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The Bigot - Part 2 will be posted next week, along with some follow ups from stories this week, and a few more part 2s that you guys have been wanting! So stay tuned ;)

All characters are 18+

There were few places on the planet more terrifying than the gym. Everything about it intimidated me, from the muscular fridge-like man at the desk, who wore clothing too small, and had a permanent scowl on his face, to the confusing machines that I refused to use for fear of embarrassment, and the countless self-proclaimed ‘gym bunnies’ who frequented the place.

In fact, I would have preferred to remain a skinny eighteen year old kid, than enter that place, but I wasn’t doing it for me.

I was going to college in just a few months, and I was the only virgin I knew. It had plagued me for as long as I could remember, and even more so when all of my friends began having sex. I lied about it at first, and told stories of chicks I’d met on vacation, but the older we got, the less believable my stories became.

I didn’t know how long a guy was supposed to last in bed? I didn’t know what or where a clitoris was, and I certainly didn’t know the mechanics of a female orgasm. My friends began to suspect it, but I was the only one who actually knew the truth.

I wasn’t a bad looking guy. In fact, according to most girls I’d spoken to, I was pretty damn cute. My problem? I wasn’t a big, macho, tough guy like all the popular dudes. My other problem? I was completely, utterly and hopelessly gay.

At first I refused to believe it. How could I be gay? I mean, I didn’t even know any other gay guys. I didn’t want it, I didn’t need it, and I certainly didn’t like it. Being gay felt like a curse, and a very lonely curse at that.

Sure, I had a pretty supportive family, and all of my friends were cool guys, but how could I ever tell them something so humiliating? Hey mom, I’ve been fantasising about dick for as long as I can remember! I hated it, and I hated it even more now that I was months away from starting college as the only virgin on campus.

So that’s what led me to the gym. Despite the fact that I was entirely sure that if a female did decide to help me in my endeavour to have sex, my dick would remain as soft as a wet pool noodle, I had to give it a shot. If I became some hot, Hulk-like bad boy, then surely people would just assume that I’d had sex. Right?

I walked in and sheepishly paid for a month’s subscription. The gym owner looked me up and down as though he wanted to rip my head off and drink my blood, and leaned over the desk for a better look.

“You’re pretty small” he said, as though that wasn’t completely fucking obvious. “You sure you’re up for this? I’ve got monsters in this gym, bro”.

He looked to be in his late twenties, and was exactly what you’d expect a gym owner to look like. He wore a snap back cap, a sleeveless vest, and a pair of shorts that looked as though they’d been painted onto him.

“Um… Yeah” I replied, my cheeks burning as I tried to convince both him and myself that I was telling the truth.

“Alright” he shrugged, “but maybe you should stick to the treadmill or something”.

Maybe you should mind your own business. Is what I wanted to say, but I simply sighed and walked toward the sound of irritating house music, and weights hitting the floor.

It wasn’t a particularly big gym, but it was the only one within walking distance of my house. I took the stairs up, waited outside until my heart slowed slightly, and pushed inside. Instantly, I regretted my decision.

The entire gym was packed with people. One man looked so large that I had no idea how his skin hadn’t split. Another, had turned a dark shade of purple as he lifted a barbell that was actually bending in the middle, and everybody else was sweating profusely as they did whatever it was they were doing.

I froze in place and considered turning on my heel and running out, and when I looked over to find only two treadmills, both of them occupied by extremely athletic looking women, I decided to do just that.

I spun around, rushed back toward the door, and instead, crashed straight into a man who felt like a brick wall. I stumbled backwards, tripped over my own feet, and landed flat on my back. Why, oh why, did it always happen to me?

I waited for a telling off, at best. Surely, running into a gym bro as I frantically tried to escape this hell, was up there with the most disrespectful thing I could have possibly done. Perhaps he’d hit me for being a dipshit. Perhaps I’d hit myself for being a dipshit. I cringed as I lay there, and then watched as his shadow fell over me.

“Sorry, man” came a voice, and I watched as the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my life, extended an arm that looked similar to a tree trunk in size. I leaned up on my elbows, and placed my hand in his, and when he squeezed and dragged me to my feet, I was sure that my shoulder had been dislocated.

“Are you okay?” He asked, and for a moment, words refused to form in my mouth.

He was glorious to behold. His eyes were larger than any I’d seen before, and sparkled blue as I stared into them. His golden hair was messy, damp and wavy, and when he raised a brow and revealed his pearly teeth, I almost fainted.

“No… I mean, yeah… I’m good, or… I’m fine. I’m okay… It was um… It was my fault”.

The entire sentence needed to be recalled, rechecked and sent again, but it was too late. God, I was such a fucking moron.

“Kai” he chuckled, and I realised that my hand was still in his, “nice to meet you”.

“Kai” I repeated, trying to grasp the fact that a literal fucking Adonis felt that it was ‘nice’ to meet me.

