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All characters are 18+

"Hey dick head, I said no lettuce!... Hey! Are you listening to me? I said no fucking lettuce!"

Lucas rested his head against his hand as the grown man before him continued to berate him. The overweight, middle aged moron had turned purple with anger.

"Are you fucking dumb?" He barked, and Lucas felt the force of a burger being bounced off his head.

"Get your damn manager!" The man shouted, as the eighteen-year-old employee wiped mayonnaise and lettuce off his cheek.

The kid turned his back, eager to hide the welling tears in his eyes. He hated the job. He hated it more than anything, and yet he had no alternative. Lucas needed this job, and so he inhaled and walked into the back.

"Where's Paul?" He asked one of his co-workers, Declan.

"Paul?" The older man questioned "Paul left on Tuesday".

It was the first bit of good news that the dark haired youngster had gotten all day, and if it wasn't for the burger that was still falling down his face, he would have actually smiled.

"So who's in charge?" He asked curiously as the man outside began to shout again.

"Some dude named Asher, but good luck, he's the owner's son".

The happiness was short lived, and a wave of fear washed over Lucas. This was certainly not going to be a good way to introduce himself.

"If I don't speak to a god damn manager in the next thirty fucking seconds!"

Lucas sighed and continued toward the office. His entire body trembled as he lifted his hand to knock, and then suddenly the door burst open and a brutally attractive young man stormed right by him.

"Um..." Lucas opened his mouth to speak, but the man, who looked to be in his early twenties at most, was surging toward the front.

He quickly checked the office to ensure that the handsome young man was indeed the new manager, and promptly followed him.

It was likely that Asher had watched the situation unfold on the cameras and didn't want to keep his precious customers waiting. Lucas swallowed a lump in his throat as he stood behind the new boss and waited.

"What's the problem?" Asher asked the customer, and if Lucas hadn't been mistaken, it sounded as though there was a tone of anger in his voice.

"The problem" the obese man snarled "is that this dumb fuck can't understand a simple damn order!"

Asher turned and stared at Lucas for a moment, the young man felt his heart quicken, but he wasn't sure if that was due to the inevitable trouble that he was about to get in, or because Asher's eyes were the deepest green he'd ever seen.

"You ordered without lettuce, correct?" Asher asked and the lump nodded.

"Was that so difficult?" The customer continued, sneering at Lucas who felt his cheeks redden.

"Just one moment, sir" Asher smiled, and returned to the kitchen, leaving Lucas and the brute alone.

"Fuckin' kids these days" he continued, "always bitchin' and moanin', complainin' bout' this and that, and yet they can't even make a fuckin' burger... HA!"

Lucas continued to stand there. Would this be the thing that got him fired? A stupid burger?

"If you were my son, I'd beat the god damn..."

Lucas watched in awe as the fat, balding man turned mute, and his face was suddenly soaked in beef, burger and copious amounts of mayonnaise. Asher stepped forward, wiping his hands with a towel and staring at the man.

"There you go, sir" he said "no lettuce".

Lucas' eyes were the size of dinner plates as he watched the man wipe the mess from his eyes and glare thunderously at the new manager.

"You little..."

"Get the fuck off my premises before I remove you myself" Asher snarled, and Lucas held a laugh as the furious customer became silently irate before storming out the door.

"My office" Asher said to Lucas, turning on his heel and heading toward the back once more.

Lucas gulped, perhaps he wasn't off the hook just yet. He hung his head and followed nervously, until Asher closed the office door behind him and the two of them sat down.

"I'm Asher" he said, reaching out his hand "and I believe you're Lucas?"

The younger, trembling man nodded and shook his new manager's hand across the desk.

"Can you fucking believe that guy?" He scoffed, sitting back in his chair as Lucas looked up at him in disbelief.

"What a fucking asshole!"

The teenager nodded, not quite sure if this was some sort of trap.

"You've got some sauce..." Asher pointed to his own cheek to indicate where the remaining mess was on Lucas', and the embarrassed young man reached up.

"Here, let me" the manager smiled warmly, taking tissues from his desk and walking around it.

"Sorry you had to put up with him" Asher said, wiping a shocked Lucas' face like a mom would with her child.

"I... I'm used to it" he half smiled, and Asher sat back against the side of his desk.

"Yeah" he shrugged "but it still sucks".

He didn't look like a manager. He was too young for a start, looking barely a few years older than Lucas. He was hot too, too hot to be working in a fast food joint, that's for sure, and he seemed like a nice guy, something Lucas hadn't come across before in a boss.

