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Well, this is the big thing I was working on. I mean, it's big for me because I normally don't draw animals so it was very different. 

Alisia Dragoon is a Sega Genesis game developed by Game Arts and Gainax, yes the same guys behind Evangelion. You play as Alisia, a sorceress who is the daughter of a warrior that years ago defeated a powerful cosmic being and send it back to space. Now that thing is back and Alisia is the only one who can stop it and also revenge her father's death at hands of the cult leader. Yeah, pretty basic story :P

Alisia can use magic to shoot down enemies and also 4 creatures with different abilities. The game is pretty good, looks nice and the music is great. A hidden gem that sadly didn't sold well back then but can be considered now a lost classic.

As always with this kind of works, I tried to give an 80's/90's anime vibe with the colors, shading and overall style. Like an official artwork from back then or a magazine ad.

Hope you like it because it was HARD and I'm exhausted haha
