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All characters are consenting adults (18+)

It was the most important game of the season, and everybody on campus knew it. There was an excitement in the air. You could feel it wherever you walked, but it seemed that nobody was as excited as my roommate Kai.

The only reason Kai wasn’t actually on the football team anymore, was because of a knee injury the previous season, so he’d taken to just speaking about it every second of the day.

I wasn’t much of a football fan, but it was difficult to ignore the atmosphere. As the day came closer and closer, even the staff were buzzing, and by the Friday night, I gave in and finally admitted to Kai that my loyalties lay with the opposing team.

“It’s not that big a deal” I laughed, as he paced, shirtless, up and down the dorm. “I grew up there, of course I’m going to support them”.

He glared at me. “You live here now, Daniel!” He barked, “how can you even think about supporting them?”

I smiled to myself. Just like many of the others, Kai was painfully loyal to his college football team.

“I just can’t believe this” he continued, and my eyes dropped to his impressive six pack. Despite the fact that he was injured the previous year, he hadn’t let his fitness slip. The guy spent almost every single day in the gym, and it showed.

“Well, believe it” I said, and lay back on my bed.

We’d spent the entire year together, so I was comfortable with Kai. We weren’t the best of friends or anything, because he was one of the popular, athletic guys, and I was just a standard college student, but we got on.

“God damn it, you suck” he spat, pulling his shorts down and giving me the perfect view of his fat ass in his underwear as he crawled into his own bed and stared up at the ceiling.

“Forget about it” I chuckled, “this time tomorrow it will all be over, and you’ll realise that I was right to support the other team”.

He sat bolt upright in his bed and stared at me once again. “Take it back” he hissed, and I laughed. “Daniel, take it back!”

“No” I grinned, and his eyes narrowed.

“There’s no fucking way, they’re beating us tomorrow” he said, and I shrugged smugly.

“They beat you the last two times” I smirked, and his face tightened further.

“That was different”.

“Was it?”

“Yes! We’re gonna win tomorrow, and when we do, I’m gonna give you the worst wedgie you’ve ever had”.

I laughed once more and shook my head. “You’re insane, man” I said, turning over and closing my eyes.

“If you’re so confident” he continued, obviously unable to let the subject go, “then why don’t we make a bet?”

I turned back and looked over at him. It was clear to see why so many women liked him, but I ignored his handsomeness and cocked a brow.

“I work at a gas station” I scoffed, “you think I have money to bet with you on a dumb football team?”

“It’s not dumb” he growled, “and I don’t want your money”.

“What do you want then?”

Kai considered it for a moment as he leaned back on his elbows, until a grin spread across his face. “If your team wins” he said, staring at me now, with his dark brown eyes. “I’ll do whatever you want for an entire day”.

My heart leapt slightly. Although Kai was almost certainly talking about some dumb activities like cleaning the room or washing the toilet, I couldn’t help but let my mind travel to more depraved places.

“And if I win” he continued, “then you do whatever I want for an entire day”.

I had absolutely no doubts about the type of things I’d have Kai do if I had the option, but I also knew that revealing my sexuality to him would be bad news, so even if I did win, Kai would be doing the same boring shit he would have had me do.

“Fine” I mumbled, turning over “it’s a deal”.

The entire campus seemed to be buzzing the following morning. As soon as I stepped out of the dorm building, crowds were swarming toward the football pitch wearing the colours of their chosen team. I found two of my friends, who were both supporting the college team, and the three of us followed the sea of red until we found our seats.

Like I said before, I wasn’t much of a football fan, but admittedly, the excitement was palpable. My team took the lead early, much to the disgust of everybody around me, and one of my pals even drove a punch into my arm when I celebrated a little too loudly.

“You’re a traitor” he spat, though I laughed it off as my team went even further ahead, and by half time, I was already dreaming about what I would have Kai do the following day.

The second half was mostly uneventful, but the mood around me had changed considerably. As we drew closer to the final minutes of the game, a few people had even decided to leave. I couldn’t help but feel a little smug, especially when I locked eyes with Kai across the way, and grinned at him.

He looked furious, though still incredibly handsome. He shook his head as my team darted up the field, and just as it looked like it was game over, the college team pulled one back.

“Fuck!” I spat, as the fans went crazy.

“It’s not over yet!” My friend teased, and he was right about that.

By the time the final whistle sounded, the college team hadn’t just come back, they’d outright won. Despite the fact that I wasn’t a football fan, I was fuming.

I marched back to the dorm afterwards, and had to actually stop myself from punching the door. It was only when I got inside and calmed down a little that I realised how stupid I was being, and eventually laughed to myself as I lay on my bed. Now I could see why people were so passionate about the game.

An hour or so later, Kai returned. I knew it was him before he even reached the room, because I could hear him celebrating as he got closer. I also knew that I was in for a night of gloating, but I was already over it, I grinned as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

“You suck!” He called, still in celebration mode. “I mean, how the fuck did you guys not hold that lead?” He continued, shaking his head but beaming from ear to ear. “Fuck, dude, what a game”.

“Some game, alright” I nodded, and hoped that he’d suddenly change the subject.

“I mean, did you see Jameson in the last five minutes? That guy is a fucking superstar”.

“Yep” I said, “he’s good”.

“Good?” Kai scoffed, peeling his football jersey over his head, to once again reveal his solid body. “Dude, he’s a fucking god!”.

As Kai continued to analyse the entire game, I felt myself becoming more and more exhausted. It had been a relatively long day, and although it wasn’t particularly late, I couldn’t help but drift off as he was speaking.

“Don’t worry, Danny” I heard him say, “I haven’t forgotten our bet”.

The following morning I woke late. I always did on a Sunday, but as I lay there, stretched out in my bed, I couldn’t help but feel strange. Was I supposed to be doing something? Was I supposed to be somewhere? I continued to wrack my brain for the answer until I heard a cough from across the room and looked over.

Kai was sitting on the edge of his bed wearing just his boxer briefs. Although I’d seen him like that countless times over the last year, it was a sight that I’d never get tired of. He smirked at me, and I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

“Morning” he said.


“Sleep well?”

“Pretty well, yeah. You?”

“Oh yeah” he grinned, “I slept real well”.

I narrowed my eyes and slid my legs from the bed. I was far less impressive than Kai, but I had a decent swimmer’s body. I got to my feet, stretched my body and yawned.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Kai asked, with a devious tone to his voice, and I stopped dead and stared at him.


“Have you forgotten our little bet?” He asked, showing his white teeth. “One whole day of doing whatever I say”.

I let out a laugh. “Oh yeah” I nodded, “fine, whatever, what do you have in mind? Want me to clean the toilet? Do your laundry?”

He continued to stare at me for a moment before his smile grew wider, and I raised a brow.

“I was thinking of something a little different” he said, and got to his feet.

I watched as he walked closer to me, and the two of us stood inches apart in just our underwear. “The first thing I want you to do, Danny” he breathed, “is take them off. You’re not gonna’ need them for what I have planned for you today”.


Brendan Gavin

Hehe this is gonna be fun


Another one that seems promising!