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All characters are 18+

The sun raged down in the garden. It was the hottest day in living memory, and the day that Glynn Ellis had decided to torment the eighteen-year-old lad who was sat in his bedroom, trying to hide the fact that he was in awe of the young builder.

"If it get's any hotter I think we should call it" Bren groaned, his face had turned completely red and was dripping with sweat.

"Suit yourself" Glynn shrugged and pulled his t-shirt over his head.

The twenty-two year old knew he was hot. Hell, half the money in his bank account was there because of it. By day, the handsome young man had earned his trade as a builder. By night, he worked in the most luxurious strip club in the country.

His perfect abs complimented his thick, muscular arms. His pecs twitched under his bronzed skin, and his perfectly sculpted face was the cherry on top.

He was used to being lusted after. He spent hours each night being told by countless women how attractive he was. How it should be them that he goes home with. How they'd leave their husbands just to spend a night with him.

"Alright, that's it" Bren gasped, pouring an entire bottle of water over his head "I'm done".

The job was only half finished, and the heat didn't bother Glynn all that much.

"Are you coming?" Bren asked his young colleague, but Glynn shook his head.

"You can't be serious, man?"

"What?" Glynn grinned, his white teeth shining against the sun "it's only a bit of sun".

Bren scoffed as he picked up his tools.

"Well I don't get paid enough for skin cancer" he growled "I'll see you on Monday".

Bren disappeared around the side of the house, leaving Glynn alone. The muscular young man grabbed his own water and swigged from it, spotting the young lad in the window again.

He knew he was being watched ever since he'd arrived. The kid could hardly take his eyes off him, and now he'd found the best seat in the house to spy on the attractive builder. Glynn smirked to himself.

The young man poured some water over his head, feeling the cool beads drip down his washboard abs before rubbing it in as slowly and erotically as he could. He didn't need to look back up to know that the lad was ogling him.

Despite the fact that he would have happily toyed with the eighteen-year-old for the rest of the afternoon, there was still actual work to be done. He grabbed the drill, turned his back to the window and got down on his hands and knees.

The work was hard, but Glynn was happy with the dynamic. During the day he worked hard and it paid off at night. He was a regular at the gym, but he wouldn't be half as fit as he was if he didn't drag concrete slabs on his back, or lift heavy wooden beams, or dig trenches like he did every single day.

This job however, was beginning to seem like a two-man one. After another forty minutes, he wiped sweat from his brow and stood up. The young man ducked in the window and Glynn laughed to himself.

"Can I get you anything?" An attractive woman called from the back door. "A drink or a bit of lunch?"

"No thank you, ma'am" Glynn waved and just like all the other women he encountered, the lady looked flushed.

"Well you just let me know if there's anything I can get you, hunny" she beamed.

Glynn noticed the cute young man peering over the ledge of the window again and glanced back to the woman.

"Actually, ma'am" he called and she turned back around, smiling.

"I noticed you have a son" he said, and the woman looked confused but nodded.

"Would it be possible to get him to lend me a hand for an hour or so?" He asked, the idea forming in his mind as he spoke.

"Oh yes!" She said, sounding excited "all he ever does is play that PlayBox thing all day, it would be great to get him out in the fresh air. Let me go fetch him"

"Thanks very much, ma'am" Glynn smiled and the lad in the window had disappeared.

He returned to the job, pulling up old, rotted decking and drilling in new ones. He didn't expect the young man to actually come down, but if he did, he would certainly put him to work.

Ten minutes went by before he heard footsteps approach from behind him.

"Uh... Hi" a voice half cracked and Glynn turned to find him standing there in a white t-shirt and shorts.

"I asked your mom if you would mind helping me with something" Glynn said to him, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hands.

"She mentioned" he replied, and Glynn could see now just how cute he actually was.

"So, do you?"

The young man shrugged and looked around the garden.

"Here, hold my wood" Glynn told him, fully aware of what he said as he pointed to the wooden beam between his legs.

The young lad's cheeks blushed as he awkwardly got to his knees and reached for the beam. Glynn watched him. He needed to be careful. If his instincts were wrong, this could end in disaster.

"What's your name?" He asked, drilling a hole through the wood.

"Troy" he replied, turning his face away from the sawdust.

"I'm Glynn" he told him.

"Glynn? That's a weird name"

"Yeah" he nodded, grabbed the lad's wrists and moving his hands further up the beam and closer to his crotch.

Troy's eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly moved on.

"Where are you from?" He asked the builder.

"My mother is Welsh" he explained "that's where the name came from".

Troy nodded as Glynn drilled another hole.

By now, Troy's hands were inches below Glynn's crotch and the pair were so close that he could smell the lad's deodorant.

"Does your mom know you're gay?" He asked casually and Troy pulled his hands away.

"Careful!" The builder snapped, and Troy grabbed the beam again.

"I'm... I'm not... Why do you think I'm gay?" The young man stuttered, evidently taken aback by the brazenness of Glynn.

"Because you haven't taken your eyes off my dick since you got down here" Glynn laughed, drilling another hole.

"I... I'm not... I wasn't..."

