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A commission piece for somebody on the Legendary Tier.

Happy Birthday! 

All characters are consenting adults (18+)

My name is Dylan Parker. I’m nineteen years old, and I’m a freshman at Jackson State University. I have a pretty good life. An easy life, if you will. I’ve got everything I could ever want, and I’d be lying if I said that my looks hadn’t helped in that department. No, I’m not some six foot eight bodybuilder, but trust me, I didn’t need to be tall to impress the ladies.

I was ripped, in that ‘naturally shredded’ kinda’ way. You know the type, I’m one of those annoyingly lucky guys who can eat three cheeseburgers and still look like I’ve walked off the set of a Baywatch show. Don’t hate me for it, that’s just life. My life.

Aside from my looks, I had a lot of other things going for me, too. I was endlessly popular from a mixture of… Okay, so maybe my looks do have a lot to do with that, too, but hey, who’s complaining? I had more friends than I could count, and a family that I adored. My older brother had been the king of this place when he was here, and now I was following in his footsteps.

Need I even talk about my love life on campus? Well, it was exactly what you’d expect it to be for somebody who had been mistaken for Drew Starkey on more than one occasion. Sure, I’d done my fair share of playing the field, and I was quite certain that if I hadn’t met Ashley, I would have continued to, but damn, did that girl rock my world.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. I’m gonna’ be that popular jock who ends up banging my roommate because I got a little too horny one night, well let me stop you right there. Never in my life have I looked at a guy in the same way that I look at chicks. I mean, come on! Ashley had a set of tits that would make even a gay guy’s mouth water. She had an ass to die for, and the only thing that I’d want to revive me, was that ass on my god damn face! She was perfect in every sense of the word, so the question is; why the fuck am I writing this?

24 hours earlier:

I’d known him since he’d moved onto campus. I can’t say that it was friendship at first sight, but I think that was more due to our bitter rivalry than anything else. You see, Myers was just like me in a lot of ways. He was a little older, and annoyingly, a little taller, but he was just as good at everything as I was. Granted, he had the edge in soccer, and had even managed to captain the college soccer team, but I could whoop his ass on a football pitch, and he knew it.

He was a handsome dude, too. One of those tall, well built, athlete kinda guys. He had a messy mop of golden blond hair, and sharp features that made him a hit with the ladies. The only problem for the ladies, was that Myers was one hundred percent, homosexual beef, and there wasn’t a single thing they could do about it. Believe me, they tried.

I admired the guy. Although there was simply no way of telling that Myers was gay, he made no secret of it, either. He didn’t hide himself away, and I respected that. We became closer as the months went by, and eventually we accepted the fact that we could be both rivals and friends at the same time. I still reminded him every so often that I’d kick his ass at football, but we were bros.

“Happy birthday, shit stain” I grinned, shoving a badly wrapped box of half eaten Oreos and a fresh new soccer jersey into his stomach, hard enough that he groaned.

“Are you literally eating my birthday present as we speak?” He asked, as I stuffed another Oreo into my mouth and shook my head. He laughed as he opened it, and then his eyes landed on the jersey. “Dude” he gasped, “these things cost like one hundred bucks”.

“Your mom pays me for this D” I beamed, and he ignored my comment and dragged me into a strong, one-armed hug.

“You’re a piece of shit” he said, “but you have your moments”.

“You’re welcome” I replied, dipping my hand back into the Oreos and swallowing another. “So what are we doing tonight, huh? I hear Emily Dawson’s mom and dad are getting a divorce, so they’re letting her do whatever the fuck she wants. Last week, Bryce Miller took a huge –”

“Uh… I think I’ll pass on that” he grimaced, and I shrugged again.

“What then? Pizza and beers in your dorm? Isn’t your roommate like obsessed with jerking off, though? I don’t wanna get stuck to anything”.

“I was thinking of going into town” he told me, and I raised my eyebrows.

“You? Leave campus? The fuck’s gotten into you, bro?” I laughed, “well count me the fuck in!”

Hours later, armed with a fake ID and already three beers deep, I headed for the parking lot and found Myers by his car. It was warm, and he’d certainly dressed for the weather.

“What the fuck are you wearing, bro?” I grinned, eyeing the tight purple shirt that was open halfway down his muscular chest. “You look like you’re going to your gay grandma’s funeral”.

He smirked at me and looked me up and down. “Says the guy who looks like he’s been rejected from a boy band” he grinned, and reached over before tussling my hair.

“Hey!” I barked, “I spent time doing that”.

“And now you look almost hot” he said, and winked at me.

He’d been like that from the very first day I met him. I knew there was nothing in it, and I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t find his flirtatious behaviour to be somewhat amusing, but for every time Myers had made a pass at me, I’d been sure to quickly turn it down.

“Easy now, gay boy” I joked, “I don’t want to break your heart on your twenty first birthday”.

“You?” He scoffed, “break my heart? You must think you’re something, Dylan”.

The two of us got into the car and went on our way. It was surprising that he wanted to actually go out for once. Myers wasn’t much of a party guy, so getting him out on the town for a night of wild antics was exactly what he needed. I threw out a few suggestions on the best places to go, but he ignored them.

