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Includes 12 total variants:

-Switch variants | CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT Arrow keys (← | →)

-Toggle Jacket | CTRL + UP Arrow Key (↑)

-Toggle Tights | CTRL + DOWN Arrow Key (↓)


Hope this buff turns her into a proper 5-star c:

I tried to do her variants in a different way that helps me save a bit of time+ saving a tiny bit of storage space (maybe?)

You'll see why I prefer this method with the NSFW variants.








really making me want to pull for her now dangit.. Now i'm curious what you'll have cooking for Arlecchino


I was already thinking about pulling her. Now thanks to your amazing work I guess I have no choice. Great work as always!


Wow the multi toggle hits really hard my man. Especially if you want to use the base outfit. Really appreciate the work on this one and like the new multi toggle, shit LUK GUUD! Dat booty and booba jiggle on her n1 is peak btw if you haven't tried. MORE IMPORTANTLY HAZEKER AND HAZEBROS! DID YOU GUYS JUST SEE AZUR PROMILIA!? GENSHIN x PALWORLD WITH WAVES COMBAT, MADE BY AZUR LANE DEVS!?!?!? Yeah I've really enjoyed Genshin but I didn't think Id see something anytime soon that made me think "did Genshin just get replaced?" outside of memes. This is going to be the perfect combo for me so I'm EXCITED AF. Based horni devs too that have been super good to me in all their games (Aether Gazer underrated honestly ngl, esp the new stuff). I'll probably keep playing Genshin, but this is going to be my new JAM. Hoping to see my brothers in THICC there. Even better if it ends up having mods and Daddy Haze is there to bless us with even MORE THICC. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time man so I had to rant a little AAAHHH!


Game seems good But if I plan to mod it, 1st I gotta actually enjoy the game lol 2nd and most important, if the 3DMigoto devs like Silent, Leo... if they also get invested in the game, they'll create the mod importer and all other tools for it.


This is awesome and I love the way the new toggles work. But would there be a way to lock my selection so it doesn't change when I install any future mods that use the same keys? For the previous ones I just change what keys toggle depending on what skins I want to change.