"Relax kid" Glynn told him, and took his wrist again, this time moving it onto his groin.

Troy's eyes widened to the size of saucers as his mouth fell open. He didn't squeeze, but Glynn knew he could feel his thick rod beneath his Snickers trousers.

"What are you... My mom... She'll see!" He gasped, turning his head back toward the house, but leaving his hand in place.

"So she doesn't know?" Glynn smirked and the lad pulled his hand away.

"No" he mumbled, his cheeks glowing.

Glynn remained on his knees and looked around before standing up.

"Come on" he told the lad and walked around to the side of the house.

Troy watched him for a moment, apparently toying with the idea of running back inside and jerking off to the idea of what could have happened if he'd followed the stunningly handsome young builder.

"Or are you scared?" Glynn grinned, and that had done it.

Troy turned on his heel and jogged after him, until the two of them stood at the side wall.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked the nervous young lad who swallowed and nodded.

He didn't say a word, he pushed his strong hand against Troy's chest and gently forced him backward until his back was pressed against the wall.

"What are you..."

He got down on one knee and with one sweep, the lad's shorts were down to his ankles.

"Not here!" Troy gasped, grabbing his junk through his boxer briefs and leaning forward to hide himself.

"Chill out, bro" Glynn laughed and prised Troy's hands away from his genitals.

"You ever gotten head?" He asked up, and Troy, his eyes still wide, shook his head.

"Do you want to?"

He looked around again, swallowing a lump in his throat before nodding. The young man couldn't believe his luck.

Glynn grabbed the sides of his boxer briefs and slid them down to his knees. A small, but thick cock popped out, hanging over a pair of full balls.

"Shaved" Glynn smirked "you must have been expecting this"

Troy shook his head, almost shamefully as the first person to ever see his cock in this way, kneeled before him.

Glynn wasn't shy. He'd done this before, and he enjoyed it almost as much as he enjoyed stripping. He reached for the lad's flaccid member and took it between his thumb and forefinger, Troy gasped as he did.

The builder leaned forward and sucked the tip into his mouth, shoving his tongue down the lad's foreskin and feeling Troy as his knees began to buckle.

"Holy fuck" he gasped, grabbing Glynn's shoulders to avoid falling forward.

He felt the meat stiffen in his mouth. The young man was certainly a grower, and was hitting at least six inches by the time he became fully erect. Glynn sucked it deeper into his mouth, tasting the light salty moisture from him until it hit the back of his throat.

Though he much preferred to receive oral pleasure, he wasn't against giving it either. He bobbed up and down, grabbing the base of Troy's cock with his hand and swirling it like he was polishing a door knob.

The young virgin was like putty in his hands, gasping and moaning as quietly as he possibly could whilst he received the first blowjob of his life. Glynn loved the feeling of having curious young men so vulnerable.

He reached for his heavy balls, kneading them and fingering them as Troy groaned.

The young man thrust forward, finding himself increasingly comfortable with his new friend. He could feel pre-cum spill from his cock head, and Glynn seemingly enjoyed the taste, swallowing it hungrily as he lathered the cock in his throat with saliva.

"I think I'm gonna cum" Troy warned him, his voice shaky and laboured.

"Not yet, you're not" Glynn smirked, pulling the wet cock from his mouth and standing up.

"Leave em down" he told the lad as he reached for his own trousers.

"What if my mom comes out?" He gasped, trying to cup his thick erection.

"Then she'll see her baby boy sucking a builder's cock" Glynn shrugged, pulling out a huge lump of thick, veiny meat.

Troy had no time to respond to the terrible statement as his eyes fell to Glynn's ginormous rod. A line of saliva dripped down the side of his chin and Glynn laughed.

"That's a first" he said, taking Troy's hand and guiding it onto his soft cock.

"W... What is?" The eighteen-year-old asked, unable to pry his eyes from the sight below him.

"I've had people drool over me theoretically" Glynn explained, feeling his cock twitch at the lad's touch "but never literally".

He reached forward and wiped the saliva from Troy's chin, and the young man looked mortified.

"Sorry" he groaned, but Glynn shrugged.

"I like it wet" he whispered, and placed a heavy hand on Troy's shoulder, guiding him to his knees.

The young man's cock was still exposed, though it seemed like it was gone from his mind as he eyed the snake before him. Glynn could see that a constant stream of pre-seed was spilling from him as he unfurled his cock and let it hang in Troy's direction.

"Use your hands if you want" he told him "it's too big to take it all".

Troy nodded, as though he knew what to do. Maybe he did know, he'd watched hundreds of videos just like this, with giant cocks being squeezed into holes and throats that didn't look compatible, and yet it always worked, but that was porn and this wasn't.

He felt the weight in the meat as he lifted it and brought his head closer to Glynn's sweaty groin. He could smell the man's musk from a day working in the heat, but it didn't deter him. In fact, it made him even more determined.

Glynn felt Troy's tongue against the underside of his circumcised cock and a moment later, the familiar pressure of lips, hugging his glans.

He moaned quietly. He liked encouraging them, even if they weren't that skilled. It gave them a sense of pride, and there was nothing better than a prideful blowjob.

