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All characters are consenting adults (18+)

My entire naked body trembled with nervous excitement as I faced off with the three biggest cocks I’d ever seen in my life. It wasn’t like I’d never seen a dick, either. I’d lost count of how many times the guys from the football team had all showered together, and I was certain that none of them, not even the six foot five guys who weighed as much as refrigerators, even came close to the nerds.

“Lick it first, slave” Charlie said, holding his thick erection toward my mouth, “right across the piss slit, make it nice and wet”.

This was it. The moment I’d dreamed about for as long as I could remember. Finally, after all the acting and pretending with Zoe. After all the fake orgasms and nights spent imagining that it was a man beside me, instead of a woman, I was going to get the real thing. I stretched out my tongue, and just as it reached Charlie’s cock, I felt a stinging slap across my face, and the three nerds cackled with laughter.

“You didn’t think it was going to be that easy, did you, slave?” David laughed, pulling his pants back up, and I watched in despair as the rest of them followed suit.

“After all the torment, did you really think we were going to go easy on you?” Oliver scoffed, “we said you’d work for these dicks, and we meant it”.

With those words, Charlie slid off the sofa and walked over to the old cabinet where the huge dildo still hung. He pulled it open and a moment later, took a long wooden paddle from inside and slapped it against his palm.

“Ready to make up for your bad behaviour, slave?” He asked, grinning at me from afar, and I swallowed the lump in my throat as the others smirked.

“Ten from each of us” he said, walking back over, “and you’re going to bend over my knee like a good little slave, while we do it”.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The paddle looked medieval, with a thick wooden handle, and holes drilled through the middle. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain of it on my ass.

“Did I stutter?” Charlie asked, and tapped his knee, “bend over, boy”.

“Charlie…” I started, but quickly shook my head, “I mean, Master, I… I… –”

“Don’t you feel the need to repent for how you’ve treated us, slave?” Oliver asked, “wouldn’t a good slave willingly take the paddle if it meant that his masters would be happy?”

“Plus” David added, rubbing his huge bulge, “unless that ass is glowing red, you ain’t getting no dick”.

They all chuckled again, and I couldn’t help but strain inside the cage. My cock ached violently. I’d never in my life felt arousal like what I was feeling now, and with every passing second, the feeling only grew. I took one last look at the three nerds, and sighed.

“Yes Masters” I mumbled, and with my face burning red, I sheepishly lay over Charlie’s lap, and felt like the world’s biggest idiot.

“Good boy” he said, tapping my plump butt with the paddle, “now here’s how this will go” he explained. “You’re going to get ten of these from each of us like I’ve explained already. You’ll count each one out loud and thank us for them. If you fail to do so, you’ll receive another five. If you put your hands back, you’ll receive another five. If you do anything but keep that butt in the air, you’ll receive another five, do I make myself clear, slave?”

“Y… Yes Master” I whimpered, already bracing for the inevitable pain of the cruel paddle. I squeezed my eyes shut as Charlie rubbed the cool wood against my flesh, and held my breath.

I heard it before I felt it. The woosh of the wood sounded, and less than a second later, a vicious rush of pain drilled through my ass, and my entire body seized up.

“Oh fuck!” I gasped, squeezing my butt muscles as the flesh burned. “FUCK!”

“Are you forgetting your rules so soon, boy?” He asked, rubbing the paddle back and forth over the pain.

“No!” I groaned, “no… One Master, thank you Master”.

“That’s better” he smirked, as I bit down on my bottom lip and wondered how the fuck I was going to survive twenty nine more.

“TWO! FUCK!” I yelped, as the paddle lashed down in the exact same spot. My eyes began to water, but the cage felt even tighter as my cock swelled. “Thank you, Master!”

The third one felt like the other two combined. There was no way in hell that I’d manage the rest of them, but I spoke the required words, and felt beads of sweat drip down my arms as I held myself in place.

