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All characters are consenting adults (18+)

The two young men began to wrestle as the crowd watched on. Noah stumbled backwards and Nikolai swung him back and forth like a rag doll. The Russian was stronger than he looked, and Noah was exhausted.

He felt Nikolai’s arm wrap around his neck, and suddenly he was facing the crowd, gasping for breath as his throat was squeezed. They roared and jeered, but Noah was trapped, and moments later, he felt the bullet push against his hole.

“You’ve made a big mistake, Noah” he snarled, but before he could shove the tip inside, Noah pushed him backwards and the cheering died down.

They circled each other like lions. If Noah was going to win, he’d have to think outside the box. He looked around for something to help, but Nikolai charged at him once more.

“I’ll give you one more chance, slave” he spat, pinning him to the ground. “Kiss my feet and shove both bullets up your ass, and I’ll go easy on you for the rest of the tournament”.

“Fuck you!” Noah hissed, squirming below.


Another struggle ensued. Nikolai held his ankles back like he was changing a diaper, and before Noah could even clench, the bullet was sliding up his asshole. He looked above. The button was just over their heads, and when Nikolai reached for it, Noah leaned forward and rammed his own bullet into the Russian’s hole.

The button was pressed before Nikolai could get the bullet out. A powerful surge of electricity ripped through both of the slaves, and the crowd went silent.

Noah screamed out, but he couldn’t even hear himself. He scrambled to his feet, but the pain only worsened, and moments later the two naked young men fell from the podium, and darkness overcame them both.

“I don’t care what you do, Sebastian, but this isn’t what we agreed”.

“Do you not think I fucking know that? It’s beginner’s luck, that’s all. He won’t stand a chance in the next task. Trust me”.

“You said that about the last one. I’m beginning to wonder if you’re worth my trust”.

Noah groaned and the voices stopped. He lay there for a moment, feeling the ache in his ass as the memory of what had happened came back to him. Had he lost? Had they both lost? He wasn’t sure, but he remained there, laying on something soft and warm, until he felt a hand on his forehead.

“You’re awake” Sebastian’s voice came, and Noah’s eyes flickered open.

The man glared down at him. Judging by his stern appearance, Noah was certain that he’d lost.

“You won” he said stiffly. “You were both awarded ten points”.

A smile flickered on Noah’s face, but Sebastian didn’t seem as amused.

“Let me make something very clear to you, boy” he hissed, leaning closer. “I have a lot of money on –”

The door swung open and Sebastian backed off quickly as Reginald, Oliver and Pierre appeared, beaming and clapping.

“Excellent work, Noah” Oliver said, rubbing the young man’s head. “How are you feeling?”.

Noah glared back at Sebastian. He wanted him to lose, and whoever he was speaking to a few minutes before, did, too.

“Fine” he groaned, sitting up.

“It’s no small feat” Reginald said, looking quite proud as he stood near the window. “Nikolai is a difficult opponent”.

“And now he’s made an enemy of him!” Sebastian snapped, and everybody turned to look at him.

“I believe that’s the point” Pierre scoffed. “They weren’t exactly destined for friendship, were they?”

Sebastian’s face became sour as he walked across the room and poured himself a drink.

“One would think that you don’t want your boy to win” Reginald said.

“Of course I want him to win” he replied sharply, “but making an enemy of the Russian so early on is bad news. You know what Dimitri is like, he’ll want revenge for this”.

“Dimitri is not my concern” Reginald replied calmly, turning back to Noah who had no idea what was going on. “My concern is that we do everything we can to ensure that Noah wins”.

Sebastian scoffed and finished his drink before marching from the room. Pierre and Oliver followed soon after, and Reginald smiled.

“You did well” he said, as Noah rubbed the back of his neck. His body felt stiff and painful. “But don’t get cocky. Tomorrow is a new day, with new challenges, and your opponents might not be as welcoming as they were today”.

“Welcoming?” Noah groaned, “that’s what you call it?”

Reginald smiled again. “Nikolai is likely bound to his bed as we speak” he continued, “whatever Dimitri has in store for him for failing to beat you, you can be sure that the young man will do his best to ensure that it doesn’t happen again”.

“But he won” Noah said, “we both did”.

“Ah, if only they viewed it like that” he chuckled. “For the Russians, there is only one winner, but enough talk. It’s time to get ready”.

Bran and Thad appeared and helped Noah to his feet. They took him into the large, ornate bathroom and led him into the bath. The warm water felt wonderful, and when Thad’s hand slipped between Noah’s legs and began gently scrubbing him, the young man moaned.

