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All characters are 18+

"Helsinki!?" Corey gasped, his eyes wide as the scouts sat around in silence.

"It's actually the world's happiest country, according to the statistics" Matthew explained proudly "and seventy four percent of the country is forest!"

"Fascinating, Matthew" Ross growled "but one hundred percent of the country is covered in fucking ice"

Matthew glared at Ross, but ignored him and continued the presentation which he had spent many hours preparing.

"We leave on the sixth, we come back on the twentieth , fourteen days"

"That's the longest we've ever gone" Jules said, rubbing his gloved hands together as the temperature in the clubhouse dropped even lower.

"Well that's because I have a plan!" Matthew beamed and clicked onto his next slide as the scouts rolled their eyes.

"It's too cold to camp for the entire trip" he told them "so I've already gone ahead and booked a cabin".

"Matthew!" Corey snapped "we haven't voted yet!"

"I know, I know, but I just thought that it was better to get there before the rush. Everyone wants to go to Finland in the winter".

"I don't" Greg said sheepishly, and Matthew stared at him in disgust.

"What?!" He snapped "I hate being cold".

Matthew turned his thin frame and continued.

"We fly to Poland, from there it's a two hour flight to Helsinki, then a three hour train and an hour bus and we're at our destination"

"No wonder it's fourteen days" Carl scoffed "it's gonna' take us half that just to get there".

"FINE!" Matthew shouted, clearly fed up with the scouts "if you want to arrange it then go ahead!"

He threw his laser pointer on the floor and stormed back to his chair, sinking into it and crossing his arms in protest.

"Alright" Corey sighed "last up is you".

Ethan Crewe stood up awkwardly and moved to the centre of the room.

"I um... I'm not really good at presentations" he half laughed, his cheeks becoming red as he spoke. "I didn't really know what you guys would like, and I don't really know how much this would all cost... I just... I um..."

Corey stood up and walked over to the stuttering nineteen year old.

"What Ethans trying to say, is that he forgot about this whole thing and with the help of his mom, frantically came up with something at eleven o' clock last night"

Ethan's face burned even more red as Corey turned and kissed him on the cheek.

"Now shut up and give your presentation" his boyfriend whispered.

"Okay so half of you like cold weather and half of you don't" Ethan said, picking up Matthew's laser pointer and shining it at his drawing of seven awful stick men on the sheet, some drawn in red and some drawn in blue.

"Why is there only seven of us?" Ross snarled.

"David can't come" Carl sighed "his girlfriend is due at any minute".

There was a look of sadness in Carl's face as he announced the imminent arrival of his twin brother's baby.

Those who didn't know groaned in unison but a few moments later, Ethan continued.

"So I was thinking we could go to London" he announced, and a snigger escaped Jules' lips.

"What?!" He barked and Jules raised his hands.

"Dude" he laughed "London is a city".

"So is Helsinki!" Ethan bit back, until Matthew interrupted.

"Yes, but we're not staying in Helsinki" he corrected "we're just flying into there".

Ethan was feeling more and more annoyed by the second. How was he supposed to plan a damn trip like this? He didn't know the slightest thing about the scout's Christmas trips.

"Okay, so this isn't working" Corey said, standing up before Ethan lunged at Matthew and Jules.

"Ross, we're not going to Moscow for obvious reasons. Greg, it's a Winter trip so Cancun is off the table. Carl, we're not millionaires so Australia ain't happening and Ethan, I don't think there's even any grass in London"

Matthew sat proudly in his chair, his head a little higher now.

"So I guess we're going to Finland" Corey continued and the room seemed divided with sighs and smiles.

"Evening fellas" Richard said as he entered.

The scouts turned around, and found not only Richard, but a young man too.

"This is Roman" Richard said, placing his hand on the back of the youngsters shoulder and guiding him over.

The group watched, some with open mouths, as the breathtakingly beautiful teen stood awkwardly beside Richard.

"I'll let him introduce himself, but Corey can I have a word?"

Corey nodded and followed Richard into his office as the cute young man smiled stiffly at the scouts.

"Hey!" Matthew beamed, standing up and shaking his hand "I'm Matthew, that's Ethan, Carl, Ross, Greg and Jules"

"Hey" Roman said sheepishly "nice to meet you".