“Dude, I’m like the king of this town” I reminded him, as we passed by all my usual spots, “do you know how many bartender chicks would give us free drinks just because they want to choke on my dick?”

“I’m sure we’d be inundated” he said, rolling his eyes, “but I’d rather not catch crabs from your locals”.

I scowled. Myers grinned, and not long after, we arrived at the parking lot of a bar I’d never even noticed before. It certainly didn’t look like the type of place I’d normally visit, considering that what it looked like, was an old warehouse straight from the set of an eighties horror flick.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked, as we stepped out into the warm evening air.

“Of course I’m sure” he said, and just as we turned to walk toward the place, my eyes landed on the rainbow coloured neon sign.

“Bottoms Up?” I said, knowing that I’d heard a similar phrase before. “Bottoms… What is this place, man?”

“A club” he replied, and continued walking, but I had already stopped in my tracks.

“Dude, bottoms up? Is this a… A gay club?”

Myers turned back around with a shit eating grin on his annoyingly handsome face. He shrugged his shoulders. “Where was it that we went for your birthday last year?” He asked, and despite my current predicament, I thought back to it.

“That strip joint” I said, remembering his discomfort as a hot brunette wrapped her long legs around his neck. “But… But”.

“But nothing, asshat” he scoffed, “I endured some tits for your birthday, so you can endure some dick for mine”.

I gawped at him, but how could I argue? He wasn’t wrong exactly. I had forced him to endure tits. It still baffled me how anybody would have to be forced to endure tits, but I was beginning to get the picture.

“I swear to god, bro” I said, hurrying after him and pulling the back of my t-shirt down to hide my ass, “if anyone in here tries to suck my dick or whatever, I’m gonna…” My voice trailed off as I watched two shredded guys wearing tight shorts and mesh shirts walk toward the entrance. Both of them were easily the size of two normal people, and looked as though they could crush concrete with their bare hands.

“What were you saying?” Myers chuckled, and I kept my mouth shut and scurried in behind him.

I’d never really considered what the inside of a gay club would look like, but I was pleasantly surprised. It looked quite normal, if one could ignore the fact that there were absolutely no women around. Aside from that fact, the dance floor was already packed with people, which was odd considering the night was still early. In the places that I usually went, it took at least ten drinks before anybody had the courage to dance, and yet these guys were already up, and holy shit could they dance.

“What are you having?” Myers called over the thumping music.

“Something strong” I gulped, as I noticed a relatively handsome young man eyeballing me from his table. Next to him, a muscular black dude with hands like shovels gave a wink. “Scratch that” I said, “make it something stronger”.

Myers handed me a shot, and I swallowed it down in one.

“Dude, why are those guys staring at me?” I asked, my cheeks already becoming red.

“They probably think you’re hot” he said, “maybe they’ve had too much to drink”.

“Hey” I barked, “you think I’m hot even when you’re sober”.

“Yeah, but that’s only because I know you” he joked, “other than that, you’re just an arrogant straight boy”.

“I’m not arrogant” I scowled.

“Maybe you’re not straight, either” he teased, and headed toward the dance floor. “Come on!” He called, but I refused and ordered another shot.

As overwhelming as the place was, I couldn’t help but be impressed as I looked around. The only outwardly gay people I knew were Myers and some kid from high school, but here, everybody was so… Free. I watched curiously as two guys tongue fucked each other’s faces, and grimaced slightly until I felt a hand clasp around my ass.

“Hey there, handsome” an older, albeit extremely fit bald guy winked, and I jumped at least two feet into the air.

“Yeah, let’s not do that” I spat, and he lifted both hands.

“Sorry” he smiled, “how about we go somewhere a little more quiet then?”

“I’m not… I mean, I know what it looks like, but I’m not… I’m not gay”.

“Good” he said, biting his bottom lip, “I love a challenge”.

I squirmed and ordered another shot, and eventually Gay Kurt Angle got the message and disappeared into the crowd.

“How about a drink, sweetie?” Another man asked, and without a single word of warning, he slipped his hand between my legs and squeezed. I shoved him backwards instantly, and clenched my fists, until he cocked a brow and walked away.

What the fuck was this place? Grope Central Station? I spun around to see if anybody else was as concerned about this as I was, but nobody seemed to care. I wiped sweat from my brow and leaned across the bar.

“Hey” I called to the barman, who once again, was ridiculously handsome. He swung his towel over his shoulder and approached.

“What can I get you?” He asked.

“Nothing, I was just uh… I was just wondering why people just… You know, grab you here?”

He stared at me for a moment before a white grin spread across his face. “Well, honey” he said, “it probably has something to do with the fact that you’re giving off major straight vibes and you’re dressed like a nineties boy band puked you out”.

I glared at him as he laughed.

“Just enjoy it, babe, you’re only young once!”

With those words, he walked away, and I was relieved when Myers returned, sweaty and breathless.

“Dude, I’ve had my ass squeezed like twenty fucking times since you’ve left” I snarled, “and my balls? Do you know how many times I’ve had my balls felt today, Myers? More than I did all of last weekend, and that’s saying something, man”.