“Nice work today” Bran smiled, washing Noah’s hair. “Nobody expected you to do as well as you did”.

“Including me” he replied, as his cock stiffened in the cage. “What am I getting ready for?”

“The winner’s banquet” Thad explained pushing further between Noah’s legs until his wet, soapy finger teased his hole.

“You’ll enjoy it, don’t worry” Bran said, but Noah wasn’t exactly in the mood for a banquet.

When the bath was finished, Noah was led back into the room and dried off with towels. He was tired, but he was also starving, and the scent of delicious cooking was beginning to waft through the castle. He sighed to himself. Bread and water was becoming worse and worse, and the idea of something succulent and juicy made his mouth water.

“Let’s go” Bran said, and they left the room and headed for the Grand Hall. When they arrived, the place was already packed with people.

“Sit here” Thad told him, as they reached the end of one table. Noah sat down at the top of it, and felt all eyes on him. He looked over to the other table, where Nikolai sat opposite, but the Russian kept his head lowered, and Noah noticed the brutal damage to his ass.

“To our two winners!” Reginald called from the top table, and applause rang out as the doors burst open and an army of young men carrying lavish trays of food appeared. Noah instantly found Caspian, who wore a crisp white shirt, a waistcoat, and perfectly pressed pants. The stunning young man caught his eye and winked as he walked over.

“Fine work today, Noah” he grinned, setting down plates of chicken, potatoes, roasted vegetables and more. Noah gawped at it.

“F… For me?” He asked, and Caspian smiled again.

“For you” he nodded, “though I daresay, this won’t be your only prize for the night”.

Caspian returned to the kitchens with the rest of them, and Noah noticed that the only people eating food like what he had, were the slave owners. He looked over at Nikolai, expecting him to have the same, but cocked a brow. The young Russian’s plate had been taken from him by his master, Dimitri, and so he sat there with nothing.

After weeks of a restricted diet, it only took Noah a few mouthfuls before he was full up. He looked back at Reginald who was deep in conversation, and picked up his plate before walking to the other table. Nikolai glared up at him angrily.

“Here” he said, and put the plate down in front of him. “I’m not hungry”.

The people closest to them went silent as the two naked slaves stared at each other. Nikolai hesitated for a moment. He was fighting with his pride, but his hunger was obviously too strong and so he reached for the food and began to shovel it into his mouth. Noah turned to walk back to his table, and stopped dead when Dimitri blocked his path.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, boy” he growled, and his voice sent a shiver of dread up Noah’s spine. “You’re interfering with my property”.

“He’s hungry” Noah replied, “he won today and he deserves a meal”.

Dimitri’s hand shot up and grabbed Noah by the hair, but before he had a chance to do anything, Oliver and Pierre had arrived to break it up.

“I want him brought to my chambers tonight” the man hissed, “evidently, you lot don’t know how to deal with your slaves!”

“We’re perfectly capable of dealing with our slaves” Oliver spat, “perhaps you should consider feeding your one before you kill him”.

“Perhaps you should mind your fucking business” the Russian snapped back.


“Gentlemen” Reginald beamed, stepping between them all. “Tonight is not for arguing. Please return to your seats. The entertainment is about to begin”.

Reluctantly, the angered men obeyed. Noah noticed that during the heated moment, Nikolai had taken the opportunity to devour the food, and although there was evidently some bad blood between them, he was glad. He sat back down and watched as a large king size bed was dragged into the middle of the hall.

“In the spirit of friendship” Reginald called out, silencing the whole crowd who watched on. “We have decided that the competing slaves will put their differences aside for the evening, and treat us to a show. Can all of the slaves please stand around the bed”.

Whispering began almost instantly as the competing slaves awkwardly got to their feet. Noah glanced over at Nikolai, catching his eye for a moment before the young man looked away, and all ten of them surrounded the bed.

“Over the next few hours, you’ll make love to each other whilst we watch” Reginald continued, “whilst most of you are caged, I’m sure you’ll find exciting ways of helping each other to orgasm. Now, go ahead boys, it’s time to enjoy each other”.



And at this rate, a 90 part story lol


Is there a character list? I find myself forgetting people now that the games have begun and there are so many characters. Loving it tho!


Reginald is the owner of the slave island and Noah Oliver is the first one Noah met, he was the one to evaluate Noah in the coffee shop. He also the one that teach Noah how to fuck Sebastian is the one who discipline Noah Pierre is the one that Noah need to give a report to everyday Bran and Thad are the slaves who welcomed Noah on the island and help him adjust Caspian is the chef that Noah have a crush on These are the most important characters