Ethan couldn't take his eyes off him. He was a timid looking lad, slight and slim with golden skin, sandy hair and angelic hazel eyes.

"I hear an accent" Jules beamed as he too shook the newcomers hand "Eastern Europe"

"Yes" Roman nodded "but I've lived here since I was a kid"

Ross shook his hand and Ethan felt a jolt of jealousness. Why hadn't the muscular lump treated him like that when he arrived?

"How old are you?" Matthew continued as all of the scouts, bar Ethan, surrounded him.

"Eighteen" he told them "my father wouldn't let me join before, said it wasn't a manly thing to do, but now he can't stop me" he grinned, with a set of perfect white teeth.

Ethan snarled to himself, what didn't this kid have?

"Okay guys" Corey called as he reentered the hall "it's settled, we're going to Finland and Roman, you're coming with us"

"Wait, hold up!" Ethan said as he stood and the room fell silent as everybody, including Corey, glared at him.

"I'm just saying" he shrugged, his face turning red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger "maybe we should bring Roman on the next trip instead".

"We could have said the same thing about you the last time" Ross growled "especially considering you were only here because you had to be. At least Roman wants to be here".

Ethan shot a look of fury at him. It was obvious that he would be overruled, and he knew why, too. Roman was probably the most attractive young man that Ethan had ever seen, and if the scouts had their way, they'd have him stripped and bound in one of their disturbing games already.

"Anyway" Matthew smiled widely "David can't go, so Roman can have his place"

"Sit down, Ethan" Corey growled at his boyfriend, and before Ethan could respond, Corey walked by and headed straight for Roman.

"Welcome, dude" he said warmly, extending his hand to the tanned teen "nice to have a new face!"

Ethan sat down, but only because he wanted to. He studied the newcomer, burning holes into him with his eyes as Roman avoided his gaze awkwardly. Ethan didn't care, he wanted the kid to feel awkward. Who did he think he was, bursting in here unannounced and just cementing himself in the group?

When the hour was up, Ethan left quickly. He didn't stick around for the farewells, but mostly because he couldn't stomach another soppy wave of Roman-loving bile.

The night was cold, and he shivered as he walked through the park.


He heard Corey, but he didn't turn around.

"Ethan, what the fuck?" He snapped, running to catch up with him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" Ethan mumbled, his breath visible in the air.

"Oh come on" Corey laughed, and Ethan felt another punch of anger.

"You're not jealous, are you?" He continued as the pair walked side by side.

"No" he scoffed, but could add nothing further to make his lie more convincing.

"You are jealous" his boyfriend grinned "little Ethan's jealous of the new boy, that's kinda' cute to be honest"

"Shut up" he groaned, and was glad of the darkness as his face now shone red.

"Oh stop" Corey sniggered "what's there to be jealous of? He's a cute kid, but you're my handsome man"

Ethan growled under his breath. Had Corey said the same words to a previous scout before Ethan had come on the scene?

"Anyway, it doesn't really matter, does it?" He continued, "it's not like you're even in love with me"

Ethan snapped his head around and stared at his boyfriend.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He barked.

Corey shrugged, a slight grin on his face.

"Well you still haven't told your parents about us, and you're too macho to even hug me in public so..."

"You know I can't tell them yet" he hissed "you know what my dads like".

"I know, but I'm tired of being your friend" Corey groaned "at some point they're gonna' know that we're not upstairs playing the Playstation".

"I'll tell them eventually"

"Eventually" Corey sighed and they continued in silence.

Ethan didn't want his family to know. Why did they need to? It was none of their business who he wanted to be with, and he couldn't quite understand why Corey didn't get that. They reached the end of the park and Corey turned to walk the opposite way.

"Where are you going?" Ethan spat "are you not staying in mine?"

Corey laughed, though there appeared to be no humour in it.

"What, so we can play the 'Playstation' all night?" He scoffed "when you stop being ashamed of me, and yourself, then I'll come over".

Ethan watched in disbelief as his supposed boyfriend continued into the night.

"YOU WEREN'T SAYING THAT WHEN I WAS SUCKING YOUR DICK!" He roared, his entire body filled with rage, until he heard a burst of laughter from behind him, and his body froze.

"Didn't know you were a faggot, Crewe" he heard a vaguely familiar voice snarl from over his shoulder.

