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Guys! Thank you all for your support last month, I hope you liked all the drawings I made and also I hope you continue with me this new month, we are already on December!!!

Again, I've seen a lot of patrons who had to go and it's always a bitter feeling. I know they had their reasons but I kinda feel my art isn't as good or engaging when that happens. You can be sure that I always do my best to share it with you and you are always the first to see all my art but yeah, this kind of things have to happen I guess. 

Oh and I'll continue with some of your suggested characters this month as well as some ideas I had like the other fighting game girls from that poll and other stuff so expect that this December!

So tell me, what was your favourite or favourites drawings from last month?

In the meantime thank you all again and check your messages for the whole pack!!! :D



Man, your art is amazing, so don't ever feel like isn't as good or engaging. Love ya bro.


Muchas gracias, y el que más me gustó este mes es el de Nami