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From the infamous High Guardian Spice series lol

Nope, I'm not crazy and not sorry for drawing this. I actually like her A LOT XD




I'm willing to give the show a shot. I've seen the first two episodes and yeah it's very fluffy, lowstakes and saccharine to the point of having no edge. I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. If anything, I want to keep going just to see if the supposed mature audiences content warning on the show is because of the LGBT+ stuff (though if it is that's pretty dumb).


There's some blood and swearing here and there, that's why they put that warning screen but I think it didn't needed.


Tampoco es que los personajes tuviera un mal diseño en algunos, como para dibujarle marranadas son aptos


Well, if the show is one big lolcow meme, might as well make the best of it. Content is content, hm? As befits it being low-tier, it's the ""villain"" who's most fun to see and draw.