His mind raced to locate the source, and when it did, a feeling of dread washed over him.

"I was just fucking with him" Ethan lied, turning to face Christian and the rest of his old friends "gotta keep them on their toes, y'know?" He forced a laugh as the gang stepped out of the darkness.

Christian was a terrifying young man. The last Ethan had heard, he was in prison. Evidently, it hadn't lasted long enough.

"Didn't sound like a joke" Christian slithered, his skin head and scarred face now in full view of a trembling Ethan.

"But I gotta admit, Crewe" he continued, as the five others began to surround them "you do look real cute in that uniform".

"It's a joke man" Ethan continued, his heart racing "you don't really think I'd be hanging around with that bunch".

"The old Ethan wouldn't" Christian said simply, his head now inches from Ethan's "but now I'm not so sure".

"Fuck him up, Chris" one of the others growled and as Ethan tried to step backwards, he felt hands against his back, keeping him in place.

"So you're just fucking with them?" He spat and Ethan nodded anxiously.

"Obviously, man" he swallowed.

"Uh huh, well okay then, take it off"

Ethan's eyes widened as Christian sneered at him.

"Come on, let's go, we're gonna go right back in there and hand that shit back" he snapped "or do I need to help you along?"

Ethan caught the glint in his eyes, the moonlight striking the blade of the knife that Christian was now pushing against his face.

"Come on man" he gasped "I thought we were friends"

"I don't have friends who are faggots, Crewe, now strip or I'll cut it off you myself".

Christian wasn't messing, and Ethan knew that by the force he was applying to the knife. He winced as it began to cut, and quickly fumbled with his belt before his trousers fell to his ankles and the cold breeze bit at his exposed legs.

"All of it" Christian growled "and maybe the next time you think about wearing some shit like this, you'll remember your long walk home, naked".

"Listen bro" Ethan breathed "I'm not fucking friends with those guys! You know me, you know I wouldn't hang around with faggots like that on purpose, it's just... It was the courts man, I'm doing community service!"

"You suck dick for community service?" One of the others jeered as Ethan remained standing with his pants around his ankles.

"Is there a problem here, lads?"

They all turned around to find Richard, Ross, Greg, Jules and Roman appear from the park entrance, and Ethan felt a mixture of relief and terror.

"Oh well look what we have here" Christian hissed, turning his attention toward Richard.

"It's the big bad scouts!"

The gang laughed menacingly as they began to approach them, until Richard lifted his hand and they backed up instantly.

"I suggest you fellas start walking" Richard growled, stepping closer to them as they continued to back away "because I've just about had it with you lot".

"Don't worry" Christian grinned evilly "we'll be back, and Crewe" he snarled, turning to his old friend "when you've finished your community service, you know where to find us, you said it yourself, you'd never hang around with faggots like this".

As Richard lowered the gun, the gang disappeared into the darkness and Ethan closed his eyes.

"Pull up your pants, Ethan" Richard said, and his voice was cold and hard.

All of the scouts, bar one, turned and walked back toward the clubhouse.

"Wait!" Ethan shouted, pulling up his zipper as he chased after them, but none of them looked back.

"Ross heard it" Roman said nervously as he remained in place "he heard what you said about them being... You know... The F word".

"Fuck" Ethan sighed "I had no choice though! They had a knife!"

Roman shrugged sadly and Ethan realised that he didn't need to explain himself to him.

"I gotta go" he mumbled, and turned on his heel.

How was he going to get out of this one? And had his lie been enough to convince Christian and the others of his fake straightness? His mind raced and a knot formed in his stomach as he jogged cautiously home. He could already tell that he'd fucked up, and Corey was going to be even more pissed off than he already had been.

He turned onto his street, his shoulders heavy with stress and then suddenly his eyes widened and he stopped dead.

There on his house, in large black spray paint, was the word FAGGOT. He couldn't move, he could only stare at it in horror, and then his phone buzzed in his pocket and he fumbled for it frantically.

Remember you used to have a thing for spray paint, Crewe? We thought we'd give you a little reminder. Hopefully mom and dad already know your sick little secret. Faggot.


Shane Goundar

I swear to God if Corey cheats on Ethan I'm done with this, all of this😖😉


Is this series done with 8 parts? Also, second question, where can we ask questions / chat with you about other works?