"Fuck that's good" Glynn gasped, and he wasn't even lying.

Troy's mouth became engulfed with cock. He could taste the builder's sweat, but it drove him insane and his own pole continued to leak profusely.

Glynn took him by the back of the head, guiding him further down his rod as he began to choke and gag.

He muffled an apology, but the builder rubbed his cheek and continued.

"Hold the base" he advised, guiding his hand to the bottom of his shaft "and play with the balls".

Troy did as he was told, squeezing the base of Glynn's cock and fondling his nuts at the same time. He quickly became better at the job, twisting his hand, gobbing the cock and soaking it in saliva. Fuck, he was good at this.

"Fuck man" Glynn gasped, his own legs beginning to shake "you're really fucking good".

He'd never been brought so close to orgasm this quickly, not by somebody so inexperienced anyway. He held the lad as he bobbed and gagged and felt the orgasm build inside him.

"Holy shit" he moaned, placing one hand on the wall behind Troy who was now deep throating his huge cock with apparent ease.

What type of cock sucking god was this guy? He thrust his hips forward, feeling the sweat drip down his naked torso as Troy swallowed him whole.

The sound of the young lad's choking and gagging, the speed at which he could take the eight inch tool, the suction, slurping, licking and stroking, it was too much for the young builder.

He groaned out, feeling the noise pour from his throat as his body trembled with pleasuring volts of electricity. His balls tightened, his hips burst back and forth and he began to fill the young man's mouth.

"Fuck!" He moaned, throwing his head back as he spilled thick, hot sperm into Troy's hungry throat.

The lad swallowed it as though he'd never been fed before. He gulped it down, feeling it coat his throat and drip into his stomach. He was pumping his own rod too, his orgasm building also.

"Jesus" Glynn gasped breathlessly as he continued to fuck sperm into the lad's throat.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd shot this amount of cum, or felt this fucking good from a blowjob. Troy was still coaxing more sperm from his sensitive cock, squeezing and pumping his hand up Glynn's shaft to ensure every last drop had been milked from his heavy balls.

Finally, Troy allowed the now flaccid pole to slip from his wet, drooling mouth and got to his feet.

"Now me?" He asked hopefully, and as much as Glynn was completely exhausted after the mind blowing blowjob, he nodded and took to his knee again.

Troy's cock was straining, and had turned red from the furious strokes it had received. He lipped it into his mouth, instantly tasting the lad's pre-cum and began swallowing it down his throat as his own cock continued to twitch, even in softness.

How had somebody so inexperienced, delivered such an amazing blowjob? And more importantly, how could he keep in contact with the teenager without anybody asking questions?

He gobbed the cock further down his throat, feeling the bristles of Troy's shaved pubes against his nose, and feeling his tightening balls against his chin.

The young man gasped, his hands back on Glynn's shoulders and his hips thrusting once more. He too was sweating, but not from hard work. He squeezed his fingers, feeling a wave of arousing pleasure rush through him, and then it happened.

His cock began to squirt ropes of fresh cum into Glynn's mouth, pouring across his tongue and draining into his throat. He swallowed the tasty teenage load, basking in the pleasure of being the first person to ever make him cum.

For an eighteen-year-old, he produced a huge amount of seed. It wasn't as much as Glynn had fed him, but it wasn't far off either. He swallowed and swallowed, feeling it pool in his mouth as he did, whilst Troy gasped, groaned and moaned above him.

Finally, both young men were drained and exhausted.

"That was one of the best blowjobs I've ever gotten" Glynn told him, as they both pulled up their trousers.

"Really?" Troy asked, shocked.

"Really" he said, rubbing the young man's hair playfully as they returned to the garden.

"Oh there you both are" Troy's mom beamed as she walked out to them with a tray of lemonade.

"Where do you get to?" She asked, smiling at her son.

"Oh" Troy half gasped "uh... Glynn was just showing me his... Uh..."

"My tools" Glynn smiled "I was showing him my favourite tool, actually".

"Oh that's wonderful!" Troy's mom grinned "it's great to see you finally out and about".

"I was thinking, actually" Glynn said, placing his arm around Troy's shoulder as his mother beamed unknowingly at her son who still had cum dripping down his chin.

"Perhaps I could take Troy here out for some more work, keep him out from under your feet during the summer".

He felt Troy tense up, his cock likely stiffening in his wet boxer briefs again.

"If that's alright with you of course, ma'am"

The woman looked shocked for a moment before a huge smile spread across her face.

"Oh well that would be just wonderful!" She gasped "wait until your father hears about this!"

She left the tray down on the table and rushed back inside.

"Yeah, wait til your father hears what a great little cock sucker he's produced" Glynn whispered and Troy laughed quietly.

"So what do you think? Wanna be my new helper?"

The young man considered it for a moment before looking up at the attractive, tanned, muscular builder.

"Only if I get to suck your dick every day" he grinned seductively.

"Oh you'll be doing more than that, Troy" Glynn smirked "you'll be doing much more than that".



yesss this is a good one


What a good GOOD boy!