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All characters are consenting adults (18+)

I watched him concentrate. He was cute like that, with his nose scrunched, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes narrowed. His pupils darted back and forth as he followed the action on screen. Sometimes his mouth opened, like he was about to say something, only to close again when the scene ended. How could he make watching television so attractive? Then again, Mason Creevey possessed the ability to turn the most mundane activities into mouthwatering masterpieces. He adjusted his arm over me, and caught me looking.

“Have you just been staring at me this whole time?” He asked, unable to hide the slight curl on his lip.

“Would that be weird?”

He thought about it and shook his perfect head.

“Then yes, I have”.

He did that hearty laugh where his pecs bounced and warm breath shot from his nostrils. Even his nostrils were beautiful.

I’d yet to work out how I’d fallen so deeply in love with a man that I hardly knew. Yet, it wasn’t a question in my mind anymore. Before now, I had certainly wondered if the painfully strong feelings that I had for Mason were indeed the feelings of love. Was my frantic heart, which thundered like a booming drum at the mere sight of him, love? Was the sweat that pooled in the palms of my hands, under my arms, across my forehead and down my pants, love? Were the butterflies, which felt more like crows, which turned to elephants and stampeded through my stomach, love? I had decided, when Mason put his lips to mine, and held me tight with his strong arms, that it was love, and being in love felt like a car that was speeding out of control, and nothing or nobody could do anything to stop it, and so I stopped trying to stop it, and now I sat in the passenger seat whilst we hurtled toward certain destruction, and decided to simply enjoy the journey.

“We should go to bed” I said, and I prayed that Mason knew what I meant, because I didn’t want to go to bed to sleep. I didn’t want this magical day to come to an end, but I did want to do what he had promised he would do.

He turned the television off and we walked naked through the house. I had already decided that if ever we were to live together, clothes would exist only for the purposes of going outside. Unless outside was to the yard, in which case, I would much prefer to watch him lay under the sun as naked as he was now.

The bedroom was crisp from the cool night air that blew through the open window. The moonlight was the only source of light that we required, and it lay across the bed in streaks. Mason closed the door, though I wasn’t sure why. Nobody would disturb us tonight.

“Do you have condoms?” He asked.

No, and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you, because I don’t want there to be anything in the world between us tonight. I want to feel you cum in me, over and over and over again.

“Damn, no” I sighed, feigning disappointment, and when Mason scratched the back of his neck, I said “I don’t mind if you don’t”.

He watched me for a moment, as though trying to decide if I was worth cumming in. That’s what it felt like, anyway, until he pushed his finger against my chest. It was like an invisible string dragged my chin downwards, and I stared at his fingertip against my flesh, pushing and pushing until my back pressed against the cold wall.

“You’re shy” he said, holding me in place with only a single digit. He smiled, though there was something else behind his eyes.

“Am I?”

Mason kissed me on the cheek. A peck. A you’re cute when you’re shy kiss. A kiss that made me feel like I was a little boy and he was my protector. Not a hot kiss. Not a sexual kiss. Just a peck.

I scowled. Mason let out a laugh.

“You’re cute when you’re angry, too” he told me, as though my thoughts had mingled with his ones and become audible.

“I’m not angry”.

“Then why the long face?”

“Because I want you to fuck me” I said, finding more confidence by the second. “I want you to fuck me, not kiss me on the cheek”.

“Then show me” he whispered.

Tingles shivered up my naked body. Mason wanted me to prove it to him. He wanted me to show him that I wasn’t just some shy, angry, cute little nobody from school. That, in fact, I was a confident, sexual, feisty young man, and tonight, I was all for him.

I gripped his cock and squeezed it gently. Enough to make him gasp, but not to hurt him. Hurting Mason felt like a crime. He looked down at it, then back at me and then he smiled. He put his hands either side of my head, trapping me between him and the wall, as though I’d ever want to escape, anyway, and lowered his head as I massaged him to erection.

He took heavy breaths that washed over my chest. Each warm breeze fought with the coldness in the bedroom, like a safety blanket that was being draped over me with every exhale. Feeling him throb in my hand was becoming my newest favourite hobby. Feeling the pre-cum leak from him and spread across my palm was also a firm favourite, but when we kissed again, and the kiss turned aggressive, I knew that my real interest, lay on his lips.

He moved me with ease. The room spun around us as Mason pulled me toward the bed, his tongue sliding into my mouth, and my hand still wrapped around his manhood. He shoved me backwards, and I hit the soft mattress with a bounce and sat up on my elbows as he stared down at me. Greed in his eyes. Greed on his face. Greed in every twitch of his rod.

“Say it” he said, straddling the bed and crawling toward me, like a lion hunting at night. Like a predator who had chased it’s prey for so long that the poor animal could do nothing more than lay there, exposed and helpless, whilst watching the beast approach.

“Fuck me” I breathed.

“Say it again”.

“Fuck me”

“Say it the way you’ve been saying it in your head since the very first day you saw me”.

