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All characters are 18+

Jackson's words rang in my ears as I tried desperately to fall asleep. My aching cock felt like an anchor to consciousness, keeping me awake until the early hours, when my exhausted brain finally succumbed, and I woke up to my alarm, not long after.

For a reason unknown, I somehow felt relatively good throughout the day. My stomach however, was twisting in knots at the thought of not only the big fight tomorrow, but of the aftermath should I win or lose.

By four o' clock, my brain felt like it had been in overdrive, and part of me wanted to back out of the whole thing. I wasn't good with stress, and this had been the most stress I'd felt in years.

"I can't do it" I blurted out to Jackson as I sat in the locker room in my singlet.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I half snapped "I just said I can't do it".

Jackson pulled the shoulders of his own singlet over his muscular arms and sat down beside me. Damn he was hot.

"Okay" he shrugged, and the two of us fell silent.

"Okay?" I asked eventually.

"Yeah, okay"

"Jackson, I can't do it! I can't fight tomorrow. There's no way I'll win".

"Dude" he laughed, and closed his strong hands around my arms, turning me to face him.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and relaxed into his grasp.

"You don't have to do it" he told me calmly "it's not that big of a deal".

"Jackson it's the final!" I groaned "and I'll let everyone down if I lose"

The handsome wrestler smiled sympathetically at me and allowed me to continue my rant.

"Plus, I'm not as good as you or Colin, or anybody else and everyone is counting on me to win, even though everyone knows how terrible I am, and..."

Jackson dragged me into a strong hug, wrapping his tree-trunk-like arms around my slender frame until I could feel his heart beating through his firm chest.

I melted into him and fell silent.

"Listen to me" he finally said, lifting my chin up so that once again I was staring into his deep eyes.

"You can drop out" he told me with a reassuring smile "if that's how you feel, then dude, it's not worth the stress. I can tell coach that you're not doing it".

"He'll hate me" I groaned, forcing my way back into a hug with Jackson who chuckled as he held me.

"Dude" he whispered into my ear as his hand ran through my hair "he hates you anyway".

The two of us laughed as we embraced until eventually I sat back and leaned my head on the lockers behind us.

"Everyone will hate me" I sighed.

"Nah" Jackson said, shaking his head "everyone has seen the effort you've been putting in, bro".

I scoffed.

"If only they knew why" I remarked, and my attention was once again diverted to the sexual urges in my groin.

"They do" Jackson winked, smacking my back and standing up "now come on".

My suspicions after yesterday had seemed correct. Did the entire wrestling team know that I was being rewarded for my efforts? The idea terrified me, and yet it caused my cock to strain in the tight confines of the singlet. I adjusted it quickly as I stood, but the outline left little to the imagination.

Out in the hall, I'd somehow managed to return to my flaccid state, and a good job too, as the coach stormed toward us.

"You're late" he growled at me, seemingly unbothered by Jackson's tardiness.

"We were talking" Jackson told him, and the coach, who had a sweet spot for him, nodded.

"Well okay then, but today is a big day, last practice before tomorrow, so don't blow it, kid" he snarled, aiming the last words toward me.

"Fuck him" Jackson smiled, and took me over to a mat where three other young men sat, Colin being one of them.

"Choke holds!" Coach announced to all fifteen of us, and most of the muscular, handsome young men nodded with delight.

I however, squirmed. Not only was the idea terrifying, but I'd never even tried to do a choke hold. I didn't have the strength, nor the agility, and so I had avoided them for as long as I could.

"Before we get started" coach continued "I want to make something very, very clear". He walked up and down the hall, his hands clasped behind his back as we all followed him with our eyes.

"The vast majority of choke holds are illegal in high school wrestling, you all know this, but you need to be even more aware of it tomorrow. There are however, a few that are not illegal, and done correctly, can win you the match in seconds".

As the other wrestlers grinned and whispered amongst each other, I writhed.

"I've put you into groups of five. Two of you will practice at a time, whilst the other three will keep a close watch on both fighters. If there's any loss of consciousness, break it up immediately and call me over. Now let's get started".

The coach walked over to our mat first and had us all stand. I felt my entire body tremble as he spoke.

"You guys will be practicing the Anaconda Choke. It's perfectly legal when done correctly, and can be devastating. Jackson, you know the drill".