“He’s cute like that” Oliver smiled, and tussled my hair. I imagined myself cracking him over the head with the paddle, until the pain dulled even my thoughts.

“FIVE MASTER!” I squeaked, losing control of my voice. The trio giggled.

By the time Charlie was finished, I was sure that my ass had been stripped of all its flesh. I reached back to check the damage, before my wrist was yanked by David, and suddenly I was bent over his lap.

“No touching, boy” he growled, and without a word of warning, lashed my brutalised butt once more.

Over and over again the sound of wood against flesh echoed through the old, damp basement. Every breath began to hurt, and by the time David had finished, my whole body felt weak.

“Almost there, slave” Oliver chirped, and my plan of mauling the young nerd began to dwindle as he tapped the paddle gently on my ass ten times. “See” he grinned, turning me to face him, “I can be nice, too”.

“T… Thank you, Master” I whimpered, and felt actual hot tears on my cheeks. He smiled again and stood me up.

“You do have to go in the corner, though” he said, “hands on your head, no touching”.

I obliged willingly. My ass felt like it had been set alight, but I was glad that the ordeal was over. As arousing as it had been, another smack and I would have had to call it a day. I stood there, hands clasped around the back of my head, and ass throbbing violently, and looked down as tears, sweat and pre-cum dripped onto the concrete.

How on earth had I become so lucky?

After around ten degrading minutes of listening to the nerds talking about actual quantum physics, I was summoned back over, and stood before them, naked and rather embarrassed.

“Don’t hide your pin-dick, slave” David scoffed, pulling my hands away, “you’ve always been so confident in school, so it’s about time you got a taste of your own medicine”.

“Yes Master” I sniffled, and for the first time, I felt genuinely bad for my actions.

Sure, this was extremely exciting and arousing, but could it be, that somewhere inside the three of them, they had real scars from things that I had done?. I shrugged the ideas away. It was all a game. A depraved, crazy sex game. Nothing more.

“Here, slave” Oliver said, and handed me a beer, “sit on the floor and drink”.

I took the can and obeyed him, wincing as my paddled backside made contact with the concrete, but there was something soothing about it. I looked back at the nerds and waited for them to add some humiliating twist to the simple act of drinking a beer, but they didn’t, and so I cracked it open and gulped the refreshing alcohol into my stomach.

“Truth or dare” David said to Charlie, who shrugged and picked truth. I watched curiously as David spoke again. “Why don’t you tell your parents that you’re gay?”

Oliver made an audible gulping sound, and Charlie’s cheeks turned a shade of red as he shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa.

“Dude” David continued, “they’re your parents, and they’re pretty cool, too. Isn’t your cousin gay?”

“I just don’t want to, alright?” Charlie spat, and took a drink.

“I told my parents” David said, and I continued to watch as the conversation became somewhat awkward.

“Well, I’m just not ready yet” Charlie replied, “I’ll do it when I am”.

“There’s nothing wrong with it, you know?” I said, and quickly added “Master” to the end. I waited for some nods or perhaps even some smiles, but none came. Instead, the three nerds glared at me like I’d just pissed on their grandmother’s grave.

“Didn’t you and your moron friends come up with the Gay Book that time?” David growled, and the memory of it made me cringe. It had started as a joke, but had quickly gained popularity when we began to add the names of every kid in school who we thought might be gay.

“We were young” I mumbled, “it was stupid”.

“Your friends are still stupid” Charlie spat, and I could see the anger in his eyes. “And so are you if you’re still calling people faggots. You know, it’s people like you who make it difficult for people like me to come out!”

The mood in the room had changed considerably. If I wasn’t mistaken, Charlie looked as though he was on the verge of tears. My first reaction was to snap back at him, but then I considered it and wondered if he was right.

“I’m gay too, if you haven’t noticed” I finally said, sticking with the middle ground, but even that didn’t appease him.