“Oh relax” he chuckled, ordering more drinks, “my advice to you, Dylan, is to drink up and come party, otherwise you’ll be stuck here with…”

I followed his eyes over my shoulder and stepped backwards as a tall, handsome brunette appeared. Why the fuck were they all so hot? I mean, not hot hot, but gay hot. I gulped as he eyed me.

“You’ve got cock sucking lips” he said, and I wasn’t sure that I’d heard him correctly.

“Ex-fucking-cuse me?” I gawped.

“Your lips” he said, nonchalantly, grabbing his cocktail, “they’d look good around my cock”.

I had no words. I spun back to Myers who was trying to keep himself from laughing, and narrowed my eyes. “Fucking say something, man!” I hissed, and he cleared his throat but kept his smile.

“He’s not interested” Myers told him.

“Most people aren’t until I’m balls deep in their pretty little throats” he continued, and his voice was low and deep. “Come dance with me”.

It wasn’t even a question, it was a demand. I gulped once more, and turned back to Myers.

“Dude, say something else” I spat, and he rolled his eyes again.

“Look, he’s not –”

“I didn’t fucking ask you” the man said, and suddenly the mood had changed from an awkward encounter, to something a little more sinister. “Come on” he said to me again, “I want to lick the sweat off your ass crack when we’re done”.

I grimaced, and felt myself shake as he reached out his hand and attempted to close it around my arm. Just as he did, Myers rushed him, and I watched as the guy stumbled backwards.

“He’s not fucking interested” he snapped, and the guy returned instantly, and squared up.

“Oh yeah?” He spat, “says who?”

“Says me”.

“And who the fuck are you?”

“Somebody who’s gonna cause you big fucking problems if you don’t get outta here”.

“Guys” I interrupted, deciding it was best not to get in between the angry gay guys.

“Why don’t you just go ahead and try that” he replied.

“Guys, there’s really no need to fight about me” I said, but they ignored me.

“Don’t tempt me” Myers growled.

“Seriously guys–” They both snapped their heads towards me and told me to shut up, so I ordered another drink and kept quiet.

“Anyway, he’s taken” Myers said, and I cocked a brow.

“Taken by who?” He answered, “I don’t see nobody with him”.

“Taken by me”.

My eyes widened as Myers said the words. I wasn’t upset about it, given the situation, but it certainly sounded strange. I watched as the man glared from him to me.

“Is that true?” He asked, and I nodded awkwardly.

He didn’t look convinced, until Myers reached back and grabbed my hand. “Come on” he said, and yanked me after him, and toward the dance floor.

“What the fuck was that?” I gasped, as we weaved through the crowd.

“That was me saving your ass, literally”.

When we reached the centre of the dance floor, Myers grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I froze for a moment, and glared at him.

“Relax” he said, “if you don’t want guys drooling over you, then you’ve got to let them see that you’re not available”.

“Right” I gulped, as he began to lead in what was a very strange situation.

Feeling his hands around my body was very odd, indeed. His touch was both soft and firm, and the way he moved was mesmerising. The music pumped so loud that I became lost in it, and as the awkwardness began to fade, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat excited.

“I didn’t know you could dance” I said, as he took me around the waist and dragged me against him.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Dylan” he replied, and we continued to grind against each other in a sea of young, gay men.

I was sweating now, and it wasn’t just from the heat. Myers shirt was completely undone at the front, revealing his impressive body as we continued to dance together. Our eyes met more than once, and now our gaze was stuck.

“This is the best night of my life” he called out, and I allowed him to hold me close.

“Well that’s pathetic” I joked, and stared up at him for a moment too long.

I’d never noticed it before, not like this, but Myers really was handsome. He pushed against me once more, but this time he noticed something before I did.

“You’re hard” he said in my ear.

“I’m what?”

“You’re hard”.

I squinted. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I half laughed, until I reached down and felt my erection in my pants. My eyes widened, and I gawped back at him as my cheeks burned red.

“Don’t worry about it” he said over the music, “I get hard in clubs filled with half naked men, too”.

I adjusted my boner as quickly as I possibly could, and cursed to myself. How the fuck had I gotten hard from this? A coincidence, most likely, but I still wasn’t impressed.

Regardless, we continued dancing until late, and the more that Myers rubbed against me, the more I realised why I’d gotten hard.

Maybe it was the drink, or maybe Myers had woken something inside of me, but when the clock struck midnight, I found a confidence that I’d never had before.

“Hey” I called, and he stared into my eyes. “Happy birthday”.

I pressed my lips against his, and felt sparks of excitement burn through my body as I kissed my best friend. I hadn’t planned it. Hell, I hadn’t even considered it until now, but it was only when the kiss was broken, that I realised what I’d just done.

“I… I gotta go” I said, as my heart raced in my chest.

“Dylan, wait” he called after me, but I couldn’t wait. I needed air. I needed to get out of this place, and I darted through the crowd as Myers called after me.

What the fuck had I just done?



How much do I have to pay to ensure this series has at least 10 parts? 🥵

Aaron C.

Definitely need the next part sooner then Monday lol