"I better get back to work" the teenager said, and made to stand up.

"Sure, but um... I'm gonna need you to stay back an hour this evening" Asher told him.

There it was. The only reason the man was being nice was because he wanted something, and Lucas knew from experience, that once he got what he wanted, he'd become just like all the rest of them.

"Fine" he sighed, and returned to his soul-destroying day job.

In the hours that followed, the eighteen-year-old still couldn't get Asher out of his mind. He was tall, with dark hair and sharp features, and under his shirt, Lucas could almost picture his perfect body. By six in the evening, he happily turned the closed sign around as Declan left the building.

He closed up the til and headed into the back, unsure why exactly he was being forced to stay behind when Declan appeared to have missed that memo.

"Can you come in here for a minute, Lucas?" Asher's voice called from the office, and the young man became nervous instantly.

Was he going to be fired now?

He crept inside and stood near the wall. Asher was in the middle of typing something and stopped as his employee arrived.

"Thanks for staying back" he smiled "I'll pay you for it, of course"

Lucas nodded, returning a fake smile.

"How old are you?" He asked and Lucas told him.

"Look, I'll be straight with you man" he smirked "the only reason I wanted you to stay back was..."

He looked down at his computer and back to Lucas.

"It says in your application that you're gay".

The young man's eyes widened and his face burned with shame.

"That's private!" Lucas snapped, and he didn't care that Asher was the owner's son.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry" he replied, though his forming grin didn't show much guilt at all.

Lucas sighed. Very few people knew his secret, and he'd toyed with the idea of lying on the application, but it had stated that the questions were anonymous, and couldn't be viewed by anybody. He was foolish for believing it.

"Is that all?" Lucas asked coolly, his cheeks still red.

"Well not exactly" Asher continued, standing up and walking toward the good-looking eighteen-year-old.

"How would you like to get paid double your wages?" The man asked, his voice becoming low as he drew closer to Lucas.

The young man lowered his brow as his manager reached him. What was happening?

Asher lifted his hands and began fumbling with the top button of Lucas' uniform.

"W... What are you doing?" Lucas asked, his voice breaking mid way through the sentence.

"Shh" Asher whispered, slowly unbuttoning more of the shirt until Lucas, wide eyed and nervous, felt the fabric fall down his arms.

"You're hot" Asher told him, surveying his lean, naked torso.

Part of Lucas wanted to push his new manager away, but the other part, a much larger part, wanted it to continue.

"I'll pay you double" Asher said, trailing his finger down Lucas' bare arm "on one condition".

Lucas felt his cock swell below as the handsome man caressed his body. A shiver whipped through him and he returned the gaze.

"W... What condition?" He asked, almost breathlessly.

Asher didn't speak for a moment, and then took his employee by the chin, grasping it firmly and spreading the lad's mouth open slightly.

"You become mine" he growled, and with his free hand, unzipped Lucas' pants.

"You do what I say, when I say and how I say".

Lucas whimpered slightly as his trousers fell down, exposing not only his briefs, but his boner too.

"You serve me, please me and obey me".

Asher was now inches from Lucas' face, and the young man could hardly say a word.

"And when you misbehave, I'll punish you" he added softly, squeezing Lucas' cheeks.

The eighteen-year-old's legs began to wobble as he listened to the terms of his new pay rise.

"That's a lot more than one condition" he gasped, as Asher pulled out the waistband of his briefs and peered down into them.

"The condition" Asher breathed into his ear "is that you become my slave".

Silence fell as Lucas' brain ran wild. This was like a scene from one of his fantasies, but now that it was happening in real life, he wasn't so sure about it. Could this handsome, confident young man really be interested in such depraved things?

"Okay" he whispered back, going against his finer judgement.

Asher smirked and stepped back to survey his new piece of property.

"Tomorrow" he hissed seductively "come to my office at nine. Oh and Lucas" he continued as he walked back toward his desk, leaving his young employee almost completely naked and erect against the wall.

"No more underwear at work" he said simply.

Lucas dressed quickly and rushed from the office. It seemed like the worst day had very possibly turned into the best day, but he'd have to wait until tomorrow to be completely sure of that. One thing that he was sure of however, was that hiding his seven inch cock without underwear was going to be a struggle indeed.



Oooo a slave with nice equipment!!! 🤤


Is there a part 2? Didn’t see it posted here