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All characters are 18+

This is a story from The Word Game: Sci-Fi, Best Friend, Orgy from Hurq Hurqazoid

"To win the war, we must ensure that we are prepared for everything" Professor Finn announced from the centre of the large auditorium.

The seats were filled mostly with young men, many of whom had been born long after the war began. They had no idea of the horrors that awaited them beyond the Sphere.

"You're young and you're agile" the old man said as he surveyed the crowd. His glasses allowed him to focus on whoever he decided, and instantly provided every morsel of information that was available to him.

"You there, Grayson Maverick, you were born in 2082, correct?"

The tanned, athletic nineteen-year-old nodded.

"And you, River Carson, 2083?"

A younger boy nodded awkwardly.

"I look around and I see young men, but what I need to see is warriors. You're dismissed for today, but remember what we discussed".

With those words, Professor Finn walked through a hologram door at the back and disappeared.

"What a fucking drag" Grayson groaned to his best friend Hunter, as the pair stood up.

"All this talk of war" Hunter sighed "I've never even seen a real Baratog before, I'm starting to think they don't even exist".

"Now you're waking up!" Atlas Sawyer clapped, squeezing between the two friends. He was twenty, but still acted like a child.

"Hey, Atlas" Hunter nodded.

"All of this" the dark skinned young man said, gesturing around the large auditorium "I think it's all a simulation".

"Of course you do" Grayson said, rolling his eyes as Hunter tried not to laugh.

"You think I'm wrong?" Atlas snarled "prove it! Prove that when the war started, they didn't drop a nerve agent and stick us all into machines to simulate a normal life!"

"Oh yeah" Grayson nodded "now that you mention it, that makes complete sense!"

"Right!" The young man beamed proudly.

"No" he replied and Hunter couldn't help but laugh.

"You're both sheep" Atlas snarled.

"Well if your theory is correct" Grayson continued as the crowd began to spill out of the huge room "then you could do anything that you wanted right now, and nothing would happen to you".

"Exactly" Atlas winked, tapping his temple "I could".

"So do it" Hunter added.

The lithe young man glared at the two friends for a moment. They were teasing him, and he knew it, but he'd show them.

"Fine" he said, and pulled his t-shirt over his head to reveal an impressively toned body.

Hunter and Greyson did their best to contain their laughter.

"Hey!" Atlas shouted, and a handful of students turned back "hey look at me, I'm getting naked!"

"He's fucking insane" Hunter whispered to his older friend who nodded.

By now, a group of at least seven or eight young men stood around and watched as Atlas continued to remove items of clothing until he stood wearing only his underwear.

"Well go on then" another voice called from the small crowd "get naked!"

Atlas glared at the owner of the voice, a nineteen-year-old named Arlo, and scoffed.

"You're all simulations!" Atlas snapped, and with one swipe, his underpants were around his ankles and a ripple of laughter rumbled through the group.

"Dude, put your clothes back on" Greyson laughed, handing the young man his t-shirt.

"No!" Atlas barked, grabbing his lengthy cock and swinging it playfully.

"I bet you didn't know about The Sex" the naked, dark skinned man sneered.

"The what?" Hunter asked curiously.

"The Sex" Atlas repeated, looking smug. "See, they don't tell us about that" he nodded, looking more and more insane by the second. "Haven't you ever wondered where all the babies come from?"

"Uh... The lab" Arlo scoffed "like they alway did".

"Before the lab!" The naked youngster barked "before the Sphere, where did they come from? Where did your parents come from, and your parent's parents?

"Dude, get dressed" someone called, but the young man wasn't having it.

"These things!" He said, pumping his dick with his hand as everyone watched on curiously "these make babies!"

"Alright, I'm out" Greyson laughed, dropping Atlas' t-shirt and walking toward the door as the rest of the crowd began to follow.

"WAIT!" He shouted "I can prove it!"

A few people turned back, but the majority continued.

"Late at night!" He called out "you've all felt it, the dreams, the real nice dreams that you don't tell anybody about".

A few more young men stopped and turned back.

"And then you wake up, and your pods are a little messy".

Everyone in the room stopped and began walking slowly back toward the naked young man who was nodding and grinning.

"I... I though that was... Just me" One young man said, and others agreed.

"It's not" Atlas continued "we all do it, we all have it in us, right here" he pointed at his dick.

"And that can make a baby?" Hunter laughed.

"Not alone" Atlas said "you need another person, another person with a hole, and you stick it inside and BANG!" A few of the young men jumped.

"You're full of shit dude" Greyson smirked.

"Fine!" He shouted, and ran naked down the steps of the auditorium until he reached Professor Finn's huge marble desk.

The group of young men followed him sheepishly as he sat his bare ass on the desk.

"Come on" he said, beckoning them forward "I've figured it out, guys. Let me show you".

All of them stood still as the young man grasped his cock and coaxed it to erection.

"Why do you think it gets hard?" He asked, biting his lip as he pumped it.

"Uh... To clean the inside you dipshit" Greyson laughed.

"NO! For something called penetration"

As much as the young men couldn't quite believe what Atlas was saying, none of them backed up.

"You!" He said, pointing to a particularly timid eighteen-year-old named Zander. "Come here".

The young man looked nervously at his peers, none of whom said a word, and walked toward a naked Atlas.

"I'm gonna show you how it feels" Atlas told him, taking him by the wrist and leading him to the desk.

