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2 part story.

Trigger warning: Bullying/homophobia 

"Yo homo" Charlie Seaver smirked at him, his grin wide and his eyes narrow as his two buddies scoffed.

Mikey ignored them. He'd gotten so used to the jeers and ridicule in his old school, that it had simply become part of life, until the final incident of course.

"I'm calling you, homo, are you deaf?" Charlie pressed, picking up a mound of mashed potato in his hand and lobbing it at the back of Mikey's head.

The canteen erupted with laughter as Mikey quickly gathered his things and hurried from the hall. He hated it here almost as much as he hated it in his last school. At eighteen, he shouldn't have had to deal with this shit anymore, and yet he did, every single day.

The young man pushed his way into the bathrooms and glared at himself in the mirror. He didn't even look gay, and yet people could tell instantly. Perhaps it was his voice, it was a little more feminine than other young men, but not drastically.

Was it the way he walked? The way he acted? He wasn't sure, but he'd spent years trying to perfect the 'straight man', and clearly it had all been in vain.

The door burst open and Charlie strode inside, followed closely by his goons. He was a muscular young man, a sporty, fit, athletic guy, as they so often were. If he hadn't been such a horrid human, Mikey would have found him almost painfully handsome, but alas, he was horrid.

"Sup, potato head" he smirked, standing behind Mikey and staring at him through the mirror as the other two stood either side.

Once again, Mikey ignored him.

"So look, to save all the trouble, faggot" he hissed in Mikey's ear "why don't you go right over to that toilet and wash that potato off your head".

Mikey's face turned red as his demands were issued.

"Or" Charlie grinned "we can dunk your blonde little head right into the shitter and keep you there until you pass out, what do you say boys?"

The two muscled brutes grinned and nodded.

"So what's it gonna be, Mikey?"

"Is everything alright in here, gentlemen?" Mr. Leavy said sternly as he appeared at the bathroom door.

"Everything's fine, sir" Charlie snarled "we're just showing our new schoolmate the facilities".

Mr. Leavy glared from Charlie to Mikey.

"Let's get going" he said, checking his watch "the bells about to go".

"We'll see you later, faggot" Charlie hissed into Mikey's ear as they departed.

Charlie and his thuggish pals were all older than Mikey, and the young man wondered how a bunch of grown men could still act like children. Sure, he was worried, but after years of the same treatment, he knew what to expect.

By the time the bell rang, Mikey went through his checklist. His shoelaces were tied, that had caught him up on more than one occasion. His phone was secured in his jacket pocket, zipped so it wouldn't fall out and cause an immediate beatdown. His bag was closed, nothing would fall out of that, and finally, he checked that his tissues were full. When the inevitable busted nose or lip eventually came, he couldn't risk the blood that would surely splatter everywhere.

He skipped the queue to the lockers and opted for the back exit instead. It was a rookie move, but perhaps the bullies in this school were yet to find out about it.

He rushed through a group of students, causing some of them to curse in his direction, before finally feeling the freeing breeze and light rain outside. It would take sixteen minutes to reach his house by running right up the street. He wouldn't be able to maintain the speed all the way though, so he'd slow down soon enough. The street afforded him some form of protection though. It was busy this time of day, and so far, almost all of the beatings had been interrupted by a concerned parent.

The alternative however, was a shortcut through a series of back lanes. It was the more dangerous of the two, but it would cut his journey time in half. He had no time to dwell on it, and ran toward the first lane as quickly as he could.

If Mikey managed to get down the first lane without being seen, he would have the upper hand, but like everything in his life, it went terribly wrong within seconds.


The chase commenced. Mikey swung himself down the lane, weaving between a handful of students as the trio pursued him. He'd made a mistake, the lanes were a terrible idea now that he'd been seen.

He could hear their heavy footsteps as they trailed him, gaining on him by the second. Breathless, Mikey fooled them. He ran toward one lane, and at the last second, burst down another. If his plan had worked, they'd continue running in the opposite direction, giving him time to escape.

He didn't slow down, and as he threw his head back over his shoulder, he watched two of the three, run straight by the lane. He almost yelped with relief.

Mikey continued, his lungs burning and his legs becoming numb as his feet whacked the concrete below. He'd only used the shortcut once before, and knew that this lane was not the correct one. The shaken youngster didn't quite care. He'd eventually find his way out of the maze, and hopefully by then, the other three would have given up.

Eventually he had no choice but to slow his pace to a jog as the rain began to pour down and the sky above turned an eerie grey.

At the end of each lane, he poked his head around and checked that the coast was clear before continuing on. It had been at least fifteen minutes now, and he was still no closer to finding his way out.

"Hey faggot!"

The words caused a knot to form in his stomach, and without looking back, and barely looking forward, Mikey bolted again.

The rain smashed against his face as the second part of the chase began. He wouldn't last long this time, the adrenaline had already worn off, and now only his will to remain free from blood splatter, kept him going.

Finally, it became too much and he gave up.

"Fucking hell, fag" Charlie gasped, and Mikey realised now that he was backed down a dead end.

"You sneaky fucker" the football player half laughed, pointing his finger at a nervous Mikey. "You nearly got away! You even fooled the other two. But not me".

The handsome, but rancid jock eyed his victim evilly.

"So here's the deal" Charlie sneered, still breathless, but not as much as Mikey who was holding his chest and panting heavily.

"Seeing as you made me run all this way" he continued, stepping closer to him "you're gonna make it up to me".

Mikey backed up, but there was only so far he could go before his back was pressed against the wet concrete wall.

"Now we're not gonna tell anyone about this, because we don't want our nose broken, isn't that right, Mikey?" Charlie slithered, and was now standing so close to the young man that Mikey could smell his sweat.

"So why don't you go ahead and strip, and then you're going to suck my fat cock until I jizz down your fag neck, and that way, we both win"

Charlie grinned viciously as he stepped back to watch his order being obeyed, but Mikey remained stoic.

"I'm not sure what you're waiting for faggot" he hissed "because if I have to make you do it, then I'll stick it up your fag hole instead, now strip!"

Mikey was now breathing so rapidly that even Charlie had noticed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He snapped impatiently

"A... A..."

"Dude, start fucking stripping or I'm gonna punch your teeth out!"

"Asthma!" Mikey gasped, grasping his chest "I... I need... Inhaler!"

"Oh for fuck sake" the older man growled "well hurry the fuck up, my cocks been hard for some fag pussy all day".

"B... Bag" Mikey croaked, his face becoming purple as he pointed toward his discarded school bag on the wet concrete.

"You've got to be fucking joking me" Charlie spat, reaching down for the bag.

As his fingers closed around the strap, a thundering blow sent him hurtling through the air, and a moment later, he was looking into the sky, his nose leaking all over him.

"Yeah, I was joking" Mikey grinned down, his foot rather sore after the ferocious kick he'd just given.

Charlie gasped on his back, his hands finding the mess on his face as he groaned.

"Now why don't you go ahead and strip, Charlie" he sneered "I've been horny for fag pussy all day"



i was not expecting this ending, i can’t wait for the other chapter :)

Michael Moschini

Ok, finally the victim fights back!!! So glad to read a story with a better ending