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The last drawing of the year...and it has to be with Twilight in it of course ¬w¬

I hope you are having a blast and eating lots of stuff and having so much fun with family and/or friends. Even if you are alone, I hope you all are good and warm tonight UwU

And I know for sure this new year will come with more amazing things for all of us. Thank you so much for being with me :D




She looks like she could be Human Future Twilight


Twi is an amazing thing, and she's really going to be coming a lot in this new year, so there's that already~ Thank you for your congratulations and the lovely way to give them with the picture! Love this Twi. Hope she'll be in the works-of-the-month, you know how~ Either way, thank you again, and wishing you all the best in this coming year, including that you'll keep on producing more works of art such as this!


Wow! Twilight looks amazing, here!