Atlas dropped to his knees and pulled the young man's pants down to his ankles. The youngster stared down at himself, wide eyed.

"Just relax" Atlas told him as the entire group watched with a strange curiosity as Atlas lowered the young man's underwear and exposed his fat cock.

"This guy is fucking insane" Greyson whispered to Hunter who nodded, but continued to watch.

Atlas took the lad's cock between his fingers and with one motion, sucked it into his mouth.

The entire room gasped, but the young man opened his mouth and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He howled, on the verge of tears, but as though he'd been put under a spell, he gasped and relaxed into it.

"Is he fucking eating that guy's dick?" Someone asked, horrified.

Atlas was now bobbing up and down on Zander's rod, and the young man was moaning loudly.

"SEE!" Atlas shouted at the other's and everyone gasped again as they looked at Zander's, now hard, penis.

"It's... It's really good you guys" Zander breathed heavily, his face blushing as his hands grasped the cold marble.

"Come on!"

One more man walked forward and stood beside Atlas who reached for his trousers and dragged them down. The group stepped closer, all of them in awe as he switched from Zander's dick, to Leyland's.

"Holy fucking shit" the twenty-year-old gasped as Atlas sucked his cock down his throat.

"He... He's not... Fuck... He's not joking guys".

Another young man walked forward, dropped to his knees in front of a dumb-struck Zander, and began sucking his hard tool.

Suddenly, more and more students stepped toward the marble desk and began to engage in some form of sucking.

"Wanna try it?" Hunter asked Greyson as they became the only two not to engage.

"Do you not think it's a bit disgusting?" He asked, unable to take his eyes off the naked group before him. "We piss from them things".

"Ill go first" Hunter shrugged and dropped to his knees, pulling his best friends trousers down and lipping the fleshy tube into his mouth.

"It couldn't feel that goo..."

The words became lodged in Greyson's throat as Hunter's tongue lapped at his rod, which began to harden instantly.

"I told you!" Atlas' voice sounded as every person had paired up and began pleasuring each other.

"Come on" Hunter grinned, taking his friend by the wrist and pulling him into the midst of the newfound pleasure pit.

Naked bodies pressed against them as hard cocks and open mouths whizzed around. Hunter stripped quickly, and got back to work. His own cock had now become hard, and a moment later, he felt it being sucked into somebodies mouth. His eyes widened as a strange, but amazing feeling ripped through his body.

"THE HOLES!" Atlas shouted, now standing naked, and erect, on top of the desk "STICK THEM IN THE HOLES!"

Some of the young men looked utterly disgusted by the suggestion, other's voiced their concerns over the potential of pregnancy, but Zander and Leyland became the first couple to give it a shot.

Zander rested his tummy across the desk and pulled his butt cheeks apart. Leyland held the base of his stiff cock and with a red face, pushed it against his younger pal's hole.

Zander winced, but a moment later, both of the young men gasped with pleasure and almost as though it was completely natural, Leyland knew what he needed to do. He thrust forward, then out, then back in and the better it felt, the faster he thrust.

"OH FUCK!" Someone roared, and everyone turned to look at Arlo and River who had found a position in which they could both suck each other's cock at the same time.

"What?!" Someone shouted, and Arlo twisted his head to show a splatter of white fluid which coated most of his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME?!" River cried, his face red and moans escaping his lips as he squirmed on the ground.

"YES!" Atlas shouted, pumping his fists "that's the juice, that's the baby juice!"

"What does it feel like, River?" Someone asked, half terrified and half curious.

"It... It feels... It feels amazing" he moaned, as more liquid spilled from his cock.

In an instant, every person in the group became more ravenous. Hunter felt himself being bent over the desk and a moment later, Greyson was pushing his cock inside him. It only hurt for a second, and then it felt amazing.

As the eighteen-year-old lay there, Atlas slid his cock into his mouth and he sucked as best he could.

More and more moans rang out as the young men began to climax, and then finally Greyson grabbed his best friend's shoulders, his pace quickening and almost shouted as a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced before, soared through his body.

Hunter felt as though he needed to use the bathroom. Something was filling him, but before he could work out what was happening, he felt his mouth fill with something else, something warm and salty.

Atlas was moaning and thrusting, Greyson was gasping and humping, and all around them, young men were spilling white fluid all over their partners.

Hunter swallowed it for a reason unknown, he liked the taste and found himself wanting more instantly. Somebody was on his cock now, sucking, licking and touching it and then he shivered, and it felt like electricity was pumping through his veins.

The eighteen-year-old moaned loudly as a warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped him, and then suddenly he didn't want to suck anymore cock.

"I... I think I'm done" Greyson groaned, getting dressed quickly.

"Yeah, me too" someone else said, and a few minutes later, almost everyone in the room was clothed again, and all of them looked rather embarrassed.

In a large office, thirty-three stories above the auditorium, Professor Finn and six other figures watched the surveillance videos intently.

"They've figured it out, sir" a robotic voice announced and Professor Finn nodded, massaging his temple.

"Contain them" he sighed "and eject them from the Sphere".


J.M. Colón

The last line is laugh out loud funny. Such a vibe. They’re too powerful now, best to space them like all the other ravenous faggots 😂

Joseph Thomas

Great story! I love the premise of the sex frenzy breaking out like it’s a sudden revelation for everyone.