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All characters are consenting adults (18+) 

It had been two days since the kiss. Two days of doing nothing but staying in my dorm and pretending that it hadn’t happened. Two days of failing, and thinking only about the kiss. Two days of punching my pillow and desperately trying to deny that the kiss had been anything more than a stupid, drunken mistake, and two days of failing with that, as well.

Myers had sent me over a dozen messages, and I’d watched his calls come and go since the moment I’d left the club. I didn’t know whether I was angry at him or at myself, but I settled on him.

Why had he taken me to a gay club? How many times had I turned down his advances in the past? I’d made my intentions, or, lack of intentions very well known to him, and he took advantage of that.

On Monday morning, I left the dorm room for the first time and headed for a lecture. I didn’t want to, but I was going crazy up there, and the first breath of air cleared my head slightly. The relief, however, was short lived.

“Well, at least you’re not dead” came Myers’ voice from behind me, and I turned back and glared at him. “Why the fuck haven’t you messaged me back? I’ve been worried sick about you”.

“I’m fine” I lied, and my voice was cold and short.

“Dude, you look like you haven’t slept in days. What do you mean you’re fine?”

“I said I’m fine” I snapped, and his eyes narrowed.

“Is this about that kiss?” He half scoffed. “Dylan, it’s not like we fucked, it’s not a big deal”.

“Not a big deal?” I spat back, lowering my voice as a group of students walked by. “You took me to a fucking gay club and… And… Well, you know what happened”.

Myers rolled his eyes which did nothing for my anger.

“Maybe this isn’t a big deal to you” I growled, “maybe because this was your plan all along, huh? Take me to some gay club, get me drunk and then–”

“Don’t” he said, and now it was his voice that was cold. “Don’t fucking go there, Dylan”. I let out a sharp breath through my nostrils. “You kissed me” he added.

I couldn’t listen to him anymore. Sure, he was right, but I was too angry and too confused to argue about it. “I gotta go” I said, and marched off, leaving Myers behind.

For most of the day, I was able to successfully avoid him. I knew that my anger was misguided but what else could I do? If I couldn’t blame Myers for what had happened then there was only one other person who I could blame, and that person was looking right back at me as I stood in the public toilets after college.

“You’re a fucking idiot” I said to myself in the mirror, splashing water over my face. “A stupid fucking idiot”

“I wouldn’t go that far” Myers said, appearing behind me. I felt my heart drop as he strolled inside and took a piss. “Oh, running away again, huh?” He scoffed as I headed for the door. “Real brave”.

“Fuck you” I snarled, turning back, “I’m not fucking gay, man!”

Myers shook his dick and slipped it back into his pants before washing his hands. I could see the smug smile on his handsome face.

“Who are you trying to convince?” He asked casually, drying his hands. “You or me?”. I didn’t answer him. “I don’t care what you are” he continued, fixing his hair in the mirror. “You’re the only one who seems to have a problem with it”.

“I didn’t have a problem until you dragged me into that fucking club!”

“Is that so?” He smirked, stepping toward me. “It’s just, you didn’t seem to have much of a problem when your dick got hard, did you?”

My face burned. Besides the kiss, the boner had kept me awake since it happened. I had prayed that Myers would forget about it, but evidently, he hadn’t.

“It was a mistake” I said, as he stood inches away from me. “All of it, everything”.

“Everything?” He breathed, standing even closer now, “everything?”

“E… Everything” I mouthed, and I could smell the warm, sweet scent of his body as he grinned.

“That’s too bad” he whispered, leaning forward, “because I’m all alone in my dorm tonight, and I was thinking that we could… Make amends”.

I took a shaky breath as he slapped my shoulder and chuckled. A wave of nervous excitement washed over me, and there wasn’t a single thing I could do about it.

“Seven thirty” he said, walking by me as though we’d just had a casual conversation, “come, don’t come, it’s up to you”.

