his calm demeanour made me wonder if he'd even realised that it was his underwear that I'd been huffing.

"You know where the sun block is?" He asked, opening the locker beside my bed as I continued to lay, frozen to the bed, clasping my crotch.

"Um... N... No" I said, not even thinking about the damn sun block.

"Man it's fucking hot out there" Liam gasped, turning and walking toward his own suitcase.

I couldn't understand why he wasn't freaking out. Even if he hadn't realised that I had taken his underwear, he'd just walked in and caught me sniffing someone's boxers whilst beating off!

I continued watching him as he searched for the sun block, and a moment later he dropped his shorts.

"Yo, bro" he said, turning around as he adjusted his bulge in a pair of white Calvin Klein briefs.

My eyes quickly darted from his groin, to his face as he grinned.

"Remember that chick who offered us foot massages?" He asked, and the sight before me was doing little to calm my bursting erection.

"Mmhmm" I grunted, trying desperately to keep my eyes on his.

"She came back over when you left, all like 'hello sir, do you want massage, naked massage, five dollar'" he laughed and I wasn't sure if his terrible impression could be considered racist or not.

"So I'm going back down in a few minutes to get my ass massaged" he howled, clapping his hands as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Right" I nodded, hoping that he'd hurry up and leave so I could spend the next ten minutes in complete shock.

"Don't they stink?" He asked, running his hand through his thick dark hair and trying to press down a cowlick.

My eyes widened again and I lay there in silence.

"I mean, I've been wearing them for like two days straight" he laughed, but it didn't seem to bother him in the slightest that his best friend had been sniffing his underwear.

"Uh... Sorry" I mumbled, unsure what else I could say in such a situation.

"What are you sorry for?" He scoffed "if I was staying with a hot chick and she left her panties laying around, you better believe L-Man is taking a whiff!"

I cringed at the name he'd given himself, but it was overshadowed by the shock that I was now feeling.

I remained on the bed, my cock still pulsing under my clasped hands as Liam finished fixing his hair and stood before me once again.

"Yo, I was chatting to Pravat at the bar downstairs" he told me, and only he could have made a friend in such a short space of time. "He says that this heat doesn't simmer down until like nine at night".

"Great" I groaned, still unsure exactly how to have a conversation whilst laying there naked.

"But you'll get used to it after a day or two" Liam shrugged, adjusting his large package again as he changed his t-shirt.

"I'll be gone for an hour or two, but later on we're going to Club Black, Pravat says it's the best club in town"

I nodded again.

"Hey, hand me those boxers" Liam said, rubbing cream onto his face as he held out his hand.

I froze again, unable to bring myself to actually reach for them.

"Bro" he said, turning to me "the boxers, give me them".

I had no choice. They were his after all. Still cupping my junk, and with a face as red as a tomato, I reached under the pillow, found the moist underwear and squeezed my eyes shut as I handed them back to him.

"Sorry" I groaned again.

"Shut up apologising you bitch" he laughed, and when I opened my eyes again, they nearly exploded from my skull.

Liam's white briefs were now down to his muscular thighs, his large, beautiful cock was in his right hand, being pumped vigorously, whilst he held the black boxer briefs underneath with his left.

It was long and smooth, at least seven inches and uncut. I couldn't take my eyes off it. His hips were pushed forward slightly, his knees bent a little and his teeth visible as he bit his bottom lip and jerked off.

I opened my mouth to speak, but what was the point? I wanted to watch this forever. He looked fantastic as he stood there, concentrated and naked. Sweat trailed down his perfect abs, sliding down his smooth crotch and disappearing between his legs and the base of his beautiful, long cock.

I watched on, seeing his chest rise and fall, quicker and quicker. His cock was now slick with liquid, the same liquid that was dripping into the underwear in his hand. Was he teasing me? Was he somehow trying to make fun of me? I wasn't sure, but what I was sure of, was that my own cock was now painfully throbbing under the cover of my hands.

"Fuck" he gasped, lifting his head back and speeding up his pumping.

My mouth dropped even further as my best friend began to moan, and a second later, his cock squirted a thick rope of white cum across the crotch of the briefs in his hand. I lay in shock as more sperm splashed into them, Liam moaning louder with each string that he added.

He continued pumping until he'd emptied his stunningly smooth balls into the underwear and his cock became limp.

When the last bead of cum spilled from his urethra, Liam used the black boxer briefs to clean off the rest of the fluid on his cock.

"Damn I needed that" he gasped, his cheeks slightly red from the orgasm that I'd just watched him have.

"Here" he said, throwing the cum soaked underwear onto my naked stomach and pulling the ones he was wearing back up.

I tried to speak, tried to think of something, anything to say. Should I say thanks? Would that be even weirder than what had just happened? Should I ask why? Or would I seem ungrateful? Should I seem ungrateful?

My mind raced as Liam got dressed and walked toward the door.

"Make sure you're ready to go by eight, bro" he said, as if he hadn't just nutted right in front of me "because I ain't waiting around all night for you to do your hair or whatever".

With those words the door opened and closed again, and I was left with a raging erection, a soaking pair of Liam's boxer briefs, and more questions than I could ever get the answer to.

This was about to be the best fucking holiday I had ever had.



Would love a part two! Awesome story as usual.

Joseph Thomas

Wow! What a great story!!! So we’ll written.