“Your name’s Kai, too?” He said, cocking a brow, “I’m the only guy I know called Kai” he added with a laugh, and now I’d gone and put my fucking foot in it again.

This was why I’d be a virgin for the rest of my life. Not because I wasn’t somewhat cute. Not because I didn’t have the body of a Roman god, but because my brain turned to jelly every time I spoke to anybody even remotely attractive. However, I had to give myself some credit. Kai wasn’t just remotely attractive, he was stunning.

“Yeah” I nodded, because I simply couldn’t fuck up anything else. “Kai”

“Sweet, bro” he grinned, “name twins, huh?”

I managed a smile that may or may not have looked as though I was in desperate need of a bathroom, and then the door swung open behind him, and the gym owner rushed inside.

“Yo, Luke” he said, walking over to me, “you forgot to sign off on your registration form”.

Kai raised a brow as my whole body squirmed, and I considered running and jumping, head first out the window, and hopefully landing in a trash can where I belonged.

With blazing cheeks, I took the pen and scribbled my real name at the bottom, and the owner disappeared a moment later. I couldn’t look at Kai. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, and then I heard him laugh, and cringed even more.

“Kai, Luke, same thing, right?” He grinned, and smacked me on the shoulder, “well, enjoy your workout Kai slash Luke”, and with those words, the breathtaking young man strolled over toward the weight section, and got to work.

I stood in no-man’s land and wondered if I could call it a day. I’d certainly sweat enough, that was for sure, but now the treadmills were free, and truth be told, they were the only things I had some idea how to work. I timidly disappeared toward the corner, and spent the entirety of the hour there.

Honestly, I ended up getting lost in the shitty house music that thumped through the whole building. I was pretty good at running, so I wasn’t even that exhausted by the time I heard a polite cough behind me. I turned back, and my eyes widened when I found Kai standing there.

“It’s your first day, huh?” He asked, but I was too busy staring at the bulging veins in his huge, muscular arms to answer him quick enough. “Everyone starts off over here” he added with a laugh, “but do you mind me suggesting something?”

I slowly shook my head. I refused to speak anymore, for fear that I would once again make a fucking show of myself.

“You’re a pretty lean guy” he said, his eyes fleeting up and down my body, “too much cardio and you’re going to waste away”.

I swallowed and nodded, though I had no idea what any of it meant. Was ‘lean’ some sort of code word for scrawny little bitch? If so, he wasn’t entirely wrong.

“Come on” he told me, and beckoned me to follow with his beautiful, sweaty hand.

With legs like custard, I did my best to walk like an actual human being, and felt my heart explode as he led me toward the weights.

“I um… I don’t think I can… Do them” I mumbled, and he turned and smiled with his perfect fucking teeth and heart melting dimples.

“You gotta start somewhere, right?” He beamed, picking up two dumbbells that were minuscule in comparison to the ones he’d used. “Here, just hold them”.

Kai placed the surprisingly heavy weights into my hands and I clutched them for dear life. Working out alone was bad, but working out whilst a guy like him watched me, made me feel sick. I wasn’t a strong dude. I wasn’t even close to being a strong dude, and now I was going to humiliate myself all over again.

“Look at yourself” he told me, and placed his hands on my shoulders, and turned me toward a full length mirror.

I looked ridiculous standing in front of him. It was almost like I was his puny little shadow, and he was this large, muscular beast behind me. He held me in place and leaned his head close to my ear.

“You look good, man” he whispered, “don’t be so hard on yourself”. With those words, Kai held my forearms and lifted them both up. I struggled slightly, but managed to lift, and so it continued.

“Come on, one more” he said for the fifth time, as sweat dripped down my forehead and my arms shook like brittle leaves.

“I… I can’t!” I groaned, gasping and wincing as I desperately tried to do one more.

“You’ve got this, Luke! Come on, bro. You’re nearly there. Push!”

With one last surge of energy, I lifted the dumbbells and almost cried with relief. Kai grabbed them from my exhausted hands, and I fell back onto a bench.

“Holy shit” I breathed, barely able to keep my eyes open, “that was fucking awesome!”

He stood over me and looked down at me proudly, and it was only then that I realised that Kai’s bulge was inches from my face. Just like every other guy, he wore only a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt. Yet, the fabric around his junk left little to my imagination, and I was almost certain that I could see his freaking helmet through them.

“I come here every day” he told me, “three to five, so come find me and we’ll workout together”.

I almost punched the air. Suddenly, coming to the gym was a much more exciting ordeal than I would have expected. I nodded eagerly, and Kai tussled my sweaty hair.

“You could do with a shower after that” he chuckled, and then sniffed his own armpit, “we both could!”.

He walked off, and I gawped as I stared at his perfectly proportioned bubble butt. Every inch of the young man looked as though it had been chiselled out of marble, but the idea of showering with him, made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Are you coming?” He called back, and how could I possibly say no?

I hated being naked around other people. I was exceptionally modest, and painfully shy at the best of times, but being naked around guys like Kai made me shiver with dread.

