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All characters are 18+

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 will be posted in 1 hour! 

Triggers: Bullying.

Dane Masterson wasn't just a jock asshole. He was the jock asshole. I don't even need to describe him, much. You already know the type. Blond hair, beefy as fuck, arrogant, cocky, and of course, rich. His family owned some high profile business, and the Mastersons controlled half the god damn city.

One would think that because my dad worked for his dad, that perhaps we'd have something in common. Something to bond over. But no, Dane hated my guts, just like he hated everybody else's guts, except the morons in his little circle jerk.

Kyle, Marcus and Lee were oddly diverse for someone as shitty as Dane. Though, Kyle was just like him, with darker features, darker hair, and a darker personality, too. Marcus was a six foot four basketball player, and Lee once threw a teacher over a wall. There was nothing even remotely redeemable about them, except for the fact that they were the hottest guys on the planet.

I'm not even exaggerating. It baffled me how four people could be so fucking handsome, but here we were. Each of them, in their own special ways, could have had any man or woman in the city, and they all knew it, too.

Naturally, they all had girlfriends who were equally as beautiful, so the vast majority of us could do nothing but fantasise about them. Well, that was the case, until I found myself upside down, with my entire head being dunked into a filthy toilet bowl.

"Having fun, Theodore?!" Marcus guffawed, as the four of them released me, and I crawled out from the cubical, covered in piss and toilet water.

Nobody called me Theodore except my mom and dad. I hated my name, but I hated it more when people used the full version, instead of the slightly cooler version that I'd been using since I was five. Theo.

"Don't forget your glasses, Theodore" Lee snorted, and spat on the lenses before shoving them back onto my face.

"And don't forget your wedgie, Theodore" Kyle added, and I winced as the fabric of my briefs shot up between my ass cheeks, and my feet left the floor until they ripped.

"And don't forget your... I don't know" Dane cackled, "don't forget this, Theodore".

As I stumbled blindly, trying to pull a wedgie out of my ass and fumbling with my wet glasses and piss drenched hair, my pants shot down to my ankles, and the four young men howled with laughter as they left the bathroom.

"Fucking assholes" I growled, pulling them back up and splashing my face with water, "complete fucking assholes".

This treatment was nothing new. Sure, I was a bit nerdy, but they'd been picking on me for as long as I could remember. I was used to it now, and although it was gross, painful and humiliating, it was simply part of day to day life, and so I fixed myself up and headed for class.

"Fuck those douchebags" Louis told me in math class, "only a few more months and you'll never have to see them again".

"That can't come quick enough" I mumbled, and it was true. We were all eighteen now, which meant that high school was finally coming to an end. I could almost taste the freedom, but I still had three more months of enduring them to go.

Louis was my best friend. He wasn't cool by any stretch of the imagination, but neither was I, so I guess we were destined to be friends. On top of that, Louis was the only person in the world who knew that I was gay.

"I bet you'd still bone them, though, huh?" He sniggered, and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

It was true, of course. I'd take every wedgie and swirly that they wanted to give me, and I'd come back for more, just to see one of those dipshits naked. It was pathetic, I know, but I couldn't help it. I was obsessed with them, and I wasn't the only one, either.

As I lay in bed that night, my mind raced with thoughts of them. I think I was attracted to Dane the most. Everything about him was fucking perfect, except his shitty personality. I tried to imagine what he'd look like naked, and even pulled up his Instagram to find his most recent topless photos, of which there were many. He was a show off, and truth be told, if I had a body like his, I'd show it off, too.

My cock stiffened at the sight. He stood next to his girlfriend on the beach; him with a pair of pink shorts, and her in a bikini. I zoomed in so that she was out of view, and slowly stroked myself as I stared at the individual packs of muscle. God, he was so fucking hot.

It only took me a few minutes before I felt the orgasm build inside me. I pictured him without the shorts, and then imagined him in my room. In my bed. In me.

"Hey champ!"

The door burst open and my dad gawped as I threw the phone into the air, grasped the bedsheets and dragged them up my half naked body.

"Oh deary me!" He cried out, bumping into the doorframe, tripping backwards, but still remaining in the room.

"Jesus, Dad!" I snapped, my face burning beetroot red, "don't you knock!?"

"Yes! Sorry, that's my bad, son. Completely my fault, I do apologise, but remember, Theodore, there is nothing wrong with a young man having some special time with himself. It's totally natural to... You know, play with the one eyed snake". I cringed and squirmed. "In fact, when I was your age –"

"Alright, dad!" I snapped, "I get it".

"I was just going to say, son. When I was your age, I was known to ring the chicken's neck up to five times a day!"

"God, dad!" I groaned, "I really don't wanna know!"

He nodded and picked up my phone, and his eyes widened.

"Oh" was all he said, as my world came crashing down. "Well, at least she's very pretty".

He handed it back to me, and I could have cried with relief as the imagine of Dane's girlfriend in her bikini showed on screen. "Anyway, I just wanted to say goodnight, son" he smiled, and with those words, my embarrassing father went to bed.

I sighed and looked down at my soft dick under the sheets. It was nothing to be proud of, but what did that matter, anyway? It wasn't like I had queues of people lining up to see it. I turned off my phone, rolled over in bed and eventually fell asleep.

The alarm came too early, and when I opened my stinging eyes, I did what I always did first thing in the morning. I grabbed my phone and checked the cameras.

Other than thinking about Dane and his friends naked, my second favourite hobby was birdwatching. That's how nerdy I was, but I didn't care. I'd gotten five tiny cameras for my birthday last year, and had them set up in the back yard so that I had the perfect view of every tree.

I watched each one for a while, but the weather wasn't on my side, and just as I sat up to get ready for school, I noticed it.

Right in the corner, my neighbour stood at the end of his yard with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. Hank was the same age as my dad, and our families got on pretty well. I watched him for a moment, as he stretched, and then my eyes widened.

He reached inside his pants and stole a glance back at his house before pulling a short but thick cock from the waistband. I gawped as he slowly began to stroke it, and couldn't believe my eyes when he got hard.

I considered turning the cameras off and removing them as soon as I could, but instead, I watched as Hank jerked off. I frantically turned the sound up, and listened as he grunted and gasped, and just as he looked as though he was about to cum, his wife called him from inside the house.

"Fuck it" he growled, and stuffed his twitching erection back into his pants, "coming honey" he called, but she didn't hear the part he added under his breath; "or I was about to, anyway".

As I sat there staring at the empty screen, an idea hit me that would change everything. If Hank hadn't seen the hidden camera right in front of him, then it was quite possible that other people wouldn't see them, either.

My heart began to race faster as the possibilities flooded my brain. Perhaps it was time to get some revenge on Dane and his pack of douchebags, and maybe by doing so, I'd finally see my fantasies come true.


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