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All characters are 18+

"The loser sucks the winners dick" Kai said, shouldering me as we waited for the game to load.

"Yeah, you wish, homo" I laughed, shouldering him back.

Kai was like a brother to me. We'd grown up together, spent most of our childhood and teenager years together, and had even gotten into the same college together, though that was a few months away yet.

Our Friday nights had always been the same. Pizza, games and movies. We'd been doing it since we were kids, and now that we were eighteen, the only thing that changed was the occasional beer, but tonight we were sober.

"The only thing that sucks" Kai told me "is you at this game".

"Dude, I beat you all the time!" I spat "you're literally shit at this".

We began, both of us eager to outdo the other. We were competitive, and despite how close we were, neither of us wanted to lose to the other.

Kai was a handsome guy, and strangely, we'd been told that we looked like actual brothers, given our similarities. We both had messy black hair, both of us had similar green eyes but Kai was the more masculine of the pair of us. His face was sharp and chiselled, whilst mine still remained youthful and somewhat innocent.

"Asshole" he hissed, trying to knock the controller out of my hand.

"Stop!" I barked, using my socked foot to push him away.

We continued, and I could see the concentration etched into his face.

"Dude, stop!" He snarled, trying to punch me in the nuts.

"You stop!" I spat back, sitting on top of him now.

He grunted and snarled like a dog, before finally pushing me off, but it was too late, I had already won.

"Get sucking, dick bag" I joked, grabbing my dick through my shorts.

"You cheated" he told me, pushing me away as I thrust toward him playfully.

"Whatever, wanna go again?"

We did go again, and again after that, and it was nearly eleven at night when my dad finally knocked.

"Night boys" he said, peering inside "and Cooper, clean this room tomorrow, it's a mess"

"Fine dad" I groaned, angry that he still treated me like a kid instead of a grown eighteen-year-old.

"Goodnight Mr. Brennan" Kai grinned.

"Goodnight Mr. Brennan" I mimicked stupidly "since when do you call my dad Mr. Brennan?"

"Play nice you too" my dad scoffed and closed the door.

"I wish he'd stop treating me like a child" I said, sulking somewhat as we waited for the game to load again.

"Stop acting like one then, you giant pussy" Kai smirked.

We played again, but we had reached the point where neither of us cared who won or lost now.

"This kinda sucks" I said and Kai nodded. "What will we do?"

"What I said earlier" he shrugged "loser sucks the winners dick".

"Shut up" I scoffed, laying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

"I'm serious" he pressed and I shook my head.

Kai had always been a joker, ever since we were kids. It was one of the reasons why I liked him.

"Who will ever know?" He continued, and something about the tone of his voice made me sit up.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, noting that he wasn't smiling.

"Fuck it bro, why not?" He said "plus, I don't wanna go to college without getting my dick sucked".

My mouth fell open. He was serious.

"First of" I gasped "I'm not sucking anybodies dick. Secondly, what makes you think it would be me sucking your dick anyway?"

"Because I'll win" he shrugged.


"Prove it then" Kai grinned "beat me and I'll suck your dick".

"Dude!" I hissed, turning back to the door "stop saying shit like that".

"Aw are you scared?" He grilled and I could feel my face redden.

"I'm not scared" I growled "I'm just not sucking dick".

"Well if you thought you'd win, you wouldn't have a problem with it"

"Stop that" I told him "I know what you're tryna' do".

"I'm not tryna do anything" he laughed "but I'd definitely beat you".

"Bro, you've lost like every game so far. And even if we played and I won, which I would, I don't want you sucking my dick either"

"You're such a loser" Kai sighed, laying back on the bed.

We sat in silence for a moment. What was going on with him? He wasn't gay, I knew he wasn't. We spoke about girls all the time, it wasn't even a question in my mind, and I certainly wasn't gay. My mind raced over everything. He was right about one thing, I didn't want to go to college without ever getting a blowjob, we'd spoken about it before.

As though he'd read my mind, Kai spoke again.

"We said we'd both get blowjobs before college, remember?" He asked, still laying on the bed.

"Yeah" I nodded "but not from each other!"

"What's the difference?" He smirked

"Oh, I don't know, maybe that we're both guys?!"

Silence fell again. Now I was really beginning to question Kai in my mind. Sure, there wasn't a huge difference in how it would feel, but how the hell would we ever stay friends knowing that one of us had sucked the others dick? There was no way we could do it, not a chance.

"One game" he said eventually "if you win, we'll forget about it, but if I win, we play again with my rules".

"No, Kai" I barked, but the idea had slowly started to grow on me.

"Dude, you keep saying you're the best at this, so if you're so good you have nothing to worry about".

I considered it again. There was no way I'd lose to him, but what would happen if I did? I'd have to play again, and what if I lost twice?

"Fine" I said smugly, picking up the controller "one more game".

Kai almost hopped off the bed, grabbing his controller and sitting on the edge.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded eagerly.

We began, both of us playing as best we could. It only took a few minutes before I knew beyond a doubt that I would win again. He knew it too, I could sense his disappointment.

Would it really be that bad? If we could figure out how to do this without ruining our friendship, perhaps it could be a good thing.

"Shit" I growled, smacking the controller in my hand.

"What?" Kai asked, side eyeing me.

"Batteries" I groaned, smacking it again.

Kai furiously mashed the keypad and I watched as he beat me with ease

"HA!" He yelped "I told you I'd win".

The controller was fine, I'd thrown it on purpose.

"So what now?" I asked, feigning upset.

"We play again, loser sucks the winners dick, simple".

"Or we could just skip me beating you" I shrugged and his eyes widened.

"What do you mean?"

I dragged myself up the bed until my head lay on the pillow. I lifted my ass as I pulled my bottoms down, revealing my white boxer briefs. Kai started at me open-mouthed.

"I'll do this on one condition" I told him, feeling very strange indeed with my bulge on show to my best friend.

"What?" He mouthed, his eyes firmly on my junk.

"This can't mess up our friendship" I said seriously "nothing changes because of this".

"Yeah, of course" he nodded, and I could tell that his mouth was watering.

"So this won't be a blowjob, okay?" I said and he looked at me, confused.

"This will be a Brojob"

A smile crossed Kai's handsome face and he began to crawl toward me.


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