Jackson and the coach locked arms on the mat, providing us with a demonstration of the terrifying looking move, until the pair of them stood up.

Jackson winked at me as he stood back in line.

"Alright, now get practicing" coach said, and as Jackson took me by the shoulder, coach took me by the arm.

"Not with him" coach told Jackson who scowled.

"I can pair with Conor" Colin said, but the coach shook his head again.

"Jensen!" He shouted down the hall, and my blood ran cold.

Mark Jensen was the most brutal wrestler on the team. What he lacked in skill, he made up for in sheer, violent power. I began to shake even harder as the six foot, stocky, dark skinned young thug stomped toward us.

"Coach, I think it's probably best if we stick to our usual pairs" Colin said, as even he noticed my nervousness.

"Quiet, Colin" Coach growled as Jensen arrived.

"You're pairing with Conor" he said "Colin you swap and head to the top mat".

I caught the anxious look that was shared between Jackson and Colin as the young wrestler sighed and left the mat. Jensen glared at me hungrily.

"Ready?" He growled, and before I could answer, he wrapped his large hand around my upper arm and shoved me into the centre of the mat.

"Alright, remember guys" Jackson said nervously "we're just practicing, we don't want no injuries before the big day".

Jensen grunted as he began to stalk me. My entire body rattled as we circled each other, and then his large frame bound toward me and I became almost winded by the sheer power as he drove me backwards.

One moment I was on my feet, trying and failing to grapple with Jensen, and the next, I was hurtling through the air.

I heard the wind blast from my lungs and then complete silence. Jackson had winded me before, and would instantly come to my aid, but Jensen wasn't Jackson.

The large young man was on top of me in a second as I gasped and tried desperately to suck in air. I could hear Jackson's voice, but had no idea what he was saying as my limp body was being manhandled.

I was flipped around, feeling a huge bicep against my throat as my arm was dragged above my head. He was using me like a rag doll, and all I could do was struggle to breathe.

My body flipped again, and now I was facing the high ceiling and every part of me went stiff. I tried to fill my lungs once more, but it was impossible.

Jensen was squeezing me so tight that I was sure my eyes would pop from my head as they bulged.


I made an animalistic noise as my throat became so compressed that even air could no longer reach my burning lungs.


Everything was becoming dark, as though I was falling asleep, and my grip around Jensen's huge arm seemed to become softer.



My head began to pound before I'd even opened my eyes. I reached for Jensen's arm, and found nothing but my own neck.

"He's awake" a voice said and I felt a hand on my arm.


Slowly, my eyes flickered open. I was once again staring at a ceiling, though it wasn't the one from the gym. I could see the outline of a number of people above me as they began coming into focus.

Jackson was crouched down beside me, his strong hand on my arm. Colin stood the other side, also staring down at me, and two other guys from the team stood near my feet.

"How are you feeling, dude?" Jackson asked in barely more than a whisper.

"I... I... What happened?" I croaked, my throat dry and sore.

"Zach, go get him some water" Colin told one of the others who scurried off.

"Jensen choked you out" Jackson explained "but you haven't been out for long, don't worry".

"Ah" I winced "well that's fine then".

I said it sarcastically, but I was too exhausted to be upset about the situation. I knew what would happen before it happened. Jensen was a monster of a man.

With Jackson and Colin's help, I sat up and my eyes widened.

"Why am I..."

"Calm down, dude" Colin said, and showed me a white plastic bag with something inside it.

"You uh... You had a bit of an accident" Jackson told me as I looked down at my completely naked body.

"We were going to get you cleaned up and dressed, but you woke up" Colin continued.

"I... I... Pissed myself?"

"Don't stress about it" the third young man said, and I'd almost forgotten he was there.

I grabbed my junk instantly, my face burning red.

Zach returned with a bottle of water and I wondered if this situation could really get much worse.

"Come on" Jackson said, as he and Colin helped me to my feet.

The two young men walked me to the showers, but the effects of the choke had mostly left. How many people had seen it? How many of them had witnessed me piss myself right out there on the mat. I felt disgusting, and mortified.

"I don't want you to worry yourself about this" Jackson said as they stood me, naked, under the shower. "He choked you out, bro. It wasn't your fault".

I could hardly look at either of them as the warm water began to rain down on me. Jackson and Colin left me in peace as I washed away the shame, and the piss. I'd never live this down.

