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Thank you all for your support last month and welcome to all new patrons. 

Dicember will be the last month I'll share all 2022 drawings to all my patrons. When January starts I'll make the whole pack available on GUMROAD. Of course this won't affect all of you if you are following me now but just to remind you how things are working.

Also I've seen that since I share all drawings via PM the amount of comments and reactions to the main posts are way lower than before. I suppose that was to be expected, I know most of you never ever comment or react, but if you have the chance please do it, aside for of course having your support, all feedback is great, knowing how much you liked the art or maybe suggestions, even reacting to ther comments as well. I hope this new month things change for the best, I'll try to be more engaging with my posts as well to make things more fun around here. 

Anyway, November pack is added to the yearly folder so check your messages and thank you again you all! Believe me, you make a big difference each month with your pledges in my life. 


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