I remained in place as Myers disappeared, and finally let out the breath that I’d been holding. I felt beads of sweat on my forehead, and my heart continued to race long after he’d left. I looked down, and much to my horror, my pants were tenting for the second time.

“Fuck” I sighed.

I sat on my bed completely naked. My own roommate wasn’t due back for a few hours, and whilst I usually took the opportunity to jerk off, I had spent the last hour looking at my dick.

I had a good dick. A nice dick. I’d always been proud of my dick, and so had all of the women who’d met it, but now we were arguing.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked it, staring at the bell shaped cock head. “You’re not supposed to get hard for guys!”

It twitched in response.

“Fuck you, man” I sighed, “we were supposed to be friends”. I lay back and realised how fucking insane I was being. It was almost seven, which gave me thirty more minutes to decide whether or not I was going to go over to my best friend’s dorm room and admit that ever since my lips met his, I’d been fighting the fact that I was being dragged, kicking and screaming, deeper in love with him.

I shook my head. How had it happened? What had snapped in my brain to make me feel like this about Myers? Yes, he was hot. Yes, he was kind. Yes, he was everything I could ever want in a best friend, and yes, I was in love.

Had it happened that night at the club or had it happened the first day I met him? Did something happen along the way that made me go from loving him as a friend to loving him as something more, or had it always been there? I groaned, because I still struggled to accept that I was even having this conversation with myself.

“I’m straight” I said, for the thousandth time since Friday night. “I’m a straight guy, who loves fucking chicks. End of story”.

I reached for my phone to let him know, and dropped it again.

“FUCK!” I barked, remembering that I loved kissing Myers just as much as I loved having sex with chicks.

My brain felt like it had been fried over and over again. Regardless of what my decision was going to be, tonight had to be the end of it. I would either go to Myers’ dorm and explain in no uncertain terms that what had happened on Friday night was a huge mistake and that it would never happen again, or I’d go there and tell the truth.

With just five minutes to go, I stood at my door wearing a loose t-shirt and sweatpants. My heart smashed inside my chest, and I had absolutely no idea how I was going to get through this ordeal. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and nodded. This was it.

The journey to Myers’ dorm was short. Far shorter than I would have liked, for that matter. Usually, I was eager to get over there to tell him about what had happened throughout the day, or gloat about the result of a football match, or do normal ‘friend’ things, but as I reached his door, I wasn’t even sure if we still were friends.

I knocked, and a moment later, the door swung open and he looked me up and down. “You look like you’re going to the gym” he said, but I ignored him and walked inside.

“At least your roommate’s not here” I said, grimacing at the sight of his bed, where we all knew he spent ninety percent of his time jerking off.

“Right?” Myers scoffed, “the smell of cum is almost gone”.

I stood with my back to him and closed my eyes again. This was about to be the hardest moment of my life, and I had no idea how to navigate it.

“Look” we both said at the exact same time, and I turned around as we both chuckled.

“Go on” I nodded.

“I’m sorry for bringing you to the club the other night” he said, and I could hear the sincerity in his voice. “I just wanted to celebrate, and I thought it would be a bit of a laugh, but I can see now that it wasn’t, so I’m sorry”.

He lowered his head and I rubbed mine.

“It’s not that it wasn’t a laugh” I said, “hell, I’ve been dragging you to strip joints for long enough. I guess I just wasn’t prepared for all of the… Well, touching?”

Myers let out a laugh. “At least you know you’re hot now” he said, somewhat sadly.

“I’ve always known that” I scoffed, and he rolled his eyes. “But I didn’t come here to get an apology” I continued, and he looked up at me with his beautiful eyes.

“So why did you come here?”

With my heart smashing in my chest once more, I smiled at him.

“I came here to see if my best friend wants to be more than my best friend”.


Brendan Gavin

Eek! Love this. A couple more of these would be nice 🤤


Please continue some of the many stories that you started. They end too soon!