As I stood there, I heard something. It started off as a rumble, growing louder until I could hear voices, lots of them. I froze.

I never showered after gym class or practice, not here anyway. I could never understand the whole 'locker room' banter that seemingly all straight young men had. They enjoyed it, and yet I couldn't think of anything worse.

I turned my back as the large communal shower area became flooded with the rest of the wrestling team.

"Yo, Conor!" Someone called, and I didn't want to turn around.

A bare arm flung over my shoulder and turned me, and my eyes once again widened.

Thirteen hot, young wrestlers stood before me, grouped around, arm to arm, completely naked. I grabbed my junk again, not only to hide it from their view, but to attempt to contain the instant erection that began to grow.

They all looked wonderful. They came in all shapes and sizes, tall, small, wide, thin. Muscular, beefy and toned. Some were as hairy as bears, and others showed not a single wisp. I couldn't help but glance at their lower halves, and just like their bodies, their cocks differed greatly. Some were small and wrinkled, others, large and smooth. Some were cut, some uncut. Fat, skinny, low balls, tight ones. I was in awe.

"Great job bro" a young man I knew only as Oz said as he patted my naked shoulder.

"Yeah, I've never seen anyone last that long in a Jensen choke" another young man told me, and a moment later, all of the shower heads were shooting water down on the beautiful army of naked wrestlers.

"See" someone whispered and I turned to find a completely naked Jackson standing behind me.

"What's happening?" I asked, shocked.

"It's called a shower" Colin laughed from the other side.

I continued washing myself, keeping one hand over my boner as I did, until finally I moved to leave.

"Hang on" Jackson said, grabbing my wet arm with his soapy hand.

"What?" I asked, eager to get dressed and hide this damn erection.

"Yo boys!" Jackson shouted and all of the wrestlers turned to look at him.

My best friend guided me into the centre of the shower as all eyes fell on us. I didn't know how to feel, being so exposed as Jackson held me.

"When we fight tomorrow, we fight to..."

The showers erupted as the whole group bellowed "WIN". I could almost feel the tiles bounce.



It was deafeningly loud, but it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.



The group erupted again, dancing and cheering as though we had entered a nightclub. As entertaining as it was, I still felt terribly exposed as the naked men jumped up and down, their cocks dancing too.

"AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!" Jackson roared over them, and a silence fell as they all turned to him.

"And when the parties over" he almost whispered, turning to ensure the coach was nowhere to be seen "and Conor's on his knees".

For the third time today, my eyes almost burst from their sockets.

"We'll take out all our cocks, and..."


They swarmed me, their hands all reaching for my naked body until I was lowered to my knees. I didn't know whether to scream or to laugh. I felt a soft, long cock being pressed against my cheek, then another pushing through my lips. I felt a softie being shoved against my ear, another on the other side, and the aroma of over a dozen cocks began to waft up my nostrils as my own rod began to spill pre-cum.

What the fuck was happening? Everything before now had felt like a dream, but this?! This wasn't even something that I could have dreamt up! I simply knelt there, basking in the feeling and deciding that for just this moment, I wasn't going to worry about a thing.

I felt balls, and cocks, helmets and foreskins, fingers and hands, groins, crotches and even asses rub against me and I simply enjoyed it, releasing my tool so that it could twitch and drool as much as it pleased.

After a few minutes of heaven, the laughter died down and the men began to clear out of the showers.

"You're gonna kill it tomorrow, Conor" someone said, patting my head.

"Yeah, you'll be great!" Another added, and after a few more compliments, I was alone again with Jackson.

"I told you they liked you" he smirked, as I got to my feet.

"And it looks like you like them, too" he laughed, nodding toward my boner.

I was speechless for a moment, still trying to take in what had just happened, and then the familiar feeling of dread washed over me.

"Jackson" I groaned and he looked at me, concerned.

"What if I lose?"

He smiled, and his handsome face made me melt again.

"Bro" he whispered, placing his strong hand around the back of my neck and resting his forehead against mine.

"If you lose" he gasped, and his other hand began to trail my nakedness.

"Then you'll never know the reward we have planned for you".



It’s kind, it’s erotic, and it’s really sexy reading about positive sexual reinforcement!

Larry Sosler

as hot as this story is, i think one of the things that strikes me even more is the sweetness of Jackson. whatever is behind his doing this, one thing is perfectly clear - he loves his friend Conor.