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Just one more after this, I promise... 

All characters are consenting adults (18+)

Nothing felt real.

Everything around us, from the great tall trees, and the scarpering squirrels, to the calm water and the blistering heat from the sun, it all faded into oblivion, melting around us, disappearing into a whirlwind of passion that was foreign to me.

I watched his rugged jawline below my eyes as he puckered his lips to mine. It was as though time had stood still, and only the two of us existed in that moment. He continued to hold my face in his hand, and every ounce of strength was evident in the way he kept me there. Yet, there was something so soothingly soft about Blake’s touch, that the butterflies in my stomach exploded in a flurry of excitement, until finally, I kissed him back.

“I was beginning to think I’d offended you” he whispered, a smile on his face, as he pulled back just an inch. “Have I?”

I couldn’t speak. Nobody had ever kissed me before. I was the shy kid back in school. The loner. The nerd. The unkissable, and now I’d just shared a moment with a man who was so painfully beautiful, that I felt like crying.

“No” I managed, and he looked down between us to find my cock stiff in the water.

“I can see that now” he grinned.

I desperately wanted more. I wanted him to kiss me again, or grab my dick, or bend me right into the water and fuck me until I drowned! I wanted every part of his body. I wanted his mind, his body and his spirit all at once, and yet I stood there, dazed and excited, and watched as he backed into the water and used his perfectly perfect bare foot to kick some of it into my face.

“What’s wrong?” He beamed, clasping his hands behind his head and floating away on his back, as his beautiful cock and balls rose to the surface of the water, and teased me from afar.

I wiped the water from my eyes, and avoided wiping his taste from my lips. I’d keep it there forever, if I could.

“Did I shock you, Aaron?” He called, still floating with such utter nonchalance that I couldn’t help but smile.

“A little”.

“Oh you poor thing” he teased, “should I kiss you better?”

“You should”.

“Well why don’t you come over here and let me?”

Another jolt of excitement buzzed through me, and I scrambled through the water, far less elegant than he had. Yet, the closer I got to him, the further he got away, until I watched as he walked, dripping and naked, back onto land, and picked up the piles of clothing.

“What are you doing?” I called, rubbing my eyes.

“Playing” he replied, and jogged off with the clothes under his arm.

“Blake!” I called, and heard him laugh as he disappeared further up the track, “Blake!”

I reached land and covered my junk as I stood there, baking under the sun. Had I not been with him, I would have panicked, but something told me that Blake wasn’t the type to torture me, so I sheepishly followed.

“Blake, come on, man!” I called, not seeing him anywhere, “my dick’s gonna burn off!”

A whistle sounded, and I stopped dead and turned to my left. Just like everywhere else, my surroundings reminded me of a fairytale. Small trees created something of an archway, and I ducked under and noticed the wet footprints in the dirt.

“You’re pretty shit at hide and seek!” I called, but only the birds in the trees responded. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”.

In the distance, I could hear the sound of flowing water. The further I walked, the louder it became, until just as I turned a corner, Blake jumped out in front of me, and grinned.

“What took you so long?” He said, and I could hear the excitement in his voice. “Come on!”

He grabbed my hand, and the feeling of his fingers intertwining with mine, made my heart soar. He dragged me through more trees, and further again until we came out above the lake, and a gushing waterfall poured down around us.

“It’s amazing, huh?” He said, as we stood inside it, almost deafened by the sound. I had to admit, other than Blake, it was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen.

“How did you find this place?” I asked in awe, as I looked around.

“The same way I found you” he replied, and spun me around to him. “Luck”.

For the second time, Blake kissed me, but it was no ordinary kiss. His lips parted mine, and his tongue eased into my mouth until I returned the favour. He held me so delicately, yet the bulging muscle in his body tensed as he did. For the first time in my life, I felt so utterly content and safe, that nothing or nobody bothered me.

His hand trailed down my back. He was warm, and his touch tingled as he reached my waist and slipped around between my legs. I’d imagined this moment more time than I could count. The first time in my life being touched by a man. I took a sharp breath as his fingers teased my hard cock, and felt every inch of my body tremble.

“You’re nervous” he whispered, barely breaking the kiss, and leaving a silver string of saliva between our lips.

“A little” I replied, shakily.

“Once upon a time” he breathed, and turned me away from him, before placing his powerful hands over my shoulders and leaning against me. “There was a young man named Aaron”.

“What are you doing?” I laughed, looking through the crystal waterfall and down onto the lake where I’d had the most magical moment of my life.

“Aaron was a very, very handsome young man” he continued, his voice so low and soft that had the circumstances been different, I could have fallen asleep to it. “But Aaron couldn’t see that, so then another young man arrived, and this young man could see it, so he waited and waited, and waited again for Aaron to approach him, but Aaron never did”.

I wasn’t laughing anymore. My heart felt full as he held me and spoke so softly. I listened, and stared into nothingness.

“So the other young man had to make Aaron see how very perfect he was, and do you know how he did that?”

Part of me felt like crying. I took a breath and shook my head, then gasped as he reached over my shoulder and pointed at the waterfall right in front of us.

“He opened Aaron’s eyes”.

As I stared at the waterfall, I saw the reflection. Naked, glistening, happy, handsome. I stood there and watched myself, and a tear dripped down my cheek.

“You’ve nothing to be nervous about with me, Aaron” he said, “now hurry up and kiss me, you’re driving me crazy!

It was my turn now. I spun back around and grabbed the man’s face in both hands. I plunged my tongue into his mouth, and he wrapped my legs around his thick waist. My cock pressed against his abs, and his one began to grown between my ass.

“That’s more like it” he grinned, and pushed my back against the rock wall, forcing his tongue deeper into my mouth as I moaned.

The whole thing felt like a scene from a movie. This wasn’t the type of thing to happen to me. I was a nobody, and Blake was this handsome, confident heartthrob, who I had no business kissing like this! And yet, it was happening, and in the space of just a few minutes, I had become the happiest person on the planet.

“Wait” I gasped, and he leaned back, watching me with his beautiful blue eyes. “Is this… I mean, are we… Are you…”

“Yes” he smiled, and I felt like melting all over again, “but before we get into all of that, let me ask you a question”.

I stood back on the ground and for the first time ever, I wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed of standing before him naked and aroused. I let my hard cock stick out, and he noticed my newfound confidence and winked at me.

“Is this what you want?” He asked.

Was he serious? This was everything that I had ever dreamed off, on crack! Of course this was what I wanted. I could think of absolutely nothing in the world that I wanted more than this.


“No” he breathed, “I mean this, here, now, us”.

I looked down at his cock. It was so perfect that I wanted to jump to my knees and swallow it entirely. It was throbbing softly, just waiting for him to give the go ahead to stiffen to the size of a beer can.

“Are you asking me if I wanted to have sex with you, Blake?”.

He continued to stare at me. There was something magical about his eyes, because every time he gave me that look, my heart threatened to explode.

“That’s exactly what I’m asking you, Aaron”.

I closed the gap between us and allowed our cocks to press together. “Well then” I whispered, and brushed my lips to his, “I can think of nothing better”.


Marco Sario

It would be a crime not to add at least another chapter. Don’t leave us hanging like this


I didn’t expect Gym Showers story to turn into this 💜 loving it