“I um… I think I’ll shower later” I said, and whilst I was thinking of something else to add, Kai scoffed.

“Don’t be stupid, man, come on”.

I was out of ideas. I scrambled to my feet, desperately trying to work out an escape route, but a moment later, the two of us stood side by side in the warm, sweaty locker room.

“Are you from around here?” He asked, and nonchalantly dragged his sweat soaked t-shirt over his head, and stood before me like a literal fucking statue.

I tried to keep my eyes on his, but I couldn’t help but gawp in amazement at his incredible physique. Pecs like steel, abs like a washboard, and arms that could crush concrete. I stared at his nipples, at his chest, at his bellybutton, and at all the veins that protruded from him. Holy fucking fuck.

“Hello?” He chuckled, waving his hand, “are you still with me?”

“Yeah” I gulped, “yeah I live just a few blocks away”.

“Sweet” he nodded, and without a word of warning, Kai pulled his shorts down, and my eyes almost popped from my skull.

He continued to speak, but I didn’t hear a word of it. He wore a pair of white briefs, and inside, it looked like he kept an exotic snake coiled up. The entire front of the underwear was stretched around this huge bulge, and I was sure that my mouth would begin to water.

“But my girlfriend says I spend too much time here” he laughed, and stood up, “are you um… Are you showering with your clothes on?”

The mention of the word girlfriend made my heart drop, but it wasn’t like I didn’t expect it. No girl in their right mind would turn down a man like Kai, and even if they did, what chance did a shy, skinny, loser like me have, anyway?

“Oh, right” I said, forcing a laugh, and wishing I could become invisible, just for a moment, whilst I stripped naked.

I fumbled with my wet t-shirt, and cringed as I waited for the comments that I had been so used to growing up. When they didn’t come, I stole a glance at him, but Kai was busy looking through his locker.

I took the opportunity and ripped off the rest of my clothes until I stood there in just my boxer shorts. When Kai looked back, he smiled.

“So” he continued, “are you in high school or college, or what?”

I opened my mouth to answer him, but the words became lodged in my throat as he stripped out of his briefs, and his mammoth cock flopped out and swayed between his meaty thighs. He stood up, stretched his arms above his head, and yawned.

“College is sick” he said, “I started last year, and dude, it’s so much better than high school”.

Why the fuck had speaking become so difficult? I made some unintelligible noise and diverted my eyes from an organ so beautiful that I would dream about it forever. Kai walked naked toward the showers, and without thinking too much about it, I yanked off my boxers, covered my junk, and followed sheepishly.

We were alone. The jets of water shot out and soaked us both, and whilst Kai mindlessly scrubbed his phenomenal body, I stood gingerly, refusing to move my hands.

“Don’t worry” he shrugged, nodding down at me, “it gets easier the longer you do it”.

I wasn’t sure if he was talking about the work out or the nudity, but I was hoping that it was both. I smiled as best I could, and use one hand to rub my own body.

“So, you got a girlfriend?” He asked, and then stopped himself, “or a boyfriend, or whatever” he added, seemingly unbothered.

For whatever reason, hearing the addition of a male possibility made me feel warm inside. Nobody, especially not some gym buff, had ever even considered the fact that I might not be into girls.

“Um… No” I said honestly, “I mean, I’ve had some girlfriends, but none at the moment”.

I don’t know why I said it. I’d never had a girlfriend in my life, but part of me wanted to confirm that I wasn’t some sort of weird gay guy, trying to perv on him. Except, that wasn’t entirely true.

“Yeah, I get you, man” he told me, brushing his hands through his blond hair as his naked body glistened with beads of water. I watched them roll down his muscles and drip from the end of a cock that would play over and over in my mind.

It was at least five inches soft. The same size as my dick, hard! It looked as thick as my wrist, and he was the first guy I’d ever seen who had a foreskin. It covered his helmet, but I could see the opening, where his pink glans poked out. Below, a set of heavy, wrinkled balls hung low, with two plump globes weighing it down. I could think of nothing else but jumping to my knees and desperately begging him for it, but instead, I turned my back and tried to keep myself from having an orgasm right in front of him.

“We’re in an open relationship” he continued, “both of us love sex so much that we couldn’t justify keeping it between us forever”. He laughed, but my ears pricked up. I’d heard about open relationships before. From what I had gathered, that meant that he could essentially fuck whoever he wanted. The only problem, was that he’d never want a guy.

I continued washing and feeling sorry for myself, and waited to hear his bare feet splash across the tiles as he bid farewell and left me to wish I was born a woman, so that he’d grab me right then and there, pin me to the wall and fuck my fucking brains out.


His voice was much closer than it had been, and I froze as his hand rested on my naked shoulder. For a moment, only the sound of breathing and water could be heard, and then Kai whispered, and my heart exploded.

“How about we go somewhere a bit more private?”



This could get interesting...

Steph Walden

And tell me Luke didn’t just spontaneously ejaculate right then.