My cock poured. I’d been honest with Mason this evening, but up until now, he had no idea how very badly I wanted him. Up until now, perhaps I was the shy little nobody from school, but when I spoke, that image of me exploded like a shattered mirror, and sent my innocence hurtling through the bedroom.

“Shove your cock in me!” I moaned, “fuck me so hard that it hurts us both. Fuck me until I can’t breathe. Fuck me like I’m nothing, and everything, and… And…”

Mason grabbed me. His strong hands pushed my legs back, and suddenly he was gone, and my eyes were rolling into the back of my head, and the tongue that had been in my mouth just moments ago, was now in me again, but this time it was in my hole. My fingers found his hair, so soft and warm, and I ran it through my hands as he forced feelings of surreal pleasure through my intimate areas. Wet, long, deliberate strokes threatened to send me over the edge. He licked it, swirled his tongue around the sensitive rim, then kissed it like he’d kissed me. Soft at first, gentle. Then less so. He plunged deeper, then faster, then slower. He sucked my virgin opening, and inhaled it with deep breaths. He pushed a finger into me, twisted it and spread me apart as I mewled like a dog in heat. He took it out, pushed his tongue back in, then added the finger again. He fingered me and rimmed me in unison. He added a second finger, then removed it, then reinserted it. My brain screamed and my body gave up trying to make sense of how so much pleasure could be derived from a single human being.

The burn was the nicest pain I’d ever felt. So nice, in fact, that I wanted it to hurt more. I wanted the burn to make me whimper. I wanted to feel all the feelings that I could possibly feel for him. I wanted him to hurt me, and love me, and excite me, and soothe me. I wanted him to fuck me so hard that he frightened me. Then kiss me so softly that he calmed me. Mason fucked me with his fingers and licked my twitching cock. He used his free hand to stroke me, and took me into his mouth. I moaned out, and decided that if an orgasm should happen, then I would let it, because how could I deny myself such a reward? And should I orgasm, then I would still allow him to fuck me, even in my post-orgasm state, because I was Mason’s to use as he saw fit, and I wondered if that would make a good wedding vow, or if the church would frown upon such vulgarities in the house of the lord?

“I’m gonna’ fuck you now, Matty” he told me.

He pushed his legs against the back of mine. Pinning me, so that even if I decided to stop, I couldn’t. Would I ever decide such a thing? Having dreamt of it for so long, I couldn’t imagine a single thing in the world that would make me back out now. His thumb slipped into me. He pressed down on the bed of my rectum, prying me open as I squirmed.

“You’re sure?” He asked.

I nodded, because if I tried to speak, my voice would be two pitches too high and he’d laugh.

Mason took himself into his free hand. He held his weapon and stroked it slowly as he continued to use his fingers in me. It was the most intense form of invasion to exist. I lay naked for him, spread open, offering up parts of my body that rarely saw the light of day. He was in me now, physically and mentally, and when he pulled out his fingers and replaced them with his cock, I bit down on my lip and pushed my shoulders back into the mattress.

“If it hurts too much just tell me” he said, his cock ready to push inside me. I wrapped my legs around his naked hips and drove him into me, and the pain was as beautiful as everything I had ever wanted it to be.

Like a greyhound off the mark, Mason began. He plunged his rod into my bowels, sending explosions of pleasure through my insides. He kept his eyes on my cock and balls as he did it, and I wondered what he was thinking, or if he was thinking. Did he look down at my manhood with fondness? Perhaps he thought it was cute. I didn’t care. Not now.

I moaned, and then he moaned, and then we both moaned together. This was it. This was what everybody spoke about with such excitement. Sex. The most magical thing in the world for anybody who hadn’t had it. Though, I was realising that sex was the most magical thing in the world, if you were having it with Mason Creevey.

“Are you okay?” He asked, and the words sounded difficult to say as he piston-fucked me.

I gave a nod. There was no non-verbal way of telling him just how very okay I actually was.

Mason took my left leg and moved it across his body so I lay on my side. His cock remained in place, and he pressed down on the side of my ass with both hands as he pumped. It seemed easier like this for him, and now every stroke was twice as fast as it had been.

My back arched and the pillow that had been so very unimportant in my life, now became the thing that I squeezed as cum gushed from my cock and squirted between my thighs like a warm river of lust.

His strokes were so deep and fast that I wondered if my insides had indeed been rearranged. Then he slowed down, his cock twitched in me. His muscular arms began to buckle as they held me in place. He was cumming, and his cum was shooting so deep inside me that I was certain it would remain there forever. Warm, wet, ropes of seed merged with my very DNA, and then it was over and Mason looked down at me through the darkness.

“Was that too quick?” He asked, as though by my answering yes, he’d suddenly be able to keep going. But, it wasn’t too quick. It was perfect. Maybe even too perfect. So perfect that whilst his cock softened between the aching ring of my used hole, I considered asking him to stay there now, and tonight, and perhaps forever if we could get away with it.

“It was perfect”.