“And that makes it okay, does it?” He replied, gulping again. “If anything, that makes it even worse. Sure, this has all been a bit of fun, Cole, and I bet you’ve been real turned on by being dominated by guys who you think are weak, pathetic losers”.

“That’s not true” I said, but was it? Was that what had been getting me off all along? Surely not.

“Really?” He scoffed, “I bet even when you think of guys like us, you think of us as nerds or geeks or weirdos, don’t you?”

“No!” I spat, but my voice trailed off as I realised that since the moment I’d arrived, all I’d referred to them as was nerds. My heart dropped a little.

“I thought as much” he said, and looked away.

For a moment, nobody spoke a word. Oliver was pretending to watch the television, but I could see his eyes drifting over to his friends. David opened another beer, but looked almost upset that he’d even brought up the subject, and Charlie remained stone faced. For the first time ever, I was seeing how my behaviour had hurt them.

“Can I use your phone?” I asked, and Charlie dug in his pocket and handed it to me.

“I’ll pay for the Uber” he mumbled, “it was my idea, after all”.

I ignored him and dialled the number, and as soon as it started ringing, I put it on loud speaker. The three of them cocked their brows as the sound rang out, until Dayne Willis answered his phone.

“Bro, where the fuck are you!?” He called over the loud, thumping music. “You know Zoe’s here, and bro she is not fucking happy with you. Honestly, man, fuck that bitch, there are some smoking hot sluts here tonight, dude, and I bet with enough shots and some magic powder, you could fuck any of them”.

“Remember that book we made, Dayne?” I asked, and all of the eyes in the room widened as my best friend paused to think.

“The Gay Book?” He laughed, “holy shit, bro, I forgot about that shit. Man, that was fucking hilarious”.

“Yeah” I nodded, “well, if you find it, you can add my name to it”.

The gasps were audible. I didn’t even look up from the phone, but I knew Oliver had clasped his hand to his mouth.

“What the fuck are you talking about, bro?” Dayne asked.

“I’m gay, Dayne. I’m gay as fuck, and I always have been, so put my name in that stupid fucking book, and then do everyone a favour and go fuck yourself with it”.

I hung up the phone before he could respond, and handed it back to a gob-smacked Charlie before getting to my feet.

“I’m sorry” I said, and it was the first genuine apology that I’d ever given. “I’m really fucking sorry, to all of you. I fucked up and I made your lives hard because I was a fucking asshole. You don’t have to forgive me” I sighed, “I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, but um… If you could take this cage off, I can get going”.

Nobody spoke. The three of them continued to gawp at me before glancing at each other.

“You just told Dayne Willis to go fuck himself” Oliver said, giggling through his fingers. “The Dayne Willis”.

“Well, I am the Cole Richardson, remember?” I smiled back, and just as I did, I realised how fucking handsome the guy was. How had I not noticed it before? I looked to the others, and the same realisation hit me. These guys were fucking hot.

The three of them stood up and I waited, rather miserably, for Charlie to unlock the cage. Truth be told, I would have relived the entire night ten times over if I could, but I deserved to be going home with a red ass and full balls. He reached down and grabbed my caged package and I gasped.

“We could unlock you” Charlie smirked, “but I think you’ve learned your lesson. What do you think, guys?”

My eyes widened as the other two smirked.

“You’re still our slave, though” Oliver said, and smacked me on the ass. I winced, and he apologised timidly until we both smiled.

“I guess you’ve done enough to get these cocks, boy” David teased, and stroked himself through his pants, “the only question is, can you handle them?”


Melvin Sowah

PSA: for those in the UK, go and vote today On the story, this is way better than what I had in mind. Now I'm rooting for Cole. Hope he can channel the bravado and confidence into doing some more good.

John Christian

I endorse this message! I think Ed Davey is going to be bitterly disappointed that the election is over. He looked like he was having a great time!

Brendan Gavin

Wow wow wow another hot installlment