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I love Twilight, I love the Valis game series, so here are both :P




-Love- just how great this makes her legs look. And the torso's quite fine too. Maybe the breast angle is not in perfect alignment with everything, but it's slight enough to be ignored. Perhaps it's a good idea to practice some "setting the boobs right on the torso" studies - a great excuse to draw lots of boobflesh of all sizes, so everyone here would win. Pretty nice, if somewhat simple, metallic-y shading too. Overall, I do like this "old anime" kind of feel to the style, it really suits Twi in particular, and her hairstyle is perfect for it (she's essentially wearing a hime cut in pony form, after all) - doubly so here with the long version, I adore the way her hair looks. As a side bonus, since I realized just how much the mane cast (particularly EqG) feel like magical girls, this kind of has a somewhat similar feel to one. A magical girl warrior sorta thing - I've seen drawings like that and I like them, and this is one of them now.


SUPERLOL = > ☐ < =