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The first half of the next part of my Prequel fan comic. No vore, but some post-vore funnies and plot. Pages 1 and 2, out of 4. Of page 2, there are two versions because I can't decide which third panel I like better. Maybe you can help me decide??

Also, a bonus pic of Katia in the new outfit she looted from her prey (again). But like the lady says, don't get used to it... She'll be looking for a less-revealing set of clothes at her earliest convenience.




I like version B better. In that one it looks like it's her butt which is keeping her from pulling the pants on, while in version A it more looks like it's her hips which are doing it. Since the previous page is about her being excited to have a big butt it's funny if it just causes a problem right away. I also just like the profile shot. I'll also say splitting up a three-letter word like "fat" on either side of something doesn't look good because it's unbalanced. If only fat had four letters. Comparisons aside, this is great stuff so far.


I prefer the B version myself, something about that side view of her cheeks squishing up from the tight jeans just appeals to me more. :)


The profile shot in B does a better job of showcasing how her body has changed in my opinion, and not just only from her most recent meal but perhaps past ones as well. I also think it emphasizes the movement and effort she is putting into pulling up those pants better. Looks really good so far. The Prelude series is fantastic!

Drages Animations

Missing Sophie so much.. or any big lady dragons..


I personally prefer B version, myself

Austin Arvey

Can't wait to see her disposal scene


I think B is more attractive to look at but A is more humorous. having that extra facial expression helps sell it as a comedic bit. the side view emphasizes the changes to her body more.


I prefer version B. While both are great, I just love the side view pants-pull up.


I agree with the comments, version B